Why didn't Molly hug me??? :'((
When I played I was very nice to molly. I said I understand her when she told about her sister and such.. but when she said goodbye she never came to hug me. when i watched a lets play on youtube she went up to Lee and hugged him! But not me! Wtf. What do I need to say or do to make her hug me?
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Hmm I suspect that it depends on every little stupid fucking conversation choices you have made with her.
Did you win the duel when you first met her though?
I blocked both of her attacks. I told her why she is leaving us. I stopped kenny from shooting her. When she was beating the zombie I said I think she got him. and I said I understand her when she explained about her sister. and when she left our group I said why she doesnt come with us on the boat. Basically I choose always very nice replies towards her. so it pisses me off to see someone else gets hugged but not me.
Yeah Yeah That is also very important factor though. But wasn't she automatically dead if you (or Clem) couldn't save her? I don't know the outcome.
Maybe Just maybe Did you (the op) kill Ben?
Kenny gave me the look as he was commanding me to drop Ben so I thought "FUCK YOU KENNY" and pulled Ben up
I chose to drop the subject, so in turn she doesn't know that i know about the arrangement she had with Dr. Logan
She clobbered me, I shouted at Kenny to wait, I brought up the tape and got the info on her sister, let Ben drop the second time, and she still hugged me.
Are there some conversations you can miss with her, like with others?
I made the exact same choices, and she hugged me.
When was that? I don't recall a conversation like that at all.
I knew about her little "exchange" of services, but didn't confront her. I was planning to use that bit of information against her in an opportune moment and shock her, twist her stomach emotionally if the moment ever arose; much good that will do since Lee is a dead man walking.
All of the other options also in the end say yes Or imply it. If you say 'I'm fine' Katjaa tells you to be honest and Lee says "I'm fine. I liked her, but she's gone now." "..." Implies it because he didn't reject it, and "I'm used to it by now", I forgot exactly but he said that he was used to losing people you cared about now with how the world is.
I didn't hug her on mine, forever faithful to Carley even if she's gone. Plus I didn't really love Molly. On my extra playthrough though she hugged me, yet I didn't get to save her, Clem did. I was nice to her most of the time, though.
The hugging happens after the saving.
Oops, should have been more clear! I meant that I didn't save her, but Clem did. Not sure if that affects your bond with Molly.
white woman hugs usually are.
Did you videotape it?
Why didn't you let Ben drop then if your signature displays your hatred for Ben?
what do you mean? did you get a kiss on the cheek?
The rest is a secret!
No Katjaa died so unless she told some 1 else be4 she died (which i doubt she would just cuz there was bigger crap going on) then no body else would know.
Why was this necro'd?
-Kicked her ass in the street
-Asked her where Clem was
-Clem saved her in Crawford
-Confronted her about the tape
-Didn't bitch her out about it
-Said her sister was pretty
Got the hug.
In TWD, you make friends fast...or you die. That's how I interpret it anyway.
Indeed. She hugs you if you tell her she should come with you.
Everything else = no hug.
Which tape are you talking about? I know Lee found 2 tapes. First in the room and second with the zombie. After both tapes have been watched, Christa and Vernon left the room and Lee chose to stay. I looked around the room, re-watched the 2 tapes again, but there is no video about Molly or the deal she made with the doc.