Germany. Taxes are higher. Gas is € 1.70 a LITER (around $8.30 a gallon). Zombies rule my country.
He he. I was in Texas awhile back and they were saying how they hate people from California because we get so happy at the pump when we see how much less expensive gas is in Texas. They would just love you!:D
He he. I was in Texas awhile back and they were saying how they hate people from California because we get so happy at the pump when we see how much less expensive gas is in Texas. They would just love you!:D
Pass my phone number to all of them... I'll tell them about their lives...
California. Taxes are high. Gas is $4.24 a gallon. Zombies are everywhere.
that is crazy cheap, £0.70 a litre is what that works out to, i hope you aren't complaining that it's expensive, its about £1.25 a litre at the moment where i live, England to answer the question
that is crazy cheap, £0.70 a litre is what that works out to, i hope you aren't complaining that it's expensive, its about £1.25 a litre at the moment where i live, England to answer the question
Heck no. We've got 31 flavors of ice cream! No complaining here.:D. Gas prices are just one more thing that gets people talking like the weather.
I've been curious, too. It seems like TellTale attracts people from all over the world, so... Hehe.
Edit: Sorry I mean...if you actually consider stupid voters as zombies then yes we've got millions of them.
Well I guess where you live now my friend.
He he. I was in Texas awhile back and they were saying how they hate people from California because we get so happy at the pump when we see how much less expensive gas is in Texas. They would just love you!:D
But i've got my cricket bat. :cool:
that is crazy cheap, £0.70 a litre is what that works out to, i hope you aren't complaining that it's expensive, its about £1.25 a litre at the moment where i live, England to answer the question
Heck no. We've got 31 flavors of ice cream! No complaining here.:D. Gas prices are just one more thing that gets people talking like the weather.
For the purposes of not feeling alone, I´ll stick to my European heritage. Go Europe!
Fuck yeah!
Comin' again to pwn your ZA, yeah!
Gas is LITERALLY cheaper than water in here
full tank of a 2012 suburban is around like 7 - 8 $ lo
Up here in southern Illinois, the kids at the local school say: "America, TRUCK YEAH!!"
So it hits me really hard.