[Mac graphic glitch] Typed words as blocks on Mac version

edited September 2012 in Game Support
I just downloaded and installed WD on my Mac OS 10.8.1. I am on the new Retina display MacBook Pro. The menus are fine, but once I start a new game, I see just some white and green blocks instead of credits I'm guessing, such as "Tell tale Games present", "episode one", etc. Is this a known issue? It takes away the cinematic impact of the game...


  • edited September 2012
    By the way, I ignored the first few and continued with the game, but all game instructions are affected so I can't. Dialog options are fine though... I hope you know how to fix this; otherwise, I can't play this game.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2012
    Some people mentioned, that toggling to windowed mode and back helps.
    As far as i know that can be done using Command + F on Mac.
  • edited September 2012
    Yes, toggling fullscreen off and then on does fix the issue, but I have to do it each time I run the game. Kind of annoying... I wonder if the issue is with the OS or with the game.
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