The Bosco Game

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey boys and girls! Here's a fun little game that you can play along in this very thread!!

All you have to do is type in Bosco followed by the name of your homecity into any search engine to see if Bosco owns a store in your city or town! If not, you have the benifit of not being part of the Bosco Franchise/multiple bases of opperation. If you DO end up having a Bosco store in your town, post either the most common or the most unusual results you get!

For example...
Bosco Nashville = Bosco's Beer

Please keep all posts relating to Bosco in your area of the world to the commercial product genre. If you end up discovering that there is a person named Bosco in your city, historical or otherwise, please do not post said results. We'll find those on our own and keep an eye on them ourselves.;)


  • MelMel
    edited September 2007
    This isn't easy. I've tried where I live now, where I grew up (I got a saint, a general and a reggae band), and a couple cities where relatives live. I'm striking out bad. :(
  • SquinkySquinky Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Bosco Vancouver - The Bosco Center
  • edited September 2007
    I can't show you mine, since I'm seecret, >_>

    But I will tell you he is "Don Bosco." :D

    The 6th disguise! XD
  • edited September 2007
    I got...

    Bosco Adelaide:
    - Bosco Mens Hair Stylist
    - St John Bosco School
    - Don Bosco Youth Hostel

    and quite a few more hits too..
  • edited September 2007
    So in addition to owning an Inconvenence store, Bosco appears to own a brewery, medical center, a salon, a school, and a kind of a second-home for community youth. Interesting. I can only imagine what else is out there that he may own.:D

    Apparently, in LA, Bosco owns a Cake Salon as well.
  • edited September 2007
    Bosco Rotterdam = Bosco Textiel (a clothing shop)
  • edited September 2007
    Bosco sightings in Phoenix:
    Bosco's Biscuits
    Tiffany & Bosco, P.A.
  • edited September 2007
    LOL so that's why Sam is friend with Bosco! The dog treats!
  • edited September 2007
    "Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. has provided a wide range of legal services to the business community since 1967. The firm is comprised of experienced attorneys, each of whom concentrates in a specific area of law. The firm represents domestic and foreign clients on a local, national and international basis. Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. is the Arizona law firm member of MSI, a worldwide network of independent legal and accounting firms. Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. is also a member of the USFN and the FNMA and FHLMC designated counsel programs."

    MSI, USFN, FNMA, FHLMC... they're all after us!
  • edited September 2007
    No results for me. :(
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    The closest I can get is "Bosco & Nopar," a mysterious business in San Francisco, and "Bosco Office Services" in Redwood City. Truly inconvenient.
  • edited September 2007
    I found a "St. Johannes Bosco Kindergarten" relatively to my city :D

    and this:

    Bartholomeo Bosco (1793-1863) was a italian magician who lived in Dresden/Germany. He was banished to siberia by russian soldiers. He detected there his magical power.

  • edited September 2007
    I've got a "Don Bosco College".

    Oh, and that and some others mentioned are probably named after St. Giovanni Melchior Bosco aka Don Bosco aka St. John Bosco.
    Also of interest, . Hmm, in the Seinfeld episode "The Secret Code", George uses the word "BOSCO" as the secret code for his ATM card. :D
    And while you're at it, this site knows Where to Find Bosco (r)...
  • edited September 2007
    Bosco Cleveland: St. John Bosco Church :eek:
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    Il Bosco An Italian restaurant (plus a couple of schools and churches). I wonder what would Stinky will think about it? (So far the only reference to Stinky near here is the "stinky pollution")
  • edited September 2007
    Further searching reveals that Jimmy sells coffee, and Sybil sells liquor.
  • edited September 2007
    Kedri wrote: »
    Further searching reveals that Jimmy sells coffee, and Sybil sells liquor.

    Wait, seriously?
  • edited September 2007
    Yeah, but Jimmy wasn't two-toothed, and Sybil wasn't a Pandemik. Just first names.
  • MelMel
    edited September 2007
    This is sort of related but I was watching an episode of Designed to Sell on HGTV (where they fix up a house so it has a better chance of selling). In one of them, the couple involved had 2 sons named Sam and Max and I just laughed out loud! They were human though. :p
  • edited September 2007
    Hey I found out that Don Bosco owns another Opportunity Shop in my city! He also owns a camp!
  • edited September 2007
    Bosco Constructors

    I guess that's how he got so good at building BTADS...
  • edited September 2007
    Why do I have this odd feeling one of his future deguises is going to be Don Bosco from Germany?

    Either that or a saint.
  • edited September 2007
    a lot of bosco's in the hague Bosco Den Haag

    But i found this one: Another Childcare called Bosco
    My girlfriend is working for the organisation Kinderopvang DAK, so maybe she knows Bosco...
  • edited September 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    This is sort of related but I was watching an episode of Designed to Sell on HGTV (where they fix up a house so it has a better chance of selling). In one of them, the couple involved had 2 sons named Sam and Max and I just laughed out loud! They were human though. :p

    That's completely intentional on the parents part. :p
    Hey, I also got a "DonBosco Kindergarten" in Halle, Germany

    There's something about Bosco running a Kindergarten that I find utterly hilarious.
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