Now that Sybil is in Stinky's...

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
Now that Sybil and Abe are dining at Stinky's for what I assume will be the whole episode, what happens to Sybil's shop?


  • edited September 2007
    Closed. She could have the same job but her office would be closed.
  • edited September 2007
    Maybe someone else has taken it over?
  • edited September 2007
    I have a feeling its gonna be closed for the whole season like stinkys was. But thats ok as long as sybill is still in the game
  • edited September 2007
    There was the mystery of the locked closet in Sybil's which wasn't resolved by the end of Season 1, so I think Sybil's will still be open.
  • edited September 2007
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    I have a feeling its gonna be closed for the whole season like stinkys was. But thats ok as long as sybill is still in the game

    So you think Stinky's will replace Sybil's?

    I'm not sure. That'd render the whole left of the neighbourhood useless as there would be Lefty's and Sybil's that are inaccessible.

    Unless Lefty's opens up...
  • edited September 2007
    Whoa, whoa, whoa. No reason to believe there can't be both. Remember what they've said about Season 2: characters move around. There's no reason to believe that Sybil will always be in Stinky's, nor to believe even that Sybil will stay in Stinky's for the entire first episode. ;)
  • edited September 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Whoa, whoa, whoa. No reason to believe there can't be both. Remember what they've said about Season 2: characters move around. There's no reason to believe that Sybil will always be in Stinky's, nor to believe even that Sybil will stay in Stinky's for the entire first episode. ;)

    That'd be a pretty akward date:
    *Sybil peers at pocket camera*
    Abe: What's that?
    Sybil: Oh, just a camera filming the outside of my shop so I can see if anyone goes in there.
    Abe: Right. What happens if someone does go in the-
    Sybil: Be right back! Sam & Max are about to go in.
  • edited September 2007
    Nah, nah. The idea is that she's in the diner for a part of the episode, but in her office the rest. Not as in being in both places at once. That'd be too cheesy.
  • edited September 2007
    haha I bet shes not gonna be there for the whole season. Now that would be funny. XD
  • edited September 2007
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    haha I bet shes not gonna be there for the whole season. Now that would be funny. XD

    Dude, that'd be less funny and more stupid. It at least makes a LITTLE bit of sense to always be in your office. It DOESN'T make sense at ALL to always be in a RESTAURANT.

    Sure, sure, Sam and Max thrives on things that don't make sense. But GIVEN the evidence that the characters move around, it would make a lot MORE sense for Sybil to sometimes be in her office.
  • edited September 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Nah, nah. The idea is that she's in the diner for a part of the episode, but in her office the rest. Not as in being in both places at once. That'd be too cheesy.

    Yeah. I'm reminded of Virtual Springfield, if anyone's ever played that! There must be about fifty Homers wandering about the place, the number of places you see him.
  • edited September 2007
    Actually, I have to admit, the concept of being in several places at once CAN work, if handled correctly. Just take a look at the 6 different places Ford Cruller can be in Psychonauts. It CAN work. But you've gotta have the right setup, and that setup would have to have been in Season 1. Which it wasn't.
  • edited September 2007
    The Director from Episode 2 can be in multiple places.
  • edited September 2007
    Yeah. Like I said, though, you gotta have the right setup. It can work, sure. But it WON'T work for Sybil to suddenly sprout this power despite never having had it before.
  • edited September 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    There was the mystery of the locked closet in Sybil's which wasn't resolved by the end of Season 1, so I think Sybil's will still be open.

    Is it really a mystery? Sybil was locked in there in Episode 1, but after Sam let her out, the closet wasn't used at all again... hence why it's locked in the other episodes (and Sybil can't find the key). Of course, it's storing a Gold Coin in Reality 2.0's version of Sybil's office.

    I don't think there's a mystery, but you can if you like :)
  • edited September 2007
    The Director from Episode 2 can be in multiple places.
  • edited September 2007
    I think it would be something like in the Phoenix Wright series where there will be times where characters will be in certain places until certain events happen in-game and then they'll either go someplace else or disappear competely until they are part of the story again/whenever they decide to return.

    Example of what I mean:

    Episode one begins with Sybil on a date with Abe at Stinky's. You go in Stinky's and see them there and can talk to them and whatever. They stay there when you leave and when you go to Sybil's there will be a closed sign/it's locked. You can see on the sign what new job she has and make a note of it.

    You keeep milling around not picking up anything or talking to anything important and she will be still at Stinky's. But when you find out a specific nugget of info or pick some item up "time" moves forward (as it often likes to do) and eventually the date's over and suddenly she's back in her office.
  • edited September 2007
    Dedlok wrote: »
    "time" moves forward (as it often likes to do) and eventually the date's over and suddenly she's back in her office.

    Hey Dedlok, if it's always getting later and later, why is it early sometimes?
  • edited September 2007
    tobar wrote: »
    Hey Dedlok, if it's always getting later and later, why is it early sometimes?

    Aaww dude, I wanted to ask that.

    But back on topic, I think Dedlok is right, Sybil will be at Stinky's as long as the date lasts. That could be for the better part or even the entire episode(it's rather hard to tell how much time passes each episode). After this specific date Sybil would be back in her office. Or at Bosco's. Or at Flint's. Or at Lefty's.(I've read in a preview that the C.O.P.S. are back so they will likely be there) Just as long as she has something to do there.
    As far as Abe is concerned, I've read in a preview that he rather likes quiz-night at Stinky's so he can be expected to be there more often. But he also could be at Sybil's while she is away, or at any given location at any time.

    The whole point of non static figures is that they can pop up at un- or expected place instead of being on the same spot all the time. If anything this adds complexity to the game because you might have to search for characters to continue the plot, but they have gone of to someplace.
    So as far as we know anyone could be at any place at any time, except for Bosco. Jake confirmed somewhere that Bosco will not get out of his store(If you could call it that nowadays). But I, personaly, don't mind that because it fit's Bosco.
  • edited September 2007
    So as far as we know anyone could be at any place at any time, except for Bosco. Jake confirmed somewhere that Bosco will not get out of his store(If you could call it that nowadays). But I, personaly, don't mind that because it fit's Bosco.

    I'd be wondering how he managed to get out of the shop if he did decide to leave...cant imagine it would be easy...

    What would be cool is if while you're in your office (at random intervals or something) you can hear flint paper beating the crap out of some guy...that would be funny I think...
  • edited September 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    The Director from Episode 2 can be in multiple places.

    I'm taking the double post as a joke, right? ;)
  • edited September 2007
    I hope the movements of the characters will only be at certain points in the story, rather than random or continuous. It'd be annoying to want to find Sybil and have to search all the locations she could have moved to since you last met her, especially if she's continuing to move as you search!
  • edited September 2007
    I hope the movements of the characters will only be at certain points in the story, rather than random or continuous. It'd be annoying to want to find Sybil and have to search all the locations she could have moved to since you last met her, especially if she's continuing to move as you search!

    I doubt the latter would be the case. The movement is most likely to be story related.
    Say for instance in the beginning of episode X Flint Paper is in his office/room. If you talk to him then you, if you empty the dialog tree or if you just pay attention, you will hear him talk about the case he is working on or is comming up. At a given point in the episode you need item/favor Y from Flint and up until this point Flint has been in his office/room. When you know of your need of item/favor Y and you go back to find Flint, you notice he is not there anymore and there is item/scenery Z that indicates the Flint has gone to 'work' on his case. Thus you have to find Flint in location *, either by deducing it yourself or from the hints. The new location would be deduceable if you have talked to Flint or not, but will be slightly easier if you did.

    I think this will be the most likely way of character movement, apart from pacing around in their initial location.
  • edited September 2007
    Yeah. I'm reminded of Virtual Springfield, if anyone's ever played that! There must be about fifty Homers wandering about the place, the number of places you see him.

    Oddly enough, I have played that game and always found that to be one of the oddest features in it.
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