Mayor of Crawford - Hung?
I was wondering if anyone else noticed that the walker that had been hung]from the bell (who grabbed Ben) was the Mayor of Crawford?
Speculation as to how/why he died?
Speculation as to how/why he died?

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You know though Crawford did have a point with the ones who had a medical condition.
Major Drain on medicine. Not so much with the way it was handled
Not only that, there's the fact that people with certain medical conditions are more likely to die off and thus reanimate. Somebody has a particularly bad asthma attack or something? That's a potential walker.
It also leads me to believe that the inhabitants of Crawford strung up the "good" Mayor when things went down the crapper; they apparently knew that people reanimated upon death, and I kinda doubt the Mayor would put himself in that position.
But yes, I think that zombie is Oberman and I think he hung himself. I imagine that when the town got overrun, Oberman and whoever else survived made a last stand in the school, and then eventually the armory (which is why there isn't any ammunition left). Then, when it was clear that there was no way they could win, after everyone else got killed or turned, Oberman went to the top and hung himself.
Boom boom!
That's my take anyway.