Would you open the door?

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
This is a thread that I've posted in another forum I am as well,but basically the question is this:

Say that you are in a secured room or safe house and there are monsters out there.In our case I guess zombies.It's dangerous.Somebody knocks on the door and asks you to open the door!He's probably hunted by zombies.

He can be a complete stranger or a dear person.But hunted by zombies.

Would you open the door?


  • edited October 2012
    family or friend yes, anybody else no.
    but that's if i cant see what the situation is outside, if i could it would depend on how they looked and how far away the zombies were
  • edited October 2012
    You don't know how far away they are,you just know that they are hunting the person.
  • edited October 2012
    Foinikas wrote: »
    You don't know how far away they are,you just know that they are hunting the person.

    if i don't know how far away they are or if the person is bitten then i assume they (the zombies) are to close and they could be bitten so it isn't worth the risk, unless it was friends or family then it is worth the risk
  • edited October 2012
    girl or guy? i consider this relevant.

    ugly and fat girl or guy? :rolleyes:

    I promise I wont judge you... :p
  • edited October 2012
    HELL NO! Survival at all costs for my group, screw anybody out there
  • edited October 2012
    If I can't see what's going on outside, I'm keeping the door shut.

    Walkers could be right behind him for all we know.
  • edited October 2012
    Hell, if this was one of Romero's movies, the guy might be a walker himself. Keep the door shut.
  • edited October 2012
    That person is zombie chow
  • edited October 2012
    Depends on how far into the crisis we are. I know if they could knock, they could at least have the decency to yell (assuming they knew it was me in there and knew me) "Hey, it's me, [friend name/mom/dad]" lol.
    I wish I could say that I probably wouldn't open it, but fundamentally I'm too good sometimes. I would probably open the door regardless.
    My husband says that it would depend on how they knew someone was wherever we are, and how early on it was. The more early on, the more likely he'd let someone in, because they're less likely to be sharks. He said the first month of the crisis is going to be the best time to find people. Plus, if they've lived through the first month, they're probably good assets.
  • edited October 2012
    I wouldn't open the door. I'd stay silent until he would probably get the message that no one is inside the house.
  • edited October 2012
    I would open to my fellow human.
    if she is a woman, i say i am gay, if he is a man i say i am straight.
    No love interest in survival, just keeping my meat fre...err... just let s be friends.
  • edited October 2012
    I probably would, since two people fighting off zombies would be better than one, but if I find out he/she is bitten, they're gone- either thrown back out that door or killed by myself.
  • edited October 2012
    What if you let him in and he is hiding a bite? then you are screwed :D
  • edited October 2012
    Could you tell if its a kid? If its definitely a kid, I'm opening the door and damn the consequences. If not, I probably wouldn't open the door as its probably not a relative/friend.
  • edited October 2012
    I would probably open the door. Just the thought of letting another human being die when it could be prevented makes me sick.
  • edited October 2012
    What if you don't open the door and it's Megan Fox outside?

    Then again what if you opened the door and it was Megan Fox and you let her in.And then you find out she was bitten.

    Although since such things don't happen it will probably be some guy hunted down by a hundred zombies or more.
  • edited October 2012
    Zeruis wrote: »
    I wouldn't open the door. I'd stay silent until he would probably get the message that no one is inside the house.

    I actually used to do that when I was studying in another city years ago and some friends would knock at the door of my apartment.Sssshhhh...!
  • edited October 2012
    Foinikas wrote: »
    What if you don't open the door and it's Megan Fox outside?

    Then again what if you opened the door and it was Megan Fox and you let her in.And then you find out she was bitten.

    Although since such things don't happen it will probably be some guy hunted down by a hundred zombies or more.

    i think a picture of megan fox would be better than magan fox, she seems like she would be irritating especially in an enclosed space in a rough environment :)
  • edited October 2012
    Wrighty wrote: »
    Could you tell if its a kid? If its definitely a kid, I'm opening the door and damn the consequences. If not, I probably wouldn't open the door as its probably not a relative/friend.

    You'd open the door if it was a kid? Have you seen 28 Weeks Later? :D
  • edited October 2012
    if the zombies are following him/her anyway, then they're going to try and get in, whether you open the door to the person or not. Unless the person gives up, run further down the street and starts banging and shouting at another door, which draws their attention, and hope no zombies bang into your place. Also hope the person doesn't think your place is abandoned, and tries to force their way in somehow to escape.
    Obviously you'd have made a way to see outside, without anyone being able to see in. Shut them up quickly, any way.

    You can run to the back, load a home made bomb or something into your hand made catapult, fire it. Then hope that is enough to draw the zombies away, again without any of them passing through your area, and possibly stumbling into your building.
  • edited October 2012
    Moan and groan, throw in the occational "braaaainz!" and the person might go away thinking "I'm not going into a house full of zombies" :P
  • edited October 2012
    Depends on my mood.
  • edited October 2012
    If I don't have any clue how far away the zombies chasing him are? Not a chance.
  • edited October 2012
    :guybrush:why would i do that:guybrush:
  • edited October 2012
    yes i open the door.
  • edited October 2012
    I use the puppy and kitty to jam the door shut and sacrifice the poll to Shog Yoggoth.
  • edited October 2012
    I would want to at least have the chance to see that person. You can read a lot out of peoples looks, but in general I would open the door. More people mean more food needed, but they often also mean more skills added, and nearly always more manpower.
  • edited October 2012
    If they're knocking on the door you can assume they've seen you, so doing nothing isn't really an option. I'd be sure to grab a weapon before I opened the door though.
  • edited October 2012
    If it is a stranger, hell no! Friend, definitely.
  • edited October 2012
    If my room has a safe exit, perhaps. I will demand more information from the stranger.

    If not, the door stays closed.

    If it's a neighbour or friend, he or she is coming in, unless the zombies are right in the hallway. In this case, no.

    Family member? Door open only if zombies are not right on top of him/her.
  • edited October 2012
    Whatever is the situation I wouldn't choose to open the door because that means the zombies would know of my presence and try to bring the door down. If the door remains shut and they kill him in front of my doorstep they wouldn't know that I'm there and so wouldn't try to bring down the door, UNLESS I accidently make a noise to attract their attention. This thing is exactly similar to the first part of ep3 :P If you choose to shoot the girl they'll come for you and if you don't they wouldn't be able to know that you're there
  • edited October 2012
    HELL NO! Survival at all costs for my group, screw anybody out there

    Meh... You still don't get it, More people = more chances of survival. You always need someone to watch your back (Unless you are Michonne. Yay for Michonne.), if he/she was bitten, we'd manage, i would kill him, but wouldnt let him die alone outside.
    "Carley: And we can't just let people die, either!"
  • edited October 2012
    Hell yeah I'd open the door. I was just on my way to beat zombies to death with their own severed arms. The other dude can come along and carry supplies I find!
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