TWD storage issue with Xbox360

Hey all. I have an Xbox360 with 2 games on it.

TWD episodes 1-3.

my issue is I have 174MB free space left.

that means not enough HD for Episodes 4 & 5.

do I need to buy and external HD or will a Xbox 360 - 8 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive work?

I notice I have a Cloud storage thing, but that seems to only save "game saves" and not the actual software itself!

any tip's?


  • edited September 2012
    I suggest making sure you don't have enough space before shipping out the cash.

    Delete demos or those free videos you might download. Demos take up large amounts of space (1-2 gigs) and chances are you don't even play them after your first time on it.

    If you're sure there isn't really anything you can delete to free up space then go ahead and buy a USB but I say go buy something like a SanDisk Cruzer. They're fast, decently priced, and pass the Xbox performance test which means they work great if you're using them for Xbox storage. Be sure to plug the USB in the FRONT of the Xbox go to system storage and optimize the USB for your Xbox.

    I notice this reply is...kinda late but I'm still glad if I helped and I'll answer any questions if you have one.
  • edited September 2012
    I suggest making sure you don't have enough space before shipping out the cash.

    Delete demos or those free videos you might download. Demos take up large amounts of space (1-2 gigs) and chances are you don't even play them after your first time on it.

    If you're sure there isn't really anything you can delete to free up space then go ahead and buy a USB but I say go buy something like a SanDisk Cruzer. They're fast, decently priced, and pass the Xbox performance test which means they work great if you're using them for Xbox storage. Be sure to plug the USB in the FRONT of the Xbox go to system storage and optimize the USB for your Xbox.

    This is what I ordered.
    Xbox 360 - 8 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive by SanDisk $11.98 from Amazon

    Ive gone through my Xbox's storage and deleted everthing except Nascar, TWD and the Nextflix app.

    no demos. no preview video's, nothing else..

    the problem I have with deleting Nascar 2012 is because there are 2 patches included and an additional content DL. Plus I play Nascar almost every night so I dont want to delete it!

    I just want to be sure that Flash Drive will store any other games or downloads and not have to buy some expensive new Hard Drive.

    I'll be able to transfer the entire TWD game, EP 1-5 to the flash Drive if I wanted? or the full Nascar game and it'll all work?
  • edited September 2012
    WowMutt wrote: »
    This is what I ordered.
    Xbox 360 - 8 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive by SanDisk $11.98 from Amazon

    Ive gone through my Xbox's storage and deleted everthing except Nascar, TWD and the Nextflix app.

    no demos. no preview video's, nothing else..

    the problem I have with deleting Nascar 2012 is because there are 2 patches included and an additional content DL. Plus I play Nascar almost every night so I dont want to delete it!

    I just want to be sure that Flash Drive will store any other games or downloads and not have to buy some expensive new Hard Drive.

    I'll be able to transfer the entire TWD game, EP 1-5 to the flash Drive if I wanted? or the full Nascar game and it'll all work?

    Yup. You can copy your saves over too to back them up or just have a total of 6 saves. Also that's a nice deal you found since they usually overprice the official Xbox usbs.
  • edited September 2012
    From memory most titles allow storage of the title on USB storage.

    But it has been a while since I used this format. For me once I realised I needed USB storage I also realised this was going to be a continuing problem. I assume you have a 4GB hdd, so it might be time to replace that drive with something of a decent size.
  • edited September 2012
    Yup. You can copy your saves over too to back them up or just have a total of 6 saves. Also that's a nice deal you found since they usually overprice the official Xbox usbs.

    So will the flash drive ONLY save the Saves?? not the actual game itself?

    I still have 2 episodes of TWD i'll have to DL. My Xbox does not have the HD space for them. Maybe im not asking my question properly.

    Example: I find TWD game on Xbox Market place.. I buy all 5 completed episodes.. I choose to DL and play them solely from the flash drive.. is that possible??
  • edited September 2012
    Chickenman wrote: »
    From memory most titles allow storage of the title on USB storage.

    But it has been a while since I used this format. For me once I realised I needed USB storage I also realised this was going to be a continuing problem. I assume you have a 4GB hdd, so it might be time to replace that drive with something of a decent size.

  • edited September 2012
    WowMutt wrote: »

    Example: I find TWD game on Xbox Market place.. I buy all 5 completed episodes.. I choose to DL and play them solely from the flash drive.. is that possible??

    Yup that would work. It works just a like a Xbox hard drive once you plug it in.

    I have 2 usbs one of them holds my arcade games (including The Walking Dead episodes) the other one holds Resident Evil 5.
  • edited September 2012
    Yup that would work. It works just a like a Xbox hard drive once you plug it in.

    I have 2 usbs one of them holds my arcade games (including The Walking Dead episodes) the other one holds Resident Evil 5.

    Thank you very much.. exactly what I needed to know! :)

    *MODS. feel free to delete this thread if needed for HD space! lol*
  • edited May 2013
    Yup that would work. It works just a like a Xbox hard drive once you plug it in.

    I have 2 usbs one of them holds my arcade games (including The Walking Dead episodes) the other one holds Resident Evil 5.

    I only have this game as the Retail Disc on the PS3.
    I had no plan to buy the PS4, but will hate this game unless I know that there is in fact more to it.
    But unfortunately my PS3 has a small Hardrive and I will not be able to afford a bigger Hardrive.
    However, I do have a cheap, 16GB Flash Drive.
    I know that I could've done this on my XBOX, but I trust my PS3 not to break down significantly more, so I bought this game for the PS3 instead-- having been promised by the person at Gamestop that this was the END of the game with no intended sequel.
    Naturally, with this in mind, I HATED!!!!!!!! the ending. But with the hope that there will be a sequel, I can enjoy it again (Much like how I felt at the end of Assassin's Creed III).
    But now that I know there will be a PS4... that means that there will not be a Retail Disc Version for the PS3, and therefor I will be screwed in this sense... as I was completely relying on this being the only one, since it is not titled The Walking Dead Season I.
    Understand, I do not fully trust my XBOX to live nearly as long as my PS3, especially since I had my PS3 fully repaired from what Skyrim did to it:( , and instead bought Skyrim for the 360 with no problems.
    To my point, is there ANY way I can save entire episodes of Season 2 onto my 16GB Flash Drive for my PS3?
    I am aware that the XBOX360 has this capability, but I have never saved a full game onto a Flash Drive and played it that way with my PS3.
    Is there a way??
  • edited May 2013
    If you plan on downloading more games from the XBL store, you should really think about a HDD of a somewhat decent size, continuously buying usb sticks will cost more. But that depends on if and if yes, how many games you want to buy from the store...
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