When Lee and Christa are talking about Omid's love of southern history and she says something about only "old white guys" enjoying it, the look on Lee's face as he raises his hand kills me. I'm not sure if that counts but I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head.
When Lee and Christa are talking about Omid's love of southern history and she says something about only "old white guys" enjoying it, the look on Lee's face as he raises his hand kills me. I'm not sure if that counts but I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head.
Omfg that part had me laughing as hell for a while xPP
"You think you're some tough bitch, don't you? Like nothing can hurt you, but you're just a scared little girl. Get the fuck over it."
OMG I just fell in love with Carley then.
That was fucking awesome. I'm happy Carly finally spoke her mind and stood up for what's right.
Although it was a fucking awesome thing to say, it wasn't the smartest, Lilly wasn't in a good state especially after losing her dad which made her kill Carly. If Carly thought a little bit more she would know to shut up since Lilly is in a shitty position.
Lee: That's Kenny, he just lost his whole family.
Omid: That's sad, when did it happen?
Lee: What time is it?
Omid: About four o'clock.
Lee: Two hours ago.
Christa: How horrible.
lilly: glad to know you think being a killer is smart
Kenny: Hey, if you don't agree with it, we can put everything we got in these bags and put it in a pile marked no hypocrites, and you can use everything else.
lee:whats this?
duck: daddy says its a salt lick or something
clementine: ya but dont lick it, its gross
lee: did you lick it?
clementine:..... I dont know
episode 3
duck: your the greatest detective, and im dick grayson, your ward,
thats robin
Lee:I know who that is.
Kenny's whole "Urban" scene in Ep. 2.
Also when Clementine was talking about Chuck and says "He has candy" I burst into tears at the mere thought of Chuck being a pedo.
I still like the option that lets you go ballistic on Larry in episode 1. Got that, Andy's cry when you leave the farm, and the talking out option when you have to convince Kenny to stop the train.
Kenny's whole "Urban" scene in Ep. 2.
Also when Clementine was talking about Chuck and says "He has candy" I burst into tears at the mere thought of Chuck being a pedo.
Ben's face when Clem says he got some candy too. Hilarious.
That's pretty awesome, I must have missed it.
When Lee and Christa are talking about Omid's love of southern history and she says something about only "old white guys" enjoying it, the look on Lee's face as he raises his hand kills me. I'm not sure if that counts but I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head.
Oh man, I fucking love that scene!
"You think you're some tough bitch, don't you? Like nothing can hurt you, but you're just a scared little girl. Get the fuck over it."
OMG I just fell in love with Carley then.
When she said that, I knew right then and there things weren't going to end well...
yeah, it was sort of like she was insulting a gun by saying that its bullets are just small pieces of metal
...she went out with a bang.
Ain't that the truth.
"Boy. Didn't you hear the bell? Dinner time."
The delivery of that line was perfect along with Andy's creepy half grin.
Omfg that part had me laughing as hell for a while xPP
I would have much rather watched a fist fight between the two.
That was fucking awesome. I'm happy Carly finally spoke her mind and stood up for what's right.
Although it was a fucking awesome thing to say, it wasn't the smartest, Lilly wasn't in a good state especially after losing her dad which made her kill Carly. If Carly thought a little bit more she would know to shut up since Lilly is in a shitty position.
She definitely had some of the best lines though.
That had me cracking up for no apparent reason.
Pretty sure that was Clem.
I do. It was Clem.
...Because it does. Kinda.
Lee: The fuck he did?!
Clem: Swear.
Laughed, despite everything up to that point.
ha ha I love that part too! Clem layered on the cuteness and laughs this episode.
Lee: Like what?
Clem: Like putting a bug on his pillow...
Lee: Did you do that?
And then choosing the silent option
Omid: That's sad, when did it happen?
Lee: What time is it?
Omid: About four o'clock.
Lee: Two hours ago.
Christa: How horrible.
Or something like that.
Lee, you deadpan survivor you.
Kenny: I cracked a window. I sure as hell don't want her out here with us.
I laughed at this bit but man, poor Lilly. Getting treated like a dog on a hot day.
Kenny: Hey, if you don't agree with it, we can put everything we got in these bags and put it in a pile marked no hypocrites, and you can use everything else.
episode 2 in the barn
lee:whats this?
duck: daddy says its a salt lick or something
clementine: ya but dont lick it, its gross
lee: did you lick it?
clementine:..... I dont know
episode 3
duck: your the greatest detective, and im dick grayson, your ward,
thats robin
Lee:I know who that is.
Carley: It's broken...aaand the batteries might be in backwards.
Also when Clementine was talking about Chuck and says "He has candy" I burst into tears at the mere thought of Chuck being a pedo.
That had me cracking up. Clem comes off as a sweet innocent girl but she is evil lol :P
Ben's face when Clem says he got some candy too. Hilarious.