I will never understand the hatred people had for Duck at all. I guess people forget all children are annoying to a certain point. Duck just reminded me of most of the kids I have encountered. He was filled with life and his death was almost heartbreaking.
My thoughts exactly. Even Clementine had her mischievous moments. I think it just became a running joke. Everybody hates Duck.
I will never understand the hatred people had for Duck at all. I guess people forget all children are annoying to a certain point. Duck just reminded me of most of the kids I have encountered. He was filled with life and his death was almost heartbreaking.
even though i didn't hate him, a lot people by default hate immortal children in games and after episode 1 he did seem immortal, i mean that shawn kid could have just died later, it just made duck seem like he could never die but now we know he can he lost his immortal annoying-ness
This whole episode was so emotional i literally cried for an hour from the time i told Kenny i would shoot duck till the end. i was so sucked in to the story that i really felt for these people i have loved duck from the beginning as do i love Clem how could you not they are just kids. between having to kill duck and katjaa killing her self oh and Doug it ripped my heart out i must say telltale well done for making a intensively awesome game i have had every emotion in the game thats why i love this game so much it pulls you in and than rips you apart
My thoughts exactly. Even Clementine had her mischievous moments. I think it just became a running joke. Everybody hates Duck.
even though i didn't hate him, a lot people by default hate immortal children in games and after episode 1 he did seem immortal, i mean that shawn kid could have just died later, it just made duck seem like he could never die but now we know he can he lost his immortal annoying-ness