Clementine is leading you to your death..
.. and you're blind to it.
Initially, I thought TellTale's purpose in having Clementine's character was to bring out your paternal side, and to an extent, I still believe this. However, I now believe that Clementine's purpose is a lot darker.
I had my suspicions before, but when we learned of the man on the walkie-talkie who has been misleading Clementine, it confirmed my suspicions: Clementine will lead you to your death.
Now firstly, don't misunderstand me: I am not implying that this is intentional on Clementine's part, I am not implying that she is an evil mastermind, or even that she has any notion of what is happening.
I believe that TellTale have planted Clementine in order to bring your guard down, as a survivalist. There are players on the forum that I believe would follow Clementine blindly out of paternal instinct, and while this may be the "morally right" thing to do, it will eventually kill your Lee.
This makes Clem the most dangerous character in your group. Kenny may be a few fries short of a happy meal right now; Omid, Christa and Chuck may be strangers - but Clem's childlike naivety will go under your danger-radar, and will lead you up sh*t creek without a paddle.
This is obviously up for debate, and I know I will be met with fierce opposition - some, unfortunately will be stubborn refusal - but I hope to have a proper discussion on the matter. My advice would be - trust no-one, not even Clem. Keep your head. Or if you are hellbent on following Clem, by all means do so - but on your head be it.
Initially, I thought TellTale's purpose in having Clementine's character was to bring out your paternal side, and to an extent, I still believe this. However, I now believe that Clementine's purpose is a lot darker.
I had my suspicions before, but when we learned of the man on the walkie-talkie who has been misleading Clementine, it confirmed my suspicions: Clementine will lead you to your death.
Now firstly, don't misunderstand me: I am not implying that this is intentional on Clementine's part, I am not implying that she is an evil mastermind, or even that she has any notion of what is happening.
I believe that TellTale have planted Clementine in order to bring your guard down, as a survivalist. There are players on the forum that I believe would follow Clementine blindly out of paternal instinct, and while this may be the "morally right" thing to do, it will eventually kill your Lee.
This makes Clem the most dangerous character in your group. Kenny may be a few fries short of a happy meal right now; Omid, Christa and Chuck may be strangers - but Clem's childlike naivety will go under your danger-radar, and will lead you up sh*t creek without a paddle.
This is obviously up for debate, and I know I will be met with fierce opposition - some, unfortunately will be stubborn refusal - but I hope to have a proper discussion on the matter. My advice would be - trust no-one, not even Clem. Keep your head. Or if you are hellbent on following Clem, by all means do so - but on your head be it.

This discussion has been closed.
What did you mean by "stubborn refusal"?
It sounds like you mean stubborn refusal to accept your theory is right.
I'm sorry if you misunderstood - by stubborn refusal, I mean point-blank refusing to believe Clementine should be nothing but flawless, without backing your disagreement up with something of substance. I'm more than happy for people to disagree. We're all just speculators.
Spoken like a true survivor.
True, perhaps Lee's nightmare was a foreshadowing. Again, maybe not! But I think for Clementine to come away scott-free would be a missed opportunity for TTG to really test our sense of morality.
That's a fair comment. I mean, it's easy to understand why Clementine would believe the stranger on the radio, and if her parents are at stake, I'm sure she'd do whatever he asked her to do - like keep it from Lee. Either way, I don't think we're in for a happy ending!
It's anyone's guess.
Exactly the point I was trying to make, but you put it a lot better here! When I told Clementine on the train that we should search for a boat in Savannah before her parents and she replied with "You can't tell me what to do.", I was like
Last time I checked, I've saved her life like... at least once an episode.
Morality has many shades of grey that can be rationalized; that seems to be the moral of the story to date. If it's a question of doing something blatantly, disturbingly wrong in order to survive, is it really worth it?
KENNY! Break out the salt-licks, we have another possible danger!
I believe we HAVE had a case of extreme forshadowing before...
*Episode 1*
Lee: Oh pishaw, Duck isn't bitten Larry! If we all work together, we'll ALL make it through this in one piece...
*Episode 3*
Larry's ghost: He isn't bitten, eh? How's that teamwork coming again?
Lee: "..."
Exactly. I didn't flinch when Lee was having that zombie Clem dream and I wouldn't if it happens in awake Lee game mode either.
Agreed. It is getting exciting to start to speculate on what it may be. I think it can go in several directions..that is implicit with the walkie talkie sequence. I just hope it doesn't fall flat.
Precisely. As long as Lee has the caretaker role for her and is making decisions to keep her safe, she needs to do what he says. Permissive parenting styles suck eggs in general but absolutely have no business being in a ZA
Freaky stuff!
Thems fighting words
I think OP's right about people letting there guard down and making dumb choices just for Clem. Look at how many people are willing to make a complete detour to go looking for her parents, who are probably walkers. Watch Christa/Chuck/Omid/Kenny get bit on the little adventure.
After reading your other posts I should of known you'd jump on the chance to put Clem down. I suspect that If you cant get them in the womb then you'll make sure they don't go any further than ten years old.
In the event of a ZA,be careful if you join LadyJ's ZA survivor group. You should be 18+ and castration is a must :eek: children are an inconvenience and wont be tolerated...
LOL LOL now you're cookin' sparky
Seriously, I was surprised that you posted that you would shoot her given your other post. And also, I'm not that radical. I am just a pragmatic survivalist. If there are children in a group that I am a part of, obviously they need to be taken care of. I was just pointing out their weaknesses in terms of survival. Babies are a whole nother ballpark and I DO think that with so many unknowns in the world of TWD, they should be discouraged.
I was being somewhat facetious regarding killing Clem but I do have a dislike for betrayers,traitors and deceivers. I'll wait and see how the walkie talkie situation turns out with Clem...
Ain't no room on this thread fer the two of us.
I agree pregnancies should be discouraged but what can you do if the baby is already there?
Clementine... Amputee...
You do what you can to keep it safe if it's already there. The hard question is if there is an infant in a group that is on the move, whether you send the parents or caretakers and the baby away to keep everyone else safe. Same in my opinion with a pregnant woman. Actually the pregnant woman is slightly riskier because you don't know if the baby will be born a zombie or human or if it is an en utero zombie if it will cause the mother to turn and possibly bite someone else. Too many wrongs in that.
Personally, I wouldn't stay a part of a group with an infant in it unless it was mine. Or a pregnant woman.
oh jesus man this^. Although noone could patch her up probally if she loses arms or legs, we saw this during episode 2 with the bear trap and she probally would just die. still though, scary stuff like that makes it horrifieing.
Yeah. Contraception is going to be as readily available in the Zombie Apocalypse as it is in contemporary Utah. Babies are going to be a factor.
More like what's gonna happen to Omid
Or we'll just leave him
"If his leg gets any worse, we'll have to carry him!"
"Or cut it off." *Pulls out axe*
imo that would be a bit of a 'lame' duck move