So shirt sizes.....

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
Emily said she'd be keeping track of how many people asked for XXL sized shirts at Comic-con. So, was the demand great enough? :D


  • edited August 2007
    pffftt this is California.. between this state and Wisconsin our leather thongs could shelter the entire worlds homeless.. and give them spiffy footwear and backpacks to go along with it. You need XXL :P imo but its all a matter of cost to sales I suppose XD
  • edited August 2007
    leather wha? *grossed out twinge*
  • edited August 2007
    leather thong -> small piece of leather (like a string or rope) that goes around your neck. You can hang charms off it.

    aussie thong -> piece of footwear, aka flip-flop.

    and then of course, there's other meanings too :p
  • edited August 2007
    Lol we all flip flops thongs here in good ole usa too :P this is where the term thong came from.. just means a piece of something held on by a string.. which is what a flipflop is :P
    Just think loincloths back in the day.. kinda said hey that might work on our feet!

    etymology dictionaries state
    ""O.E. þwong "thong, narrow strip of leather (used as a cord, band, strip, etc.),"
    As a kind of sandal, first attested 1965; as a kind of bikini briefs, 1990.""

    Ok now that I just got waay to nerdy on this subject... who loves cupcakes?
    (whistles to the sky trying to change subject)
  • edited August 2007
    I could fancy a cupcake right about now actually!
  • edited August 2007
    Yes, XXL for all those biggie size American nerds while the normal size people will use it as parachutes.
  • edited August 2007
    That's just uncalled for.
  • edited August 2007
    Yes, XXL for all those biggie size American nerds while the normal size people will use it as parachutes.

    Using your internet anonymity to it's fullest lengths I see.
  • edited September 2007
    I personally like chunky.. but Im a lover of all!

    Are we still talking about peanut butter?...
    Hmmm lol
  • edited September 2007
    i don't know if you've noticed, but most people who are inside playing these games all day aren't exactly average size. i'm just sayin wheres the fat kid love at?(XXXL or higher)
  • edited September 2007
    freakazoid wrote: »
    i don't know if you've noticed, but most people who are inside playing these games all day aren't exactly average size. i'm just sayin wheres the fat kid love at?(XXXL or higher)

    Well, "average" size has kind of changed. In the latest Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States report, it showed that, the average weight for men aged 20-74 years rose dramatically from 166.3 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002, while the average weight for women the same age increased from 140.2 pounds in 1960 to 164.3 pounds in 2002.

    Don't think that there is no fat kid love. I don't really love people based off of thier weight. It's not like I'm running up to every skinny or overweight person I see squealing in delight....which would be kind of weird. I like to think that I'm more attracted to personalities which, I think, most people really are. Sure, you might go for the hot girl next door but if she turns out to be a royal jerk you're not going to hang out with her much.

    Also, if you notice my icon (which happens to be Dr. Gregory House), he is not the stereotypically hot male. But many women - including myself - are drawn to him because of the gravity of his character. I think this same observance comes into effect with characters like Sam and Max (just to make this post a little more on topic). Normally, not many people can connect with a dog and rabbit detective team. It's just the way that they interact as characters and like human beings that so many people find themselves drawn to the franchise and associating themselves with it as "fans".

    Anyway, sort of back to what I was saying, not all people who play video games are overweight. I tend to think of myself as a gamer but I also think of myself as a runner, a cyclist, an artist, etc...(I'm so full of myself aren't I? :p). I just think it depends on how you balance being a gamer out with the rest of your life. So, while I'm patiently anticipating for Sam and Max: Season Two, I'm also gearing up for the Endurasport Philadelphia Triatholon.
  • edited September 2007
    Here's a thought.. An XXL shirt with Max on the front, looking up at the wearer, saying something like: "Hey, you in the shirt.. You're FAT!"

    Cheers from an Aussie XXL shirt orderer :)

  • edited September 2007
    its all about what they can sell. If they get enough requests.. you will see em. As for me talking about loving chunky it all in jest.. not that I dont like chucky but skinny isnt bad. Wow this is getting personal. Anyway im soo thin stephen kings pie must be in eaten by mine enemies of I shall be destroyed. Ok bad "thinner" reference. Meh
  • edited September 2007
    Kaldire wrote: »
    its all about what they can sell. If they get enough requests.. you will see em. As for me talking about loving chunky it all in jest.. not that I dont like chucky but skinny isnt bad. Wow this is getting personal. Anyway im soo thin stephen kings pie must be in eaten by mine enemies of I shall be destroyed. Ok bad "thinner" reference. Meh

    I enjoyed it. :D

    It doesn't need to get personal, I just like debating the finer points of discussions.
  • edited September 2007
    *looks around*

    So uh....anyone seen Emily? :p
  • edited September 2007
    By the looks of this thread, I don't think the demand is high enough.
  • edited September 2007
    Arrgghhhh! MUST ... HAVE ... XXL!
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