A thought on Kenny...
Who here other than me thinks the only thing that's going to keep Kenny going for these two episodes is getting Clementine first and foremost safely on a boat? of course assuming he doesn't die?
Kenny's agenda now that his (Spoiler) family is dead (Spoiler) is a big question mark, hes made it obvious he still wants to find the boat, okay, we get that, but him saying that imply there's something in this group he still feels willing to protect, that being Lee/Clementine, and he even went so far as to drop all his grudges and prejudices against you, I am hoping I am right because if protecting Lee and Clementine is his self-made goal then he's not going to leave us to die anymore.
Any other thoughts on this?
Oh and alcohol will help him cope too, it does that.
These forums sure are quiet right now, might be because people are playing EP4 at this instant, maybe I should hop off the forums for the day...
Kenny's agenda now that his (Spoiler) family is dead (Spoiler) is a big question mark, hes made it obvious he still wants to find the boat, okay, we get that, but him saying that imply there's something in this group he still feels willing to protect, that being Lee/Clementine, and he even went so far as to drop all his grudges and prejudices against you, I am hoping I am right because if protecting Lee and Clementine is his self-made goal then he's not going to leave us to die anymore.
Any other thoughts on this?
Oh and alcohol will help him cope too, it does that.
These forums sure are quiet right now, might be because people are playing EP4 at this instant, maybe I should hop off the forums for the day...
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I think it'd be cool depending on your relationship with him, he is either gonna try and make Lee and Clem have a happy ending he never got, or if he hates you tries to get Clem away from you before you get her killed.
A idea, what if Lee in the trailer doesn't say "Anyone who gets between us is gonna wind up dead!" to the walkieman, and it's actually Kenny he says it to?
Where does Ben stand with you? for me he stands as part of the original group, the original group being the ones who lived in the motorinn.
I personally count Ben as part of the original group, he may have made mistakes but he is just a teenager, its good to know where you stand, I don't think what hes done no matter how questionable, stupid, naive, and plain mean and inbecile like he is would really change what group he is in for me, i won't be surprised by Ben. personally I hold noone at fault, not even lilly, for what happened in EP3 with Carley, seeing as she was practically blinded with rage and may have even convinced herself that Carley really was guilty. I really just wonder why noone was keeping a better watch on the new kid...?
Although I agree with your stance, I don't intend to tell Kenny and I hope to god he doesn't.
Its kind of sad, I expect that nobody would complain about the lack of choice if Ben died, hopefully they realise its the episode before the climax and let it branch alittle with this episode, seeing as the end comes right after and needs to be big that isn't too much to ask I don't think.
Come to think about it, they were talking about a 'Scene' That branches massively, so maybe my wish will come to fruition.
Cheers to hoping he steps up.
EDIT: I just want to be able to actually save someone for once without it costing another's life.
Save Carley, Lose Doug
Irene cannot be saved
Save Travis, dies anyway
Save the Teacher, dies anyway
Jolene cannot be saved
Mark cannot be saved
Larry cannot be saved
Duck cannot be saved
Katjaa cannot be saved
Carley cannot be saved
Lilly cannot stay
and I'm assuming Omid cannot be saved.
I know a lot of it has to do with advancing the story and it's just their time to go, but at lease give Lee a chance to save a life with no consequence for doing it before the season ends lol.
They could integrate rescued characters into ep5 pretty easily, the problem they had with Carley was that it was carried through episodes, we're talking about one episode, not 4-5. they just have to kill them off in five and they'd be fine assuming lee/clem are in season 2 which i'd wager they aren't.
I don't care how long 5 takes to release, I know it'll be sometime around december but it could go over it and I wouldn't care, I want a great ending to season 1, and the only way for a company to reach such a thing, is with time! My ideal ending would branch but end at the same place as everyone else--unless they don't intend to start with lee/clementine for season 2, inwhich case seperate endings would be ok with me.
I hope you do have the option of telling Kenny though, could lead to some intense drama.
I really want a chance to do something like that, too. maybe the ending for ep5 will be the same but the characters you end it with won't, that would be awesome.
EDIT: assuming your not playing it this instant, inwhich case this thread is null and I should stop posting in it and go hibernate for the day.
Whether he likes Lee or not, Kenny is probably going to mature into another character over these next coming episodes. Perhaps he'll come to terms with his guilt over the actions he's done (Shawn, Larry) for his family, maybe he'll stop blaming Lee for it if you didn't help him or he'll blame you for everything that's happened out of grief.
I'd like to see the player being able to comfort Kenny, bro or not. In the ending of the series ending, I'd like to imagine Kenny surviving, Lee dying and Kenny being the only one to protect Clementine as everyone else is gone.
That's awesome
Where did you find that
I quoted you bro, looks awesome!