We analyze so many things on this forum, I bet they could give us the first word of the script for Episode5 and we'd have the plot figured out a week before release.
Haha, totally
I absolutely love all this speculation, it doesn't let the excitement of the episode coming out any day now disappear, it keeps you thinking about what might and might not happen
The song used in the trailer is pretty awesome (at 1:00+), sounds like a more newer version of a old theme, Not sure which one i assume its the background music for when you are talking to clementine.
Although i might be mistaken.
I was just thinking that it could be Ben since it seems all the recycled walkers have short sleeved shirts on or save-lots T-shirts. This one is distinctive since it is wearing a jacket like any recently alive person would wear in a cold climate. Could be one of the four contest winners but I hope it's Ben!
I'm pretty sure that Kenny was guaranteed to appear in Episode 5.
And ninja-girl tried to kill Lee in the trailer so I think she's with radio-dude, or at least an enemy.
or she may not be... just cos she's beating on lee who knows maybe he deserved it ? or they become best buds after he stops her..or she gets offed by clem who teh fuck knows opther than gary whitta and ttg
I'm imagining Icepickerson being the lady which tells us about Crawford, perhaps experienced whatever was going on there or saw/met people who did. Could explain why she's aggressive to Lee, I'd be too.
Kenny with a bottle in his hand, he start to drink and might be a danger for the group... well not so much like Ben lol
Dunno, he does throw the shotgun at the end of the clip. Instantly five thousand times more useful than pretty much everyone else we've met, drinking or no.
Dunno, he does throw the shotgun at the end of the clip. Instantly five thousand times more useful than pretty much everyone else we've met, drinking or no.
Could also before it, who knows
I wonder if Christa & Kenny have a discussion about Omid or in general have one. I always backing up Christa, specially when she lose her love Omid.
Nearly at the end of the trailer it seems like the group search for Clementine because there is a scene where Christa staying in front of the camera (or the camera is over her shoulder) and Clementine runs into Lee's arms. I think the group safe her before the weird walkie-talkie guy rape her (the sexual warning for this episode), I just hope that not this time Lee safe her, Chuck/Christa/Kenny should safe her and shoot the W-T guy. The women with the weapon will be met later I think, because she will be the person who talk in the trailer about Crawford and the "Ghost Stories" who going on in the school or what that big house is.
Another one for the team Kenny.
welcome to the forum.
about the image.
Chuck dies, and Kenny grabs his drink!
I think Ep4 will have much action! (YES!!)
Dunno, he does throw the shotgun at the end of the clip. Instantly five thousand times more useful than pretty much everyone else we've met, drinking or no.
Ha good point.
Still surprising to see somebody like x character more than Clem.
Oh and just curious do you have a bsn account?
I wonder if Christa & Kenny have a discussion about Omid or in general have one. I always backing up Christa, specially when she lose her love Omid.
Nearly at the end of the trailer it seems like the group search for Clementine because there is a scene where Christa staying in front of the camera (or the camera is over her shoulder) and Clementine runs into Lee's arms. I think the group safe her before the weird walkie-talkie guy rape her (the sexual warning for this episode), I just hope that not this time Lee safe her, Chuck/Christa/Kenny should safe her and shoot the W-T guy. The women with the weapon will be met later I think, because she will be the person who talk in the trailer about Crawford and the "Ghost Stories" who going on in the school or what that big house is.
Why does everyone assume that the Sexual themes rating means that the WT guy will be a pedo?
Personally--though I might be wrong on this--sexual themes probably comes from Crawford, I doubt any survivor haven where a group is significantly stronger than the rest would end up ideal and the video tape with the man and the woman could imply they potentially raped the women there, either out of enjoyment or "do your duty to humanity and become a breeder today!".
The fact that Icepickerson is a woman, attacking Lee and covers herself makes me think she was either one of the people at Crawford and doesn't trust anyone because of it or heard what happened and now is worried as all hell about anyone she meets incase they'd try to do the same.
And you might be right about the shotgun scene perhaps occurring before drinking time.
Though this is all based on the trailer which doesn't really show much.
Ha good point.
Still surprising to see somebody like x character more than Clem.
It's due to Kenny pretty much looking exactly like my father and my love for pragmatic and flawed characters, having him call me "Pal" at the start of episode 3 made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Must be next week,must be next week,must be next week....:D
From what I've seen in the trailer I'm confident you will have a corker of an episode for us
Edit: Isn't that the weapon that Lee's butt whooping female acquaintance is holding in the trailer?
I know. More painful teasing.
From this picture, it looks like someone want to knock out Lee from the back and Clem tells him to run. For Kenny, he probably drunk lol.
I have the sneaking suspicion that as someone who likes Kenny more than Clementine, I might be getting punched in the gut repeatedly soon.
Exactly the same here. ): My favorite character (Carley) is dead, and my next two favorites are Lee and Kenny, and then Clem. I really hope he doesn't suicide or something, because I adore Kenny. But I've got the feeling, too.
So excited for ep 4! Probably coming out next week. Hope we get an announcement of the release date over the weekend!
1.Personally--though I might be wrong on this--sexual themes probably comes from Crawford, I doubt any survivor haven where a group is significantly stronger than the rest would end up ideal and the video tape with the man and the woman could imply they potentially raped the women there, either out of enjoyment or "do your duty to humanity and become a breeder today!".
The fact that Icepickerson is a woman, attacking Lee and covers herself makes me think she was either one of the people at Crawford and doesn't trust anyone because of it or heard what happened and now is worried as all hell about anyone she meets incase they'd try to do the same.
And you might be right about the shotgun scene perhaps occurring before drinking time.
Though this is all based on the trailer which doesn't really show much.
2.It's due to Kenny pretty much looking exactly like my father and my love for pragmatic and flawed characters, having him call me "Pal" at the start of episode 3 made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
1. That actually makes a lot of sense. And it would actually fit the overall TWD tone.
2. I like Kenny but he doesn't like me anymore because of not siding with him in the meat locker. Since then i've actually been trying to get him back on my side.
Personally--though I might be wrong on this--sexual themes probably comes from Crawford, I doubt any survivor haven where a group is significantly stronger than the rest would end up ideal and the video tape with the man and the woman could imply they potentially raped the women there, either out of enjoyment or "do your duty to humanity and become a breeder today!".
The fact that Icepickerson is a woman, attacking Lee and covers herself makes me think she was either one of the people at Crawford and doesn't trust anyone because of it or heard what happened and now is worried as all hell about anyone she meets incase they'd try to do the same.
And you might be right about the shotgun scene perhaps occurring before drinking time.
Though this is all based on the trailer which doesn't really show much.
It's due to Kenny pretty much looking exactly like my father and my love for pragmatic and flawed characters, having him call me "Pal" at the start of episode 3 made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Another person on Team Kenny! Welcome dude.
I think the shotgun scene will occur after the drinking, like the walkers break into their safe haven and its an "all hands on deck" situation where everyone scrambled for weapons or something.
Gotta say, I'm the same way with my characters. My favorite ones are the flawed/changed ones, and Kenny represents that perfectly. Kenny and Lee have the perfect bromance. Perhaps, if Kenny likes Lee enough, in Episode 4 he'll give us some grooming tips for our facial hair. I'd love to have a mustahce like that.
I'm pretty sure that Kenny was guaranteed to appear in Episode 5.
And ninja-girl tried to kill Lee in the trailer so I think she's with radio-dude, or at least an enemy.
Yeah, a part of me thinks that they will keep him till ep 5 and then have him tragically die for huge effect. Don't know if I should be happy or sad at that.
And the picture looks like ice pick girl is ready to kill Lee from behind, maybe she is being blackmailed or brainwashed into attacking Lee? Just a theory.
Also still can't find anything special in the new picture. Any hints? Please?
Yeah, a part of me thinks that they will keep him till ep 5 and then have him tragically die for huge effect. Don't know if I should be happy or sad at that.
I'd actually prefer to see the opposite of that, he survives past EP5 and Lee is the one who dies, forcing Kenny to man-up (again) and see Clementine as a reason to live.
In the final conversation of the game, Kenny talks with Clementine and Clementine's lines and opinions on what to do change based off how Lee treated her.
I mean, wasn't it confirmed Kenny lives through EP4?
Ah, the new episode 4 release image ensures that the girl with the hammer/girl at the end of the trailer will be an important character. Wonder if you have a choice of welcoming her into the group or not.
I'd actually prefer to see the opposite of that, he survives past EP5 and Lee is the one who dies, forcing Kenny to man-up (again) and see Clementine as a reason to live.
In the final conversation of the game, Kenny talks with Clementine and Clementine's lines and opinions on what to do change based off how Lee treated her.
I mean, wasn't it confirmed Kenny lives through EP4?
On the wiki. But, every character prediction I saw on there turned out to be true. I'd actually like him to die, so he can be with Kat and Duck again. Maybe do something to make up for all the pain he's caused, like his own little redemption.
Ah, the new episode 4 release image ensures that the girl with the hammer/girl at the end of the trailer will be an important character. Wonder if you have a choice of welcoming her into the group or not.
That might be the important thing TT noted lately that is the big decision to make. Could be that woman so damn dangerous for the group ?? I wonder then if people want Lilly back instead of her lol
Or could Gary mean with that the trailer and the release date?? I can only now think of the videotape that has written on: 82 - ob... I would say the 8th October and the 2 for the 2nd week we have next week.
EDIT: Before the group enter the school you can tell who from the group might survive until this in this cap:
I see Ben, Lee, Kenny & Christa, but who could it be behind that tree ?? From the trailer it must be the walkie-talkie guy because he is the last person who run in the school, so Chuck and/or Omid die pretty early.
I'd actually prefer to see the opposite of that, he survives past EP5 and Lee is the one who dies, forcing Kenny to man-up (again) and see Clementine as a reason to live.
In the final conversation of the game, Kenny talks with Clementine and Clementine's lines and opinions on what to do change based off how Lee treated her.
I mean, wasn't it confirmed Kenny lives through EP4?
It was? YAY. Team Kenny survives another episode
And I really like the idea of Kenny finding new reason to live in Clementine. I wouldn't be surprised if episode four had some moment were you have to talk Kenny down from suicide and find something for him to put new faith in.
Also I guess deciding whether to have ice pick girl in the group will also be a major choice.
I hope so! haha
replace with TTG / Walking Dead / whatever
Haha, totally
I absolutely love all this speculation, it doesn't let the excitement of the episode coming out any day now disappear, it keeps you thinking about what might and might not happen
Although i might be mistaken.
Ben might die? Surprise!!!
Foreshadowing his death at the hands of WALKERS.
It's not Ben, Ben's jacket sleeves are white & with a light blue strip in the middle, but who knows, maybe the are covered of blood.
More teasing...
Must be next week,must be next week,must be next week....:D
From what I've seen in the trailer I'm confident you will have a corker of an episode for us
Edit: Isn't that the weapon that Lee's butt whooping female acquaintance is holding in the trailer?
I think you're right...very right. Welcome to the forum by the way.
So...new picture...looks like orange ninja girl might be a friendly. Ah Kenny....Kenny.....Ken. So many sorrows....so little booze.
And ninja-girl tried to kill Lee in the trailer so I think she's with radio-dude, or at least an enemy.
or she may not be... just cos she's beating on lee who knows maybe he deserved it ? or they become best buds after he stops her..or she gets offed by clem who teh fuck knows opther than gary whitta and ttg
The "ninja girl" seem to stalk the group or ?
I don't like to use the word "guaranteed" in this game unless it's regarding the probability of dying.:D
On second thought, I think it's an updated group photo at the end of e4.
Group members are always beating up Lee. Look at Larry and Kenny...
And thanks!
Dunno, he does throw the shotgun at the end of the clip. Instantly five thousand times more useful than pretty much everyone else we've met, drinking or no.
Could also before it, who knows
I wonder if Christa & Kenny have a discussion about Omid or in general have one. I always backing up Christa, specially when she lose her love Omid.
Nearly at the end of the trailer it seems like the group search for Clementine because there is a scene where Christa staying in front of the camera (or the camera is over her shoulder) and Clementine runs into Lee's arms. I think the group safe her before the weird walkie-talkie guy rape her (the sexual warning for this episode), I just hope that not this time Lee safe her, Chuck/Christa/Kenny should safe her and shoot the W-T guy. The women with the weapon will be met later I think, because she will be the person who talk in the trailer about Crawford and the "Ghost Stories" who going on in the school or what that big house is.
welcome to the forum.
about the image.
Chuck dies, and Kenny grabs his drink!
I think Ep4 will have much action! (YES!!)
Still surprising to see somebody like x character more than Clem.
Oh and just curious do you have a bsn account?
Why does everyone assume that the Sexual themes rating means that the WT guy will be a pedo?
The fact that Icepickerson is a woman, attacking Lee and covers herself makes me think she was either one of the people at Crawford and doesn't trust anyone because of it or heard what happened and now is worried as all hell about anyone she meets incase they'd try to do the same.
And you might be right about the shotgun scene perhaps occurring before drinking time.
Though this is all based on the trailer which doesn't really show much.
It's due to Kenny pretty much looking exactly like my father and my love for pragmatic and flawed characters, having him call me "Pal" at the start of episode 3 made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I know. More painful teasing.
From this picture, it looks like someone want to knock out Lee from the back and Clem tells him to run. For Kenny, he probably drunk lol.
Justin Beiber
Exactly the same here. ): My favorite character (Carley) is dead, and my next two favorites are Lee and Kenny, and then Clem. I really hope he doesn't suicide or something, because I adore Kenny. But I've got the feeling, too.
So excited for ep 4! Probably coming out next week. Hope we get an announcement of the release date over the weekend!
1. That actually makes a lot of sense. And it would actually fit the overall TWD tone.
2. I like Kenny but he doesn't like me anymore because of not siding with him in the meat locker. Since then i've actually been trying to get him back on my side.
3. Ah thought i remembered that name.
(Meaning kenny trys to get himself killed but Lee keeps saving him)
Another person on Team Kenny! Welcome dude.
I think the shotgun scene will occur after the drinking, like the walkers break into their safe haven and its an "all hands on deck" situation where everyone scrambled for weapons or something.
Gotta say, I'm the same way with my characters. My favorite ones are the flawed/changed ones, and Kenny represents that perfectly. Kenny and Lee have the perfect bromance. Perhaps, if Kenny likes Lee enough, in Episode 4 he'll give us some grooming tips for our facial hair. I'd love to have a mustahce like that.
Heavens no, you're not forcing me to look over everything for hours only to find nothing.
... ;_;
Yeah, a part of me thinks that they will keep him till ep 5 and then have him tragically die for huge effect. Don't know if I should be happy or sad at that.
And the picture looks like ice pick girl is ready to kill Lee from behind, maybe she is being blackmailed or brainwashed into attacking Lee? Just a theory.
Also still can't find anything special in the new picture. Any hints? Please?
Also hi Dave. Welcome to team Kenny.
Perhaps Gary is only trolling with that post...
Then again, perhaps in that picture he posted there is the hidden release date for Episode 4?
I'd actually prefer to see the opposite of that, he survives past EP5 and Lee is the one who dies, forcing Kenny to man-up (again) and see Clementine as a reason to live.
In the final conversation of the game, Kenny talks with Clementine and Clementine's lines and opinions on what to do change based off how Lee treated her.
I mean, wasn't it confirmed Kenny lives through EP4?
On the wiki. But, every character prediction I saw on there turned out to be true. I'd actually like him to die, so he can be with Kat and Duck again. Maybe do something to make up for all the pain he's caused, like his own little redemption.
That might be the important thing TT noted lately that is the big decision to make. Could be that woman so damn dangerous for the group ?? I wonder then if people want Lilly back instead of her
Or could Gary mean with that the trailer and the release date?? I can only now think of the videotape that has written on: 82 - ob... I would say the 8th October and the 2 for the 2nd week we have next week.
EDIT: Before the group enter the school you can tell who from the group might survive until this in this cap:
I see Ben, Lee, Kenny & Christa, but who could it be behind that tree ?? From the trailer it must be the walkie-talkie guy because he is the last person who run in the school, so Chuck and/or Omid die pretty early.
It was? YAY. Team Kenny survives another episode
And I really like the idea of Kenny finding new reason to live in Clementine. I wouldn't be surprised if episode four had some moment were you have to talk Kenny down from suicide and find something for him to put new faith in.
Also I guess deciding whether to have ice pick girl in the group will also be a major choice.