Season Two previews dripping in

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
Gotta love that "The Telltale Buzz" section. No new screenshots since these are based on PAX coverage, but some nice bits of info if you read carefully.


  • edited September 2007
    Thanks for those links, Harald!
    It sounds as if they've pulled off how to make Sam walk/run well. I'm glad it isn't an option in the menu, as I want to vary between the two quickly. :)
  • edited September 2007
    Thanks a lot for the hints! Im glad to hear that Sam can run now =)
  • edited September 2007
    By the way, the doll's name is "Boxing Betty" :)
  • edited September 2007
    The Destructoid one raises a good point about the Max hint system: I don't want to be given any hints, but neither do I want to miss out on the extra dialogue. Easy puzzles were one thing, but now it sounds like those that want a challenge are going to be denied parts of the game.
  • edited September 2007
    I'm just going to play through it the first time without hints and then the second with them. That's probably the best solution.
  • edited September 2007
    Then you play it twice, first time with no hints, then replay it with Max's assistance.

    Edit: // shakes fist at Badwolf //
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    I don't want to be given any hints, but neither do I want to miss out on the extra dialogue. Easy puzzles were one thing, but now it sounds like those that want a challenge are going to be denied parts of the game.

    The hints weren't fully implemented when Destructoid saw the game, so they were making an assumption that the dialogue would be funny. ;)

    I mean, it's not unfunny, but it's not stuff I would worry about missing if you have the hints turned off. It's stuff like Max saying "Hey, maybe we should visit Bosco" if there's something you need to see at Bosco's.
  • edited September 2007
    Ok, that puts me at ease :)
  • edited September 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    The hints weren't fully implemented when Destructoid saw the game, so they were making an assumption that the dialogue would be funny. ;)

    I mean, it's not unfunny, but it's not stuff I would worry about missing if you have the hints turned off. It's stuff like Max saying something like "Hey, maybe we should visit Bosco" if there's something you need to see at Bosco's.

    That doesn't matter. I must hear every last drop of dialouge there is to hear. :D
  • edited September 2007
    Nice previews, though it not much most of us didn't know already. I did com across this though.
    The mini-game we saw was a throwback to Punch Out!!, with the leader of the rat gang facing off against a horribly deformed, but cute, doll.
    Most of us know about the boxing but there is more. I think we can safely assume that the Leader of the rat gang is Jimmy Two-Teeth. But in Season one Jimmy was either a Solo-thug or one of the Grunts of the Skinbodies. It would seem Jimmy either started his own gang, or he overthrew the previous leader of the Skinbodies. I'm also hoping that since Jimmy is the Leader, we might see his pal : Benny Three-Knees.
  • edited September 2007
    I don't know, Jimmy usually wears his hat all the time, even when he was a skinbody, and he's not wearing a hat in the boxing screenshot. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing it's not Jimmy.
  • edited September 2007
    hmm I do like hints when im stuck. Its better than looking at the walkthrough. It actually took me a while to relise some stuff in episode 6 so its always great to have him there just in case. But I would only like to hear the hints if I ask for them as I would like to try work it out by myself first
  • edited September 2007
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    The rat in the screenshot is not Jimmy.

    In addition to his association with the Skinbodies, there is also a reference in Culture Shock to Jimmy being a member of the United Brotherhood of Vermin. (I think that's the name?) I've always had the impression that he has connections to many different groups, even if he's usually seen working alone. I mean, come on, he is a lobbiest after all. ;)
  • edited September 2007
    "Benevolent", and I always thought he just made that up. But yes, I think he's the kind of guy that will join any group if he thinks he can get something out of it -and leave just as quickly if it stops being beneficial.
  • edited September 2007
    Right, I forgot about the 'Benevolent Brotherhood of Vermin'. And you are probably right Harald, Jimmy would join anyone if and as long as it is in his interest. Execpt Sam & Max of course, Jimmy has good reasons to stay away from them.

    Stil I do hope we will hear more of Jimmy's friends, like Benny Three-Knees,in Season 2.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Ah yes, Benevolent it is. :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    The rat in the screenshot is not Jimmy.

    In addition to his association with the Skinbodies, there is also a reference in Culture Shock to Jimmy being a member of the United Brotherhood of Vermin. (I think that's the name?) I've always had the impression that he has connections to many different groups, even if he's usually seen working alone. I mean, come on, he is a lobbiest after all. ;)

    Plus in Ep 4, it is said that Jimmy is a lobbyist
  • edited September 2007
    where was Benny Three-knees first mentioned?
  • edited September 2007
    I'm guessing episode 5, on the answering machine, when he's sending Jimmy his plan to get rid of Sam. I've not checked though, so I could be wrong here.
  • edited September 2007
    Adventure Gamers
    This is the first actual hands-on preview, so it has some more information than what we've seen thus far. And it all sounds good.
  • edited September 2007
    Decals for the DeSoto? The Soda Poppers are in it (minor role)? Max wishing for jackets?

    I'm in! :D
  • edited September 2007
    Decals for the DeSoto? The Soda Poppers are in it (minor role)? Max wishing for jackets?

    I'm in! :D

    That goes the same for me! It's also good to hear that the COPS are back and that Jimmy is needed for several puzzels.
  • edited September 2007
    Max wishing for jackets?

    Hopefully somebody's there to sell us some fine leather ones.
  • edited September 2007
    Sounds like this is the episode where they go to
    the arctic or the antarctic
    from the preview.

    sounds interesting too.
    I wonder if it's a playable one, or just pictures.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    It's playable. It covers some very familiar ground, actually, but in the light of it being a tutorial, it feels different. The tutorial is still just a tutorial, though.
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    About the
    And if you "mess up" (or don't do what you are told), Max could say "Just do [something], duffus" just like in the Car-Bomb game in HTR.
  • edited September 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Hopefully somebody's there to sell us some fine leather ones.


    Quite possibly the best Monkey Island running gag ever!
  • edited September 2007
    I think the hint system sounds pretty awesome. Everyone will approach the games differently so being able to set the level of hints you get should please everyone really.. Too easy? turn off hints.. too hard? put the hint level on maximum.. and we won't have to have a 40 page difficulty thread this year too :p
  • edited September 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »

    Quite possibly the best Monkey Island running gag ever!

    Actually, it's an Indy III game joke.

    At the PAX Telltale booth, I got to try the tutorial. It's quite fun. As Jake said, familiar ground, but there is some new stuff that well makes up for it!:)

    And I know the answer to the Max hint, too. ;)

    Man, I loved that convention...
  • edited September 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Hopefully somebody's there to sell us some fine leather ones.

    To keep warm, perhaps Max would be better off in one of these fine feather jackets?
  • edited September 2007
    Just in case you didn't notice, Telltale's pointed out another one.
  • edited September 2007
    It's very interesting to know that they are already writing episode three!
  • edited September 2007
    Also you can get Max to check out things, if the writing in the preview is correct. Now that is a feature I am looking forward to.
  • edited September 2007
    Also you can get Max to check out things, if the writing in the preview is correct. Now that is a feature I am looking forward to.

    I assumed that as a mistype when I read it.
  • edited September 2007
    I laughed at the "headless man from episode 6" line. He was in episode 6 for 2 seconds in the final credits, and appeared much more in episode 4 (albeit not headless for the most part)

    I would have thought they'd have picked up on it.
  • edited September 2007
    I assumed that as a mistype when I read it.

    It could be, it could be not. Which ever case may be, I would like to be able to have Max check things out on his own. Wheter it is done automaticly/randomly by the computer or if Sam "orders" him to do so.

    It would especialy be great if Sam could order Max and after a while Max starts complaining about that but still do it. Something like this(Only better written):
    Sam:"Max, check out this Toaster ."
    Max:"*Grumble* I'll give you something to toast*Grumble*"
    Max arrives at the toaster and gives a Max-like comment on the toaster.
  • edited September 2007
    Looks to be a mistype to me.
    For one, Sam can now run. If you click on an object far away from the Dog Detective, he will run to it as quickly as he can, which saves the user from having to watch him slowly schleping across the room. Of course, if you order Max to check out something just a few paces away, then he will walk as usual

    Emphasis mine.

    It appears they meant "if you order Sam to check something just a few paces away" to me.
  • edited September 2007
    Love the frogs!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    I've been begging for sawdust frogs since day one! So happy to see them in season two.
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