Possible New Adaptations: Sam and Max DS?

edited October 2007 in Sam & Max
There's quite a bit of room on the system, maybe not enough for as much depth as the Wii, but if adapted, it could do quite well.

With the touch screen and seperate screens interface, you could easily make one screen the game and the other inventory/character talk.

Many fans of the Lucasarts original did just fine without voice and just text on the PC, but it's likely you could fit a quite a few sentences on the DS, and it has both the option of 2D and 3D as well.

(Hell, they crammed Mario 64 on there!)

If you look at some titles like Animal Crossing, Hotel Dusk : Room 215 and others, you can see the adventure game potential in it.

(Hotel Dusk also gets you to turn the DS side on like a book-like angle, another neat trick for adventure games.)

Hell, who says it need be one of the main PC titles adapted over? It could just be another of their tales untold elsewhere, exclusive to the DS.

You'd easily get minigames like the the homage "whack da rat" on there, among other ideas.

What do TellTale Games and non-staff think?


  • edited September 2007
    I think it's entirely feasible, and would be cool, but the problem in my mind is that Telltale only seems to have enough staff to work on one game at a time. The problem then is, when and how would they make a DS game? They could sublet the license to another company, but that might not have the same feel... or they could do it between seasons...
    Also, since there's no plausible way for them to do digital distribution or episodic releases on DS, there's a much bigger financial risk.

    So while I'd love to see Sam & Max on DS, and I'm sure they'd fit well there, we'll probably have to wait until after Season 2 makes Telltale rich and famous ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    We currently have two teams, actually (and as you can see from the Jobs page, we're expanding that!). People always forget that while working on Sam & Max Season One, we had another team developing CSI: Hard Evidence (which just finished up a few weeks ago and is now in stores! Buy it today!).
  • edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We currently have two teams, actually (and as you can see from the Jobs page, we're expanding that!). People always forget that while working on Sam & Max Season One, we had another team developing CSI: Hard Evidence (which just finished up a few weeks ago and is now in stores! Buy it today!).

    Do you have a team for Bone? You should do! :D
  • edited September 2007
    Don't forget get the Phoenix Wright series as an example of awesome adventure games for the DS! And Touch Detective for examples of.. decent.. Adventure games :D

    Regardless I'd totally buy Sam and Max for the DS. :D
  • edited September 2007
    Do you have a team for Bone? You should do! :D

    I think I remember them saying that the Bone team pretty much became the Sam & Max team.
  • edited September 2007
    Dedlok wrote: »
    Don't forget get the Phoenix Wright series as an example of awesome adventure games for the DS! And Touch Detective for examples of.. decent.. Adventure games :D

    Regardless I'd totally buy Sam and Max for the DS. :D

    Hah phoenix wright is laughable. I explained some of the things as they happened to a lawyer friend and he was hilarioused:D
  • edited September 2007
    In much the same way that Sam & Max is completely true to the world of law enforcement, I'm sure :)
  • edited September 2007
    I'm not saying that Phoenix Wright that I'm gonna use Phoenix Wright as a replacementg for Law School or anything. (Not that I want to be a lawyer) Even I can see some of the differences between it and real life.

    But you also have to consider that a) it's probably leaned more towards the Japanese legal system (with some American thrown in to taste) and b) Even then it's not gonna be exactly the same as Japan's either.

    So in otherwords: I play it more for the characters and the story than realism :D Just like with Sam and Max!
  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    I'd love to do DS games. The biggest problem is that little box doesn't pack a whole lot of power. Especially compared to the Xbox, the Wii and a modern PC. Someday we'll get something built for the DS, but it's going to be a while....

    Ahh..so many systems, so little time. I did however just get a PSP to play with....
  • edited September 2007
    Telltale should port Season 1 to the DS using screencaps of the PC version, and an engine similar to Phoenix Wright :p
  • edited October 2007
    Partly offtopic, but since we're talking DS here, I'm a bit surprised that Lucasarts hasn't already published any of their oldschool point & click adventures for DS. Something like Fate of Atlantis or Day of The Tentacle would surely sell well on that system.
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