A new Gabriel Knight game by Telltale is coming?

edited November 2012 in General Chat
As you may know Jane Jensen, had a successful Kickstarter campaign. During her campaing, a "deal" with some company showed up, and allowed her to develop a new "Mystery Game X" along the others planned.

Now, in her last Kickstarter campaign video update she says :
[about Mistery Game X] Unfortunately the publisher still has not announced this title... um... it's a big publisher and they've got a lot of big titles are coming out so it's sort of sitting on the runway in the queue waiting for the p.r. resources to really make this a big deal...uh...
I am pushing for some teaser materials for the csg
(Kickstarter supporters) and i'll let you know how that goes this month.
We are still slated to ship that product in December so in any case won't have a whole lot of time to wait before you're bound to see something about Mistery game x.
Now once it has announced I'm anticipating it's going to be a lot of press about that game so we'll be share saving up our links to interesting press articles with you and posting them in our csc form on our kickstart a page
and will be sure to get some exclusive materials that the normal process not get that we can share with you.
Now this month we are heavily in uh... development of course and i'm gonna be going personally to the studio in San Francisco to do voice-over recording which is always really fun, and I'm looking forward to that.. And a great deal and i'm gonna be sure to take my camera along and get some B-roll that i can share with you exclusively once this game is announced.
Now Bob wants that be a mention that he's already done thirty pieces of music for Mister game X so you can look forward to lots of new Bob's music one second comes out

(sorry for the trascription, I'm not english :P)
I'll tell you, now I'll start speculating.
Now, giving that:
• TT is play-testing an upcoming release on 9/9, and thay didn't provided the Title (why?)
• Telltale has entered into an agreement with Activision, current owner of the rights to the classic Sierra On-Line adventure franchises like King's Quest and Gabriel Knight
• The license is BIG, and the press will be heavy, so it's a famous one.
• Jane Jensen has to flight from Pennsylvania till San Francisco, very near to TT offices (as far as I know) to do some voice over (promo-trailer?)
• She says:"it's a big publisher and they've got a lot of big titles are coming out"; and giving that some time ago Mrs. Jane Jensen said that "It will be a 3rd person mistery adventure game", there are few BIG adventure publishers that got BIG adventure game titles in queue
• She says: "so it's sort of sitting on the runway in the queue waiting for the p.r. resources to really make this a big deal...uh..."; well we know who has such "queue delay" lately...
And, BTW, the original plan was to tell what Mistery Game X is only after the Kickstarter Campaign ended, on 18 May. Whe know the mess TT had during that month, delaying everything...
• Walking Dead Game will be already finished by December, so resources are free.
• 30 tracks made by Bob: It's a huge game and the publisher must have a top-seller license in their hand, so... which is that big adventure company that uses big licenses... :P
• UPDATE: The game will be episodic.
• UPDATE: The game will be announced just before it's ready to be released... the usual TT way to proceed! :D
So, after all...
Am I still reading too much in to it?
Some kinda Straandlooper deal with mrs Jensen?
I'm positive that Jane Jensen will have another Gabriel Knight.
What I don't know if it will be with Telltale...

What Do You Think?


  • edited September 2012
    If you hear a strange set of voices in the general vicinity of southern California scream "OH SHIT DAMN IT ASS" around the same time Telltale employees read this thread, then it's probably true.

    Otherwise, there's no way to know.
  • edited September 2012
    I seriously doubt that Jane Jensen & Pinkterton have anything going on with Telltale, as it makes no real sense.

    Telltale is a development house at the end of the day, and self publish the things they make. The deal with Straandlooper wasn't just a publishing deal as Telltale loaned their tool and staff to help with the game development.

    Simply put, Telltale are not a big publishing studio. They aren't even a big development studio.

    And another thing, even if Telltale somehow managed to get the rights off Activision for Gabriel Knight, why would they get another studio to make the game?
  • edited September 2012
    From Jane Jensen Forum:
    - Jane Jensen:
    The identity of the publisher -- that's part of an official announcement -- publisher x working with studio y. That needs to be a joint announcement. Also, it would give a strong hint as to what the product is or isn't.

    - fw_k:
    that must be it then.. smile.png
    because i've seen announcements like "publisher A teamed up with studio B / designer XY to work on a further undisclosed project" before.

    - Jane Jensen
    You may be right. ;-)
  • edited September 2012
    I'm picturing someone on the forums who play-tested today, but had to sign a non-disclosure agreement on the game being play-tested, and is now just squirming at reading this and being unable to reply. Isn't torture fun?
  • edited September 2012
    or they're laughing. Laughing. Laughing. What was play-tested was nothing like anyone suspects.
  • edited September 2012
    But Jane has revealed that it is:

    • A 3rd person adventure game

    A dark mystery story of the kind you associate with her and

    • she thinks you will really like it!

    Hardly King's Quest, unless it's Mask of Eternity 2 :guybrush:
  • edited September 2012
    Wishful thinking, still very probable that there will eventually be another GK.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2012
    Ohhh how tantalising. A new Gabriel Knight would really top off what has already been an amazing year for adventure games!
  • edited September 2012
    While I certainly hope it is Gabriel Knight 4, I can't for the life of me imagine it'd be made by/with Telltale. Not when Pinkerton Road Studios exists and is making games of its own. Telltale isn't a publisher, it's a developer who publishes its own games (and Hector, which uses its tools), so I doubt they're who Jane's talking about.

    Besides, it's coming out in December. GK4 that quickly with no-one hearing about it? I don't think so.
  • edited September 2012
    It could be Telltale is the developer and Activision is the publisher. Jane's Pinkerton Road Studios may not be a part of the development, but since it's obviously her franchise (well, technically Activision's) that's why she would offer it to her CSG backers.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm thinking it's Gray Matter 2 or...

    Did you guys see this yet?
    Voting Results

    Moebius is the winner! Here are the final poll results:

    Moebius — 61%

    Gray Matter II — 21.9%

    Anglophile Adventure — 17%

    I would think it would be one of these titles.


    I didn't see this
  • edited September 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    or they're laughing. Laughing. Laughing. What was play-tested was nothing like anyone suspects.

    As someone who has playtested games and then gone onto the internet forums discussing them, I can attest to this. I laugh and then go take a walk to get rid of the urge to respond.
  • edited September 2012
    Has Telltale refuted these rumors?

    Jane was in San Francisco this week. Could she have been visiting Telltale, which is in the Bay Area?
  • edited September 2012
    Telltale hasn't refuted a rumor since they said they weren't going to make a Monkey Island game.

    And then they made a Monkey Island game.
  • edited September 2012
    So you're telling me there's a chance...
  • edited September 2012
    She has a lot on her plate already. I don't see this happening out of the blue.
  • edited September 2012
    Should Telltale be taking on more projects? Fables and King's Quest (and finishing up The Walking Dead) will keep them booked for at least another year.
  • edited September 2012
    Jane could be helping with King's Quest, too, but since the deal was struck in April and Telltale's KQ announcement was last year, I doubt it.
  • edited September 2012
    Couldn't stop her popping round and seeing how things are going with her video-game-equivilent-of-a-baby.
  • edited October 2012
    It is strange that the title of Mystery Game X hasn't been announced yet, and that could coincide with the Walking Dead delays, or it could just be a coincidence. I kinda figured the game would be made by Pinkerton Road and just published by a larger publishing house. It is possible that Telltale is just working as a producer, like they did with Hector, but then why the secrecy?

    At the end of the day I doubt it is Telltale, they've got enough on their plate without adding another game in before the already long awaited Fables and Kings Quest games, but I suppose only time will tell.
  • edited October 2012
    I seriously doubt ActiVision is going to let loose any more Sierra licenses, assuming they're still even going ahead with Telltale's KQ.
  • edited November 2012
    now Jane Jansen says that the game will be episodic, and the strategy used for the release is to give short advice from the announcement to the release.

    It's fair to assume... well, would you like the new Telltale/Jane Jansen game to be Gabriel Knight or King's Quest??? :D
  • edited November 2012
    Episodic gaming has taken off lately so it's no surprise to see Jane Janson doing it.

    It means nothing else though, so don't read too much into it.
  • edited November 2012
    Episodic gaming has taken off lately so it's no surprise to see Jane Janson doing it.

    It means nothing else though, so don't read too much into it.
    And how many "big publisher" that "got a lot of big titles coming out" will support adventure games? And specifically episodic ones? Name it!

    I don't read too much into it, but there's too much to read into. :P
  • edited November 2012
    Since when are Telltale a big publisher?
  • edited November 2012

    I'm not working with Telltale.

    Thread closed to me.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Thread closed to me.
    And, since you created it, I'll oblige. :)
This discussion has been closed.