account is showing as having no license

edited October 2012 in Game Support
Sooo i first got the internet connection problem and now the game says that my account doesnt have the license to download episode 4. Dont really know what to say at this point except that I am probably not going to pay for season 2 or really look at another Telltale game.... too bad was a good concept too:(


  • edited October 2012
    same issue here..I am going and opening my steam account I had to use to download first episode and try to download it from there..well see. I doubt it will get fixed tonight?
  • edited October 2012
    I'm having the same problem. Can anyone from Telltale give us a hand on this one?
  • edited October 2012
    Well... today the game recognizes that I have the license- but now claims it loses my internet connection when I try and start the download. uh... I guess that's progress of a sort?
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