Lee Everett or Rick Grimes



  • edited November 2012
    Hmmm they both dependable

    But Lee far unlikely to kill you in a heartbeat.

    While Rick will kill you in a heartbeat.

    But i choose Lee over Rick
  • edited November 2012
    Joining the Group

    I'd rather try to join Lee's group, I wouldn't get hurt that way.

    In the Group

    Rick definitely, more likely to survive long term. Assuming I'm not expendable, if I were at like Andrea's level of importance that would be awesome. Either way I'm going to end up dead though.
  • edited November 2012
    Lee Everett. His story is just way too epic, a man is sent to jail and then finds Clementine. Lee is also a badass, he can chop trough a zombie army on his own.
  • edited November 2012
    Lee wasn't really a leader til the end. And everyone in the group died or got separated in that time.
  • edited December 2012
    well rick was bitten

    When? (I haven't read all of the comics by the way,I think I am on like issue 78)
  • edited December 2012
    When? (I haven't read all of the comics by the way,I think I am on like issue 78)

    He hasn't. At least not up until the most recent issue. He thought he was bit once, way early on when they are still in the camp outside Atlanta. When Glen and Rick smear themselves with zombie ick and go on a gun run, Rick took a chomp to his leather jacket, but it didn't make it through to the skin.
  • edited December 2012
    He hasn't. At least not up until the most recent issue. He thought he was bit once, way early on when they are still in the camp outside Atlanta. When Glen and Rick smear themselves with zombie ick and go on a gun run, Rick took a chomp to his leather jacket, but it didn't make it through to the skin.

    He chops his arm off because he gets bit later, I believe.
  • edited December 2012
    He chops his arm off because he gets bit later, I believe.
    Rick doesn't voluntarily get his arm chopped off, the Governor did it to give them proof that he means business. Rick was not bitten nor has he ever been bitten.
  • edited December 2012
    He chops his arm off because he gets bit later, I believe.

    no the Governor chopped it off, but not because he was bit
  • edited January 2013
    Yertos wrote: »
    Who would you trust most with your life?
    Definitely Rick Grimes. He is a better leader. You only have to look at how long his people lasted under his leadership, some have lasted over 18 months whereas Lee's companions lasted 13 weeks with the exception of Clementine. Come to think of it as much as I liked Lee I never felt he was the leader. He was like the right hand man to the leader and was very much the go between. His decisions and ideas for the direction of the group were disregarded and under minded by the groups true leaders Kenny and Lilly. If you as the player say we shouldn't go to the dairy the group go any way. If Lee says we should try and help Larry Kenny goes over your head and kills him ignoring Lee like Lee is his number 2 or his henchman. Lee is just a good guy in the group assuming you choose to play him that way. Having Lee in your group is like having Morgan in your group before he lost his son. There is no real reason to feel safer with Lee than with Rick other than loving the game and it's protagonist to the point were he is favoured.
  • edited January 2013
    Comic Rick seems to be power hungry, TV Rick turned scary as hell after Lori's death. And Lee.... well, he's urban so I go with him o.o
  • edited January 2013
    dee23 wrote: »
    Definitely Rick Grimes. He is a better leader. You only have to look at how long his people lasted under his leadership, some have lasted over 18 months whereas Lee's companions lasted 13 weeks with the exception of Clementine. Come to think of it as much as I liked Lee I never felt he was the leader. He was like the right hand man to the leader and was very much the go between. His decisions and ideas for the direction of the group were disregarded and under minded by the groups true leaders Kenny and Lilly. If you as the player say we shouldn't go to the dairy the group go any way. If Lee says we should try and help Larry Kenny goes over your head and kills him ignoring Lee like Lee is his number 2 or his henchman. Lee is just a good guy in the group assuming you choose to play him that way. Having Lee in your group is like having Morgan in your group before he lost his son. There is no real reason to feel safer with Lee than with Rick other than loving the game and it's protagonist to the point were he is favoured.

    I agree that I never saw Lee as a leader, and he felt--at least in my playthrough--like a peacemaker, go between, and second in command. Those are important qualities for sure, but sometimes I felt if he stepped up more maybe things would've played out differently. I think most of the group members respected Lee though, and Carley even wanted him to be the leader.

    I respect Lee, and I would trust him too to have my back. However, I definitely feel TV Rick has the leadership qualities that Lee, Lilly, and Kenny all lacked. So far, he's also displayed the "leave no one behind" attitude I hope to see in a ZA group member that Lee has, from going back for Merle in season 1 to the awesome rescue of Glenn and Maggie in the current season.
  • edited January 2013
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Lee - My Lee is a badass zombie terminator who does whatever it takes to protect his people.

    Rick's.... well... not.
    Yeah but Lee and his companions only lasted 13 weeks. If you was with Rick you would probably last a lot longer since he didn't lose group members on a daily basis. O.K i'm exaggerating a little but we lost group members every day we shared with Lee. In episode 1 day 2 Sean dies as does Carly or Doug, In episode 2 day 1 Mark and Larry die. From the time we took back control over Lee in episode 3 a week later he was loosing members daily. Carly/Doug,Kat,Duck,Chuck(Molly if Clem isn't there and Lee misses when shooting the zombie). The following day Ben,Kenny and Lee die. The characters that lived were no longer with Lee. 18 months on give or take, Carl and Andrea who were with Rick from the beginning are alive and kicking along with the other people he met along the way.
  • edited January 2013
    dee23 wrote: »
    Yeah but Lee and his companions only lasted 13 weeks. If you was with Rick you would probably last a lot longer since he didn't lose group members on a daily basis. O.K i'm exaggerating a little but we lost group members every day we shared with Lee. In episode 1 day 2 Sean dies as does Carly or Doug, In episode 2 day 1 Mark and Larry die. From the time we took back control over Lee in episode 3 a week later he was loosing members daily. Carly/Doug,Kat,Duck,Chuck(Molly if Clem isn't there and Lee misses when shooting the zombie). The following day Ben,Kenny and Lee die. The characters that lived were no longer with Lee. 18 months on give or take, Carl and Andrea who were with Rick from the beginning are alive and kicking along with the other people he met along the way.

    Episode 2 was a month later. Also, I would prefer to be with someone like Lee, who is open to suggestions than someone like Rick, who might shoot you in the face if you piss him off.
  • edited January 2013
    Kannibal wrote: »
    Rick is nuts, he was a good leader but his mental state degrades much easier than anyone else. Lee maybe wasn't as tough as Rick, you can notice that no matter your choices in the game, Lee is always more democratic as a leader, while Rick is more like a dictator ( you are with him, or you are dead because you pissed him off )
    You forget that Rick had gone through far more. I'm sure Lee would have been just as unstable as Rick had he of endured what he had. If we are talking about the 13 weeks that Lee lasted in the ZA than that was before Rick went through his unstable phase. During that time People were kept relatively safe by Rick considering he didn't have the safety of the motor inn like Lee did. Rick was mostly on the road living in the RV and in outside camps and he had weeks and even months without any group members dying. If we are referring to the Rick from the comics, which we should be, even when Rick was having his break down he still made good decisions which kept his group safe, this was regularly noted by his companions in appreciation.

    In the comic the others didn't know he was talking to his dead wife until he shared it. The only person he told was Michonne and that was him being supportive to her when she felt silly and abnormal about her coping mechanism. Rick had his breakdown but he got through it and not only was he recognised as a good leader by his group but was given the position to take charge of a community that was larger than Woodbury because of his leadership skills. His leadership status is held so high in regard that the most dangerous character so far in walking dead history won't kill him through fear of making him a martyr.

    Considering the question was about who we would feel safer with or trust more with our lives. I'd have to say Rick. Even if Lee did have better leadership skills(not saying he did) they weren't put to use since he wasn't the groups leader any way. He was just the games protagonist. Kenny and Lilly were the recognised leaders of the group. At best Lee was the right hand man to which ever one he supported. Comparing Rick to Lee concerning leadership and their ability to keep us safe is like comparing Morgan to the video game Lilly.
  • edited January 2013
    anonymau5 wrote: »
    Episode 2 was a month later. Also, I would prefer to be with someone like Lee, who is open to suggestions than someone like Rick, who might shoot you in the face if you piss him off.

    episode 1 to 2 theres a 3 month gap. lee survives roughly from july or august to November
  • edited January 2013
    episode 1 to 2 theres a 3 month gap. lee survives roughly from august to November

    I have a question.. Do you know the gap from Ep 2 to 3? I heard Kenny saying a week after but if they found the station wagon full of supplies at the end of ep 2, why were they going for more supplies in the pharmacy at the beginning of episode 3? o .o
  • edited January 2013
    AnnaSan wrote: »
    I have a question.. Do you know the gap from Ep 2 to 3? I heard Kenny saying a week after but if they found the station wagon full of supplies at the end of ep 2, why were they going for more supplies in the pharmacy at the beginning of episode 3? o .o
    its for medicine that's all you'd find in the back of the pharmacy. And Ep 2 to Ep3 the stranger asks if you remember the station wagon out on the road a few weeks ago so there must have been about two weeks after ep 2
  • edited January 2013
    its for medicine that's all you'd find in the back of the pharmacy. And Ep 2 to Ep3 the stranger asks if you remember the station wagon out on the road a few weeks ago so there must have been about two weeks after ep 2

    Oh thanks, I did remember him telling me that.
  • edited January 2013
    AnnaSan wrote: »
    Oh thanks, I did remember him telling me that.

    your welcome AnnaChan
  • edited January 2013
    hawkfire20 wrote: »
    This made me chuckle. I'd still pick Lee, though, because he seem's a lot more safer and easier to be around and he won't kill me if I piss him off.
    Rick won't kill you either. Every person Rick killed was killed to protect himself or someone in his group. Rick chose to reason with people first and used his police negotiation training in most cases, often to good effect. He did this at the Alexandria safe zone when Ron's dad was threatening to kill him which was after his break down and was even commended for his restraint by the man that was trying to kill him. As for Rick being a dictator, Rick did away with that awhile ago. He makes decisions with the group and has for quite some time now. He doesn't loose his temper when people disagree. He is a lot more rationale than you give him credit for. When Rick has had to be authorative and bark orders it has woken the group up and saved their lives often with a big moving speech.
  • edited January 2013
    I'd choose Rick. My Lee was an asshole.
  • edited January 2013
    I only watch the TV Series and played TT's game, so it's TV Rick and Game Lee.

    It's a tough pick, but in the long run I'd have to go with Rick.

    He's the leader, lost his wife, went insane and took control of the group again.
  • edited January 2013
    I'd choose Lee. He's a sound leader, has a calm mind(when Clem is not missing) and can effectively defuse most situations without consequence. Plus, he's lost his parents and had to put his own brother out of his misery. He's accepted that tragedy and doesn't let it affect him in any way.
  • edited January 2013
    Hmm... isn't it funny how the protagonist of one series is a Cop, and the other is a Convict?
    I'd pick Lee, because he appears to be much more caring and less ruthless to his group, but will tear down walkers when required. He can also manage his emotions slightly better than Rick can.
  • edited January 2013
    Lee cause he is quite sane and also keeps the spirit up, in my opinion he's a good leader he has the guts to make the hard decisions but won't kill a stranger cause of suspicions or not trusting them, the way rick treats people is cold, maybe neccessary but i think Lee is the man... at least my Lee is.
  • edited January 2013
    I would trust my Lee, because Rick seems to do some wrong decisions in the TV show. I also think that Lee would do anything to protect his group.
  • edited January 2013
    My original post was based on TV Rick

    Now that I've read Compendium One - I'd like to add, I think if I were in Rick's group - I'd run away screaming. That guy kills as many, if not more, than Ben.....
  • edited January 2013
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    My original post was based on TV Rick

    Now that I've read Compendium One - I'd like to add, I think if I were in Rick's group - I'd run away screaming. That guy kills as many, if not more, than Ben.....

    So... You would take sure death instead of maybe death?
  • edited January 2013
    I'd be better off solo :p
  • edited January 2013
    Of course. I like how everyone is thinking that.
  • edited January 2013
    Psyconix wrote: »
    Rick seems to do some wrong decisions in the TV show.

    Everyone commits mistakes, even team leaders. Lee isn't perfect neither, he's actually a dirtier character than Rick because he killed a man, while Rick's a police officer.

    Yeah, not all police officers are clean or innocent, I know.
  • edited January 2013
    Of course. I like how everyone is thinking that.

    Dude, he got his entire group killed (wife and daughter included) in the first 50 comics.

    The only ones who lived where the ones smart enough to ditch him. :p

    At least till they came back... heh.
  • edited March 2013
    I would like to say this game does have one thing to do with the Tv Show and the Comic.... Hershal.
  • edited March 2013
    Hershel in the game is the comics version. The game/comic Hershel is MUCH different than the tv one. People who play episode 1 will see that :P He actually kicked the group out of the farm, and was brought to the prison later on when the farm became unsafe.
  • edited March 2013
    I don't know, as I ahvn't had the chance to read any of the comics yet, and the I find the show difficult to stick to, but if I had to choose, it would be my Lee. Lee seems to be the only one who doesn't break down during his limited stay in the apocalypse, and I would feel much safer with Lee, as he feels much more like a comforting human, rather than the mini crack SWAT team half of the TV show cast have turned into, where people dying is just another day for them. Rick seems to be in alot more control than Lee, which would probably increase your chances of survival, but to live with people you can no longer read or predict as a normal person, I would live in constant fear of being shot or thrown out.
  • edited March 2013
    I would say that this is more a question about You Vs Rick. Lee is the player.
  • edited March 2013
    Rick has managed to keep himself and a few others in his group alive for over a year and a half so far.

    Lee couldn't manage more than 3 or 4 months.

    I'll stick with Rick.
  • edited March 2013
    I'd rather stick with Lee. Lee's group's downfall was not his fault, and had he not gone looking for Clem, would have survived and all of them would be safe on a boat.

    Lee is easier to trust(by far), is kind, has retained his naivety of people, is intelligent and great at improvising, is a great leader and friend, good shot and street fighter, is forgiving, is flawed but tries to make up for it, etc.

    Rick has lost many of the qualities he had in the beginning, and has gone a bit insane. He has killed those who put him and those of his remaining friends and family at risk(even if unintentional). He has done some crazy shit, and I don't mean the cool kind, I mean the insane kind lol. I'd like to be with Rick's group too, but Rick puts his group at risk too much, where Lee just tries to keep everyone safe, and puts everyone elses' lives before his own.

    I'd choose my Lee, hands down. Rick of comics is loco, and Rick of TV is kinda crazy too. He has protected his group much worse than in the comics, where until the Governor goes on a rampage he had many of his group still with him.
  • edited March 2013
    I love Rick's character but Lee would be the safer bet.

    Having survived in the apocalypse for 2 years Rick will sacrifice anyone not in his group to survive. And even then sometimes he'll kill his own group for the sake of his family. (cough cough Jessie koff koff)

    Though it all depends on what kinda person your Lee is...
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