[SPOILER] Why does he ask that?

ThadeumThadeum Banned
edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
Why does the friendly doctor ask you "I hope you did'n't come from the railroad, didn't you?" around the end of the episode

I did not replay the episode, maybe the answer is in another choice, but his question sounded weird... Why did he ask that? It did not seem relevant at this moment...

Edit :

My theory is that Vernon and his group, at the end of the episode, went out to the railroad to escape the city, using the train we used!

Read here why: http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=694574&postcount=8


  • edited October 2012
    I thought Vernon was hoping that Lee didn't come from the rail-road; because if he did (which he did :P) then a horde of walkers would be attracted to the noise and enter the area.
  • edited October 2012
    I think it might have to do with the mob of zombies that appeared on the railroad tracks at the end of ep3...I've seen people talk about them on this board. This mob of zombies never stops walking in one direction no matter what, or something like that...I know there's a term for them, but since the game is the only familiarity I have with this series I'm not sure what it is.

    So when he refers to the railroad I assume he sees the zombies coming from that direction. I think it would also explain why he and his group split at the end of the episode, because he knew about the mob's behavior and wanted to get his people out ASAP.
  • ThadeumThadeum Banned
    edited October 2012
    -Anna- wrote: »
    I thought Vernon was hoping that Lee didn't come from the rail-road; because if he did (which he did :P) then a horde of walkers would be attracted to the noise and enter the area.

    I thought that at first, but this is not that clear.

    He asks that around the end of the episode, a long time after they met, if I remember good.

    A lot of hours were spent scavenging around, and the bells did much more attraction than the train, which is supposed to be shut off since long. And if he had hear the train, he would not ask.

    Also, coming from the railroad does not mean he knows they had a working train (who could guess such a thing? The train was in wreckages. It is so highly unprobable you would not ask that).
  • ThadeumThadeum Banned
    edited October 2012
    Omegabegin wrote: »
    I think it might have to do with the mob of zombies that appeared on the railroad tracks at the end of ep3...I've seen people talk about them on this board. This mob of zombies never stops walking in one direction no matter what, or something like that...I know there's a term for them, but since the game is the only familiarity I have with this series I'm not sure what it is.

    So when he refers to the railroad I assume he sees the zombies coming from that direction. I think it would also explain why he and his group split at the end of the episode, because he knew about the mob's behavior and wanted to get his people out ASAP.

    That's a much more interesting theory, a shame it is not explained more into details in the episode, that makes the question a bit out of context if that is so (like you have to figure it out from a TV show or comic why he could say that)
  • edited October 2012
    Thadeum wrote: »
    That's a much more interesting theory, a shame it is not explained more into details in the episode, that makes the question a bit out of context if that is so (like you have to figure it out from a TV show or comic why he could say that)

    Not really. You see the horde following the train at the end of episode 3. It only makes sense that after seeing that he skedaddled out of there with his group.
  • edited October 2012
    Please don't post this stuff here. Post it in the spoiler forum where it belongs.http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=80
  • ThadeumThadeum Banned
    edited October 2012
    After replaying this part, in the escape from Crawford, Vernon asks :

    Vernon: "You never came from the railroad, did you?"
    Lee: "Yes, why?"
    And then he says that obvious HINT:
    "Nevermind. I can see sewers from here".

    My theory is that Vernon and his group, at the end of the episode, went out to the railroad to escape the city, using the train we used! I am affraid previous explanations do not hold.

    And he does not say, "Nervermind, I can see sewers from here", but "Nervermind. I can see (...)". There is a dot, which means he does not want to you to know why he asked that, not that he was looking for another way (the railroad is not at Crawford where this sequence played anyway)
  • edited October 2012
    I thought in retrospect that it was pretty clear. My immediate thought when he asked was because of the zombie horde, and I think the horde you see at the end of the game confirms it.
  • edited October 2012
    I don't know... Perhaps they did escape in the train, there was already hell-a-lot of walkers in savannah, maybe they tought it was better to leave. Anyway, they had food for a really long while, and Vernon himself said the Morgue was hidden properly. I dont get why heading out of savannah would have been safer.
  • edited October 2012
    I bet my money on the horde.

    But I think it's rather strange that nobody besides him saw them. They went out of the same window after all.
  • edited October 2012
    I think nobody had the time to have a look at the landscape, and Vernon just noticed the orde coming... Still pisses me that Vernon didn't tell anyone of our group about it.
  • edited October 2012
    Probably the herd was just coming into town, the one from episode 3. The map of the train routes showed us that from Macon to Savannah was a pretty straight shot, so unless something distracted the herd and caused them to veer off on another course, it was only a matter of time until they hit the city.
  • edited October 2012
    I doubt he saw the horde, I think he just saw the train. It makes more sense because since he's been in Savannah for so long he probably knows the zombies are attracted to noise, and since a train makes a lot of noise he got out of there. If he saw the horde everyone else would have seen it, not just him. Even if there wasn't time to look(there was, considering how long Lee is still up there. Plus the fact that Vernon asked about it would cause them to look that way.) they would have seen the horde, considering how huge it was. Then again, he could have just seen the train and figured it would be safe enough to leave out on.
  • edited October 2012
    I thought it was obvious he saw the horde.....
  • edited October 2012
    We'll see in Episode 5...

    But these sound a lot more sound then the 'Chuck Is Terry' Theory.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm guessing he saw the Herd, or some indication of it. That seems like a good way to finish off the season: Flood Savannah with even more zombies!
  • edited October 2012
    Zer0Guy wrote: »
    I doubt he saw the horde, I think he just saw the train. It makes more sense because since he's been in Savannah for so long he probably knows the zombies are attracted to noise, and since a train makes a lot of noise he got out of there. If he saw the horde everyone else would have seen it, not just him. Even if there wasn't time to look(there was, considering how long Lee is still up there. Plus the fact that Vernon asked about it would cause them to look that way.) they would have seen the horde, considering how huge it was. Then again, he could have just seen the train and figured it would be safe enough to leave out on.

    I don't think he is talking about the train. When the walkers are walking past the window at the end, there are a crap ton of them. Seems to point to the herd that followed the train.
  • edited October 2012
    It's definatly the hoarde
  • edited October 2012
    If they left the city with the train and Clementine is with them...OMG how will Lee save her before he turns ? We should find a Concorde or something..
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