Walking Dead [Mac] - Update downloading screen

edited October 2012 in Game Support
Yes, all of a sudden I have another problem with TWD on the Mac.
For the past couple of weeks I've tried downloading episode 3, without any luck.
On top of that, EVERY time I startup The Walking Dead it goes to the update screen before I get to the main menu. Now, I don't mind an update every once and a while, but now I can't even start the game without having to wait at least 20 minutes... EVERY FRIGGING TIME!

I checked the Temp folder where these files supposedly are kept and yes, they were there. 3 files with long character names. I monitored these files during the 'update' and they are just replaced every time. I've tried deleting the files, but that gives me the exact same situation.
So, now I'm not able to download and play episode 3, but it also takes me 20 minutes of waiting before I'm even able to TRY and download again.

Which brings me to my problem; I (and everyone here) have paid 30 dollars for a game I can't finish. Why is there no one available to apologize or, and I know how crazy this sounds, maybe fix the game?
How many more posts / threads have to be made before we get some help?


  • edited October 2012
    I am having the same issue and not getting replies to my emails. Looks like I'll be doing a credit card chargeback.
  • edited October 2012
    I bought the game months ago and I'm not able to get my money back from the credit card company. Filing a complaint to Telltale Games has no effect and I'm pretty sure that there won't be a fix for all the problems.
    Currently I have no idea how to get my money back. I've asked some information from the local branch of government that deals with consumer safety.
  • edited October 2012
    Am I the only one with this problem, that I have to wait for 20 minutes until I see the main menu? I know it's downloading an update... but every damn time I start the game???
  • edited October 2012
    Nope, everytime... The only way around is, is to disable the internet connection...
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