Episode 5 Predictions
Im so depressed right now! About Lee getting bitten and all Anyway! What do you think will happen in episode 5 of the walking dead? Will we meet the mystery guy on the walki and get Clementine back? Will Lee find a cure for his bite? What do you think?
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I think if they do I season two then an older Clementine should be the main character.
Is Kenny Loyal to you?
Is Ben Loyal to you?
Do Christa and her guy like you enough?
What have you taught Clem througout the game?
Lee will die but how?
- We will find that the Radio guy has interacted with Clementine's parents, and we will find out that he played a huge role in their demise, especially in regards to the mother.
- Ben is going to be uber-badass, he'll end up being the major reason for the group saving Clem in the end.
- We get to see Molly one last time
- Dependent on how many people are in your group, their will be certain strengths and weaknesses to how you go about finding Clem, everyone in this group can be possibly killed, meaning any combination of ending can occur.
Ending prediction
At the very end we get the scene of survivors getting on the boat and setting off elsewhere. It will then switch to see Lee sitting against a wall, with him on the verge of turning. We watch through his perspective as the image becomes foggy until he losses consciousness.
Bonus Prediction
Scene opens with Lee opening his eyes after hearing people speaking and moving around. He gets up and moves towards them just as the person is about to turn around, Lee is shot. scene cuts to...
The Walking Dead Season 2 - adding a sense of continuity the person that shoots Lee, is revealed as next season's main character
Or... it was not his blood and it was from the zombies head smashed in.. OOOOR they amputate his wrist and attach a chainsaw instend.... i'm not sure i just hope Lee survive's
While lee and the group looking for Clem, they bumped to bunch of zombies included Clem's mom. Fighting their way to save Clem.
When we found Clem, Vermon and other patients of his, we negotiate and tries to save Clem. When lee is about to turn, he speaks to Kenny and Ben to watch over Clem. We get to choose who to bite after?
Christa shoots Lee on the head?
Based off how you raised Clementine, she'll either shoot you or she'll leave you there to reanimate (or let someone else do it).
Clementine's parents are unsurprisingly still dead.
The group slowly dies off, whoever survives will be seen in the ending with Clementine.
Kenny drives the boat. The boat stopped moving because something is jammed. It turned out that dead got caught on the trolling motor. Christa saw the dead swimming their way to the boat.
Scene ends lol.
When climbing out the school Vermon asks if you came by train. Im guessing he was able to see your train from that height. The noise from it probably attracted a giant horde to the city
When someone is infected he can barely talk anymore right ? So talking on the walkie-talkie will be much harder so he have to reach fast to the group. I see at the end the boat still working but who makes it there is the other thing. For some reason I hope Lilly shows up and kills (or let me say, help lol) Vernon and the others to free Clem or atleast help the last survivors to reach the boat. TT could give Lilly a good farewell and show that Lilly is a good person.
For some reason since Molly said: "She is like me" at the end, I could see her rescue Clementine. Ben will be at the next episode for 1 time pretty badass and sacrifice himself, the same goes for Omid that cause a very emotional scene w/ Christa.
But that's doubtful... In the end Lee will probably save Clem in the end, maybe not if he's alone.
I'm still wondering how they'll nail the ending though, cause there's so much potential here!
did you not finish ep4? he said it wasnt vernon. duh!
I'd guess one of the people with you dies.(or all of them, if that's possible and you can pull it off even if they're 'friendly/loyal' towards you, I'll do it, because of the ep4 ending)
You have a choice to give your gun to somebody.
Horde has arrived in town(why vernon and his crew packed up and left)
At the end of the episode Lee will get shot by
1. himself
2. Clem
3. One of the people aiding you or
4. the special; clems kidnapper. Wouldn't really see that one coming yeah? The hero faili...well, he failed already by getting bitten, but failing to rescue Clem...without it ending in game over instantly...hah! Only available if you get everyone that was with you killed or something along those lines.
5. nobody shoots you after saving clem, you reassure them you'll be 'fine' and all that - Lee turns and last we see is his eyes going and him lunging at the screen going blaargh(or he could turn and kill someone before they'd shoot Lee)
Darn shame that the ending of ep4 literally took away any choice as to what ending Lee will have.
Only very cheapo outcomes now, there is no cure or immunity so you can scratch that out instantly.
Shoulda saved the -possible-(instead of being a forced story plotpoint) zombie bite to ep5...or atleast saved the forced plotpoint for episode 5.
Oh well, I'll be playing through the 5th episode but like knowing the ending of a movie/book/game where the hero dies, it takes away a TON of the excitement, now it'll just be a 'wade through, see Lee die, lose all interest' kinda thing. For me, atleast. (Lee & Kenny are the only characters I give 2 jacks about in the game so...yeah)
1. No one of the group that comes with you will play a major role in Ep5. TTG hates optional characters because they mean more work. They'll all lose each other pretty fast like "Oh I'ma check this part of town and you guys go there, we meet up here for 5'o clock tea, k?" Maybe some show up at the very end but for the vast part of the game they won't be there.
2. In the end it will be Lee, radio guy, Clem, Molly and maybe Vernon as well
3. The whole point of Molly getting out of the house before Lee was bitten to not make her optional for the "Search Clem Squad". She will be there. Same could go for Vernon and his group.
4. Lee gets too chose who should take care of Clem. Like Molly, Vernon or Christa/Omid.
5. Lee gets too chose who shoud do him, either Molly, Clem or he himself etc.
Doesn't the infection attack your blood stream as well as your brain? If so.. I don't really think amputation would actually work..
I'm pretty conflicted about Lee getting bitten. It was such a painfully insignificant way for him to be infected/killed and I hate the idea of Clementine being with someone else. When Vernon suggested that he take Clementine I took the option to think about it, but I was hoping that it waouldn't even be an option. Through the entire game I've had Lee be very understaning and protective of Clem, and the (now inevitable) breakdown of that relationship makes me feel sad for both of them. *My* Clem is quite attached to Lee and thought of her losing him is heartbreaking .
Clem's the good in this story; she's the light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, she's been for a large part - for myself at least - the entire reason that Lee (the convicted murderer) is fighting for life after losing his family. Of course it'd be pretty tasteless of telltale to kill Clem and I really can't see them doing it. If Lee is to die and for this story to wrapped up in the fifth episode, I think Clem needs to be reunited with her parents. The idea of her being left with some of the more disposable characters just isn't a satisfying ending - and I should add that I mean satisfying as opposed to happy.
I just really hope that it's not Clem that has to put Lee down in the end. I think it should be Kenny who steps up and finishes him off. It'd be the least abrasive ending, at least.
It's actually been done in the comics before so it isn't impossible.
you forgot one!
I feel the same way, and dammit, I saw it coming when I saw the barrier, especially after the stealth Walker in the return trip to the Motor Pool area. It's like "come on, I know one's hiding back there". It's especially underwhelming after Lee just had his crowning moment of awesome in the Bell Tower; people tend to be more aware of their surroundings after events like that (nevermind everything else going on), not less. Struck me as horribly contrived, all things considered - it'd be like nearly getting hit by a semi while crossing the street and then not looking both ways at the next crosswalk.
Fortunately, my plan has always been to assume the worst is going to happen; it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out Clem got infected while being a guest of the Walkie-talkie dude and the big decision is to stay together as Walkers or have the group put you both down. If you assume the worst, you won't be disappointed.
No, I didn't.
Kenny already prove he can't look after a child, not even his own.
CHRISTA'S PREGNANT. That brings up a lot of questions.
Will the baby be infected?
What if she has a miscarriage?
Will they be able to raise it if it's born?
Will Christa not be capable of running away from walkers?
That was my idea
In my eyes, Christa's pregnancy will become a huge handicap for the group, even more than Omid's injury. From what I've seen in the comics, babies are born alive and healthy (they still have the walker disease as everyone else).