But Clementine did when he arrived... yeah really lol
That just makes Ben's attitude to her even worse. Look at how she stares at Ben when he runs and leves her to get eaten How about using that gun Ben?
You broke her heart and shattered her faith Ben, You bastard!
"I like Ben" Do you Clem, DO YOU?! because he doesn't seem to like YOU that much
these trailers don't mean anything, what if it is the other way round and for some reason Clementine has the gun and leaves ben, or what if ben only leaves her of you are an ass hole to him
these trailers don't mean anything, what if it is the other way round and for some reason Clementine has the gun and leaves ben, or what if ben only leaves her of you are an ass hole to him
Or what if Ben leaves her because you were nice with him?
Ben:"Nothing to worry about,I can do what I want. Lee will be fine and forgive me,again, for this. He thinks I'm just a scared kid that should be handled with kid gloves"
I'm not in the KILL Ben,he must die! camp but I don't believe he should be mollycoddled either.
Or what if Ben leaves her because you were nice with him?
Ben:"Nothing to worry about,I can do what I want. Lee will be fine and forgive me,again, for this. He thinks I'm just a scared kid that should be handled with kid gloves"
I'm not in the KILL Ben,he must die! camp but I don't believe he should be mollycoddled either.
yeah it could be anything, it could even be lee that runs away, and then ben is all like "i thought you told me to step it up, how could you just leave Clementine?"
That just makes Ben's attitude to her even worse. Look at how she stares at Ben when he runs and leves her to get eaten How about using that gun Ben?
You broke her heart and shattered her faith Ben, You bastard!
"I like Ben" Do you Clem, DO YOU?! because he doesn't seem to like YOU that much
I told Clem to be careful around Ben after almost kicking him from the train...so close...almost...anyways, I'm curious to see if my dialogue choice is reflected in that scene.
I think Kenny is most likely to off him because he has good reason to, but I don't actually think he will.
I was thinking there about how many people on here really will be glad to see the kid dead. I'm sure a lot of people are harbouring some major ill-will towards him for what he's caused (me included) but I just don't think many people will sit there and go 'Hah. I'm glad he's just been devoured by walkers/had his brains blown out etc etc'. People hated Duck and wanted him dead (for whatever reasons) and when the time came, the reactions most people had were quite the opposite from the majority of thing I've watched and read.
In games like this I don't particularly think it's nice to see any main characters die (antagonists aside) but if he is going to go, it's gonna be Ken, himself or walkers that do it. I'm still hoping that everyone gets through this but that's just a complete fantasy. This being The Walking Dead and all that.
I don't WANT Ben to die, but he's at the bottom of my priority list. That kid needs some discipline, and we'll have to keep an eye on him from now on. Because of him, we lost the motor inn, Carley/Doug, Kat, and Duck, and another member of our group is now dead inside. Because of him, we have to put Kenny on suicide watch now. He's proved he can't be trusted with anything but his own safety, with the bandit deal, the interrogation outside the RV, and again in the trailer when he leaves Clem.
I felt really bad for killing Larry, and I hated the old fart right up until the last minute but I didn't want him to die. I don't want any of our group to die, never did, but I'm closer to shooting Ben than anyone else. If his actions cause the death of anyone else, as Lee said: "It won't be the walkers you have to worry about."
Walkie Talkie Guy: Hello, Ben. Do you want to play a game?
...remember I have one of your friends with me.You can trust me,I just need you to do a few things for me and you mustn't tell Lee or the others about this.Do you understand?"
Ben:"no problem,I believe you.Now tell me what you want me to do first?"
well i choose walkers but going buy the trailer he left Clem to die surrounded by walkers so if that really happens in the game i will that is my lee will kill that chicken shit pussy for leaving Clem
I firmly believe all of Ben's transgressions could have been avoided if someone had actually given a damn about the kid in the entire week he was with the group.
Totally agree!
It's totally off-topic, but what has Cyreen been banned for? I just came back from a few days working marathon and am surprised... and eager to know...
It's totally off-topic, but what has Cyreen been banned for? I just came back from a few days working marathon and am surprised... and eager to know...
there was a sort of heated argument that turned into something that could be perceived as threatening behaviour
I hope Lee will because I want to kill him before anyone else takes that pleasure. I hope TellTale also implement the option of carving furniture from his bones.
I voted walkers because I'm worried I will get robbed of the satisfaction.
It's totally off-topic, but what has Cyreen been banned for? I just came back from a few days working marathon and am surprised... and eager to know...
WTF, Telltale? No matter what I choose, Cyreen gets banned? Last Telltale forum I ever join!
I went with other. I think Lilly will come back and shoot Ben in the face.
She'll also shoot Christa in the stomach, just in case she's pregnant. She'll shoot Omid's other foot for having the audacity to be uninjured around her. She'll shoot Kenny in the balls for not being as mean as her own dad. She'll shoot Lee in the chest for being the protagonist, then attach a leash to Clem and dance off into the sunset with the guy on the walkie talkie (who will later be shot by her for actually turning out to be a nice guy).
Oh and Cyreen got banned for jokingly threatening comic violence in the "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" thread, but if you ask me, Lilly edited that bit in after Cyreen went to bed.
Hopefully you will get a choice to kill him! Coward like him should get a horrific death, he screwed up. And because of the faggot Carley got killed... It's a really serious screw up if someone dies because of it. And if Lee won't get a chance to kill him, then I hope it will be shown... and it has to be the goriest one yet.
With a gun? She might decide that Ben is a "bad person" for betraying the group, and if you told her that killing doesn't matter, or bad people have to die, she'll take matters into her own hands when she sees no one else acting. She's a child, she really doesn't understand killing yet.
That just makes Ben's attitude to her even worse. Look at how she stares at Ben when he runs and leves her to get eaten
You broke her heart and shattered her faith Ben, You bastard!
"I like Ben" Do you Clem, DO YOU?! because he doesn't seem to like YOU that much
Then we potentially have the same world, friend.
Or what if Ben leaves her because you were nice with him?
Ben:"Nothing to worry about,I can do what I want. Lee will be fine and forgive me,again, for this. He thinks I'm just a scared kid that should be handled with kid gloves"
I'm not in the KILL Ben,he must die! camp but I don't believe he should be mollycoddled either.
yeah it could be anything, it could even be lee that runs away, and then ben is all like "i thought you told me to step it up, how could you just leave Clementine?"
note he looks sad as if ready to punch his own ticket and then suddenly he's off like a rocket..
still leaving clem is strike 2 for me
I told Clem to be careful around Ben after almost kicking him from the train...so close...almost...anyways, I'm curious to see if my dialogue choice is reflected in that scene.
I was thinking there about how many people on here really will be glad to see the kid dead. I'm sure a lot of people are harbouring some major ill-will towards him for what he's caused (me included) but I just don't think many people will sit there and go 'Hah. I'm glad he's just been devoured by walkers/had his brains blown out etc etc'. People hated Duck and wanted him dead (for whatever reasons) and when the time came, the reactions most people had were quite the opposite from the majority of thing I've watched and read.
In games like this I don't particularly think it's nice to see any main characters die (antagonists aside) but if he is going to go, it's gonna be Ken, himself or walkers that do it. I'm still hoping that everyone gets through this but that's just a complete fantasy. This being The Walking Dead and all that.
I felt really bad for killing Larry, and I hated the old fart right up until the last minute but I didn't want him to die. I don't want any of our group to die, never did, but I'm closer to shooting Ben than anyone else. If his actions cause the death of anyone else, as Lee said: "It won't be the walkers you have to worry about."
...remember I have one of your friends with me.You can trust me,I just need you to do a few things for me and you mustn't tell Lee or the others about this.Do you understand?"
Ben:"no problem,I believe you.Now tell me what you want me to do first?"
It's totally off-topic, but what has Cyreen been banned for? I just came back from a few days working marathon and am surprised... and eager to know...
Glad there is someone around with some sense!
there was a sort of heated argument that turned into something that could be perceived as threatening behaviour
I voted walkers because I'm worried I will get robbed of the satisfaction.
WTF, Telltale? No matter what I choose, Cyreen gets banned? Last Telltale forum I ever join!
She'll also shoot Christa in the stomach, just in case she's pregnant. She'll shoot Omid's other foot for having the audacity to be uninjured around her. She'll shoot Kenny in the balls for not being as mean as her own dad. She'll shoot Lee in the chest for being the protagonist, then attach a leash to Clem and dance off into the sunset with the guy on the walkie talkie (who will later be shot by her for actually turning out to be a nice guy).
Oh and Cyreen got banned for jokingly threatening comic violence in the "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" thread, but if you ask me, Lilly edited that bit in after Cyreen went to bed.