Kenny? Why? I feel betrayed (MAJOR SPOILERS)
I feel betrayed. Kenny didn't have my back at the end.
I fed Duck, I shot Duck for him. I shot the kid in the attic, so he didn't have to. I also saved Duck at Hershall's farm. I sided with Duck at the pharmacy, even though kenny thought otherwise because of that "reason with him" confusion. I ddn't help him kill Larry, but I feel betrayed that Kenny wouldn't help me with Clementine. I pleased with to help but he wouldn't, even though Lee is bit and probably hasn't got long left.
All he can think about is his freaking boat. What a selfish human being. After all I have done to help him and his faimly and this is how he repays me? I wish Kenny was the one who got bit.
I fed Duck, I shot Duck for him. I shot the kid in the attic, so he didn't have to. I also saved Duck at Hershall's farm. I sided with Duck at the pharmacy, even though kenny thought otherwise because of that "reason with him" confusion. I ddn't help him kill Larry, but I feel betrayed that Kenny wouldn't help me with Clementine. I pleased with to help but he wouldn't, even though Lee is bit and probably hasn't got long left.
All he can think about is his freaking boat. What a selfish human being. After all I have done to help him and his faimly and this is how he repays me? I wish Kenny was the one who got bit.
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Did you choose his side EVERYTIME? I would assume no, because it may distance you from others.
Secondly, does his demeanor get more surly no matter what you do? At the end, he was giving me devil glares, and it all started when I sided with Lily regarding her father. And if you DID side with Kenny, are you able to give him a reassuring answer when you're walking back through the woods after the cannibal fiasco? Cause all I get are options to be harsh as hell.
No I didn't choose his side everytime. I sided with Lilly in the meat locker.
Same. That really hit him. He thinks family is the important thing ever. So he came with me too even tho I disagreed with him on some issues in the other episodes.
Did you drop Ben?
Been following TellTale Games Walking Dead Forums since right before the first episode was released and have been lurking around (checking in just about everyday) ever since. I've Laughed, Vented and Gushed about the Game(s) with all of you for afar, but after playing this 4th episode (PS3 version) I couldn't hold back form joining the forums any longer.
Episode 2 is my favorite so far but this latest episode just ripped my heart out. I'm Mad and sad all at the same time. Kenny betrayed me (we were bros during the first game, but distant after that) AGAIN!! and Ben.... This was my last time saving you, I'm broken and no longer gonna play the nice guy trying to make everyone else happy (took my 4 episodes, I know) especially now that my days are numbered and my Clemgirl isn't by my side. Who ever has Clementine is gonna die, no if &'s or maybe's about that. Only two people were willing to help my look for her! and they were the new people!
Love the Game TellTale, around ep.2 I had the same feelings as everyone else about the release and none communication (bought the pre-order bundle) but only had one glitch (Train, Ep.3) happen so far, not bad downloads or lost saves (sorry to those still having those problems). Can't wait for episode 5 and know that I'm gonna miss playing the game once it's over (until Season 2!) Happy to finally share my thoughts.
I'm not playing jerk Lee and I still decided to look for Clementine alone. Lets face it... The jerk decision is bring everyone along while you're a ticking time-bomb and getting them killed. The more people you get killed the less people will be there to look after Clementine after you get her out of there. I think it's pretty evident at the moment that Lee is definitely not getting on the boat no matter what.
Meh I've changed my mind I'm redoing that section.
so Im thinking I screwed up some earlier choice... anyone have any thoughts?
I sided with Kenny on all the big things up to that point in my original game, and the onyl thing I did that he didn't like was when I saved Ben. Still, you need to say something to Ben about Clementine needing him after telling Kenny that Clem is your family. Maybe it takes into account everything you and Kenny have done up until that point as well.
I don't think it does. I saved Ben and still managed to get Kenny on my team at the end. He mentioned I had gone against him before, I mentioned that Clem is family and he said I was there for Kat and Duck when it mattered... and I did leave Ben behind to watch the boat.
I talked Kenny into going with me for Clem. He said I wasn't there for him, so I told him Clementine was family. He agreed that I was there for Katjaa and Duck when it mattered, and that family is the most important thing. He didn't want to go with Ben, though, and I didn't argue. If his problems with Ben are more important to him than saving Clementine, then I'll let him work on the boat. Everyone makes their own decisions, and I only wanted people to go who wanted to save Clementine.
Kenny did say he would get the boat ready and wait for people. He made the right compromise.
Ben has had a history of making decisions that hurt the group, so I thought it best to have Kenny more than Ben. Especially since Ben froze up when Clem needed him most.
Having someone stay at the boat may be a good idea. I just hope he doesn't get the idea to drive away with the boat because of the recent bad decisions he has made for the group.
The biggest issue I have with Ben is that he took the axe out of the door handle that were keeping the walkers from getting inside the school building. I don't understand how he could be so stupid as to do that. He is old enough to realize it was there to keep something from getting inside.
I simply can't trust Ben to reliably take care of anyone, so I didn't argue when Kenny said it was him or Ben to go with me but not both.
I think Kenny is a tad insane. Everyone in the group who wants to be the leader is crazy.... Oh my god
In the Dead walking world if you want to be leader you need to be crazy.
That explains all the fucked up groups/
Yeah. Probably affected it a lot.
When that scene happened he was like "No Fucking way" and he said the same thing about times where I didn't have his back but I got him to come along with me, as well as Christa and Omid
Yeah I think I would be a follower as well until my leader got to crazy then I would Jump ship.
Eventually though you will become the crazy leader <
Since EP1 when he said he had a boat, he's been my new best friend!
I backed him every time and going to help find Clem. I even voted on another thread choosing Kenny to cake care of Clem.
and Cake care of her he will. Until she disagrees with murdering Ben in his sleep, then it's "I've raised you for a whole day and this is how you repay me"?
"Damnit Clem, I need you! you have to have my back on this one!" And then Ben wakes up because of all the shouting...
Everyone else came with me though without a hitch.
In Ep3, i've shooted Duck. And later, when Kaatja asked me to stop the train, I reasoned with him. In Ep4, I always tried to be comprehensive with him, and always avoided fights, though i've made him shoot the boy. I did that wanting him to be the Ol' Redneck, and for some reason I really think that has a lot of weight ( Though I don't know how he reacts if you shoot the boy), but later I justified Ben's intentions after he tells him the truth.
In the end of the episode, he says that he didn't knew I would do the same for him. I choosed the option that Clem was my only family, and he understand, saying always was there for Kaatja and Duck. But when I ask Ben, he basically says " Me or him". There was four options:
Deal with it, Kenny.
Choose Kenny ( Don't remember what was it but that was the consequence)
Choose Ben ( Don't remeber what was it but that was the consequence²
First o choose "...", because I really didn't knew who to choose. Ben said that he would stay there. But I've felt strange and decided to rewind, choosing the option " Deal with it, Kenny". And surprisely, he stays quiet! I didn't saw that coming. So I got everyone in the group to come.
I'm posting this for the people who don't understand why even picking the option " She's my only family" in the ending don't get his help.
Kenny lost my trust long ago. He's left me hanging too many times as well as what he did with Shawn. I knew he wouldnt be there for me at the end, at least without being grudging about it.
After that all that was left of the group is coming with me to find Clem. Hope that helps a bit.
That is all I care about in this game is Clem...getting her to safety, maybe Kenny will take her as his own and if so I will die in peace.