No Poster / extras with season1 DVD in Sweden



  • edited September 2007
    the question is, how many copies where in the first production run that had no posters. it sure can take some time to read a few hundred or even thousands of email..
  • edited September 2007
    Maybe so but by now the retail sales of Sam & Max Season 1 would be manageable by now, as it's been out for a while. And plus you would of thought they would of had some kind of automated system in place that lets you know that the mail has been received. For all I know my message could be deleted, and I may never actually get the poster.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Hi guys,

    I'll check in with JoWood and see if they have a status update for the poster reships.
  • edited October 2007
    Thank you Emily.:)
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    I'll check in with JoWood and see if they have a status update for the poster reships.
    Appreciate it, thank you! :)
  • edited October 2007
    Sweet, i received my poster yesterday, about 12 days from my mail to JoWood...
  • edited October 2007
    I got mine today. Bit bent cos they sent it in a normal envelope, but tbh it was my postman's fault for jamming it in the letterbox! It looks great on my wall though, so I'm happy.
  • edited October 2007
    Hi, this is my first 'post' on forum and my english is not perfect but I have a question can I get S&M stuff somwhere in EU ?? Shipping isn't cheap and I am going nuts beacause i want max t-shirt.
    BTW in poland our "normal" game edition looks like on the picture
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    I'll check in with JoWood and see if they have a status update for the poster reships.

    Any update Emily?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Yeah, sorry I forgot to post again. They told me they are shipping posters to everyone who has requested them, just not always responding to the emails. I asked them to start sending out an autoresponse to the requests so people would know their emails had been received.
  • edited October 2007
    Thank you Emily. Your the greatest!:D
  • edited October 2008
    Hey there!

    I wonder if they are still sending those posters, because I just purchased the first season of Sam & Max and the poster was missing from the DVD-case.
    So, is it too late already to ask for one?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    I don't know for sure, but if you write to them at the address I posted farther up in the thread, I think they'll still be able to send you one.
  • edited October 2008
    It's because Strong bad hates sweden :-P
  • edited January 2011
    Sorry if bumping this thread after such a long time isn't allowed but I bought Season One today from my local Gamestation (In the UK) and I don't have a poster. The box says 2007 so I'm going to assume it's an early run of the game and, as such, may fit the description for being a run without a poster.

    The problem is JoWooD are in a tiny bit of financial trouble, and I'm wondering if it's now going to be too late to get a poster?

    Thanks for any and all help :)
  • edited January 2011
    Does this offer expire? I have had Sam & Max season one since it was brand new in the stores (Norway) so i think its about 2007 or 2008, cant really remember. That version had no poster.
  • edited January 2011
    Emily wrote: »
    I'm trying to get more info about this. We weren't even aware there was a Swedish version of the game. (Or is it the English version that you purchased in Sweden?)

    To be clear - are the bonus materials (i.e. trailers, behind the scenes video, concept art, etc.) included on the DVD? The only physical thing that should be in there is a poster. I know the box makes it look like there are sheets of concept art included, but those are electronic on the disc. Please let us know if it's just the poster that's missing or if you don't have any extras on the DVD, either.

    There's a poster? I bought mine straight from TellTale's website and I never got that.
  • edited January 2011
    riggs wrote: »
    But even the packaging states there's a poster included! :confused:

    I may complain to JoWood and see what they've got to say (and possibly try and send it back to It's not really a big deal, but still, gotta think about principle!

    Just out of interest, where could I purchase the 'proper' version? I've only just ordered some stuff from Telltale (signed print & teeshirt) and don't really want to pay the shipping charges again...are there any UK suppliers that stock the correct version of the game (ie, different packaging, poster included etc)?

    I ordered straight from TellTale and still didn't get a poster. However, my box didn't promise a poster and I didn't expect one either. No idea why the ones you've got promise something TellTale doesn't offer to come with their own box sets.
  • edited January 2011
    jools33 wrote: »
    I bought the SamnMax DVD today (in Stockholm - Sweden) and was gutted to open it and find no bonus material as promised on the box - so no Steve Purcell goodies. I took it back to the shop (GAME) and got a refund - then tried in EB Games instead - and it was the same story there - none of their copies come with the bonus material - although it is promised on the DVD casing. As its the 1st day of the box versions release in Sweden - perhaps the publishers messed up in some way. What I'd like to know is if there is any intention of launching the game in Europe (or Sweden) with the Bonus material included - if so - how where do I get it from? - and wonder if any other Europeans have similar problems - if so feel free to comment here - so as we can communicate this to Telltale et all.

    Oh, wait, we're talking about Season 1? Nah, I got that in the store and no poster that I remember. Thought we were talking about Season 3. I never bought Season 1 online from TellTale, just at Best Buy retailer's shop. Looking to buy it again though as I've lost the game.
  • edited January 2011
    There's a poster? I bought mine straight from TellTale's website and I never got that.
    That edition wasn't published/distributed by JoWooD, though. The JoWooD (i.e. EU, I believe) version was supposed to come with a poster, but according to some of the posts one of the runs didn't have it.
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