Vista x64?

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
I ran the demo on Vista x64 and want to know if both the full download game and the game on dvd work under 64 bit vista before I order. I am most concerned about the DVD work because I will be playing off the disk most likely


  • edited August 2007
    if the demo ran fine then the whole game should also work fine as the demo includes the whole game

    as far as i know the game does not run off of the dvd for the disc version but uses it to authenticate the game
  • edited August 2007
    It'll work fine, don't worry. I run Vista and the whole season works for me.
    Like patters said, if the demo works, the game usually will.
  • edited March 2009
    patters wrote: »
    if the demo ran fine then the whole game should also work fine as the demo includes the whole game

    as far as i know the game does not run off of the dvd for the disc version but uses it to authenticate the game

    In most cases you are right. If the demo worked then the full version should work also.

    At least that is the way it has worked for me. I run a very nice system myself and it runs Vista X64. I built this computer just for Vista X64.

    Gigabyte Motherboard.
    Intel Core Two Quad (Cheaper One Q6600 I think It Is)
    Antec Tower for good cooling
    850 Watt Power Supply for all 5 fans
    Evga 8800GTS 640 Super over clocked from the factory
    8 Gig of very high preformance Ram
    4- 1 Terabyte hard drives (Raided)
    Very Nice Blue Ray (Lighton)

    I very rarely run into a program or a game that I have a problem with. This is probably the last computer I will build for myself so I wanted it to be a very good one.
  • edited March 2009
    For those interested: it runs without a hitch on Windows 7 x64 (beta) too. Tested with season 2, btw.
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