Correa Is a BTCH! (Spoilers)
She murdered that doctor in cold bold because she's an amoral and selfish btch! If she didn't want the abortion, she had the choice to leave the place. Why did she have to kill the doctor? I thought he was quite nice and understanding to her. He explained the situation and the rules.
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I don't remember, even though i just played it the second time.
Nope, they made you leave which is pretty much the same as killing you.
While at the same time he is extorting sex out of another young woman who only wants to help her ill sister, otherwise her sister will be murdered. Yes that doctor is SUCH a nice man based on the twenty seconds we saw him talking to Anna! I agree!
She is responsible for Crawford falling apart, though I don't think anyone in game is shedding any tears about it.
And yet, they also "came for people" and killed them - hence why the cancer survivors left after 5 had been rounded up.
I say "Good job, preggo lady!"
What?! From the slow plodding zombies that a briskly paced walk could get you away from?? If theres anything I dont like about Kirkmans zombies, is that they are weak as hell.
More like from a lack of medical supplies, food, shelter, and no protection from bandits, rapists, or killers. Those slow plodding zombies outnumber humans millions to one and will eventually kill you without protection from others.
Pretty much, even without that hapening all they did was create for themselves a slow death. A community that doesn't allow childen is one that expects to die out within 30 years. In that time they become old and sickly, with no younger generation to look after them, nor one that would show them any compassion if they did bring in new young adults from outside. Eventually it'd just turn into an area with a bunch of zombified geriatrics.
She probably wasn't what brought down the community, but was one of many that weakened it enough that it fell apart.
She probably wasn't what brought down the community, but was one of many that weakened it enough that it fell apart.
Nope. She took the doctor's gun and shot a bunch of folks in the hall.
Play it again and pay attention this time.
You can hear her in the video, busting caps in anything in her way.
Yeah, that shooting goes on for quite a while.
What I don't understand is Mollys rage towards Logan. He didn't force her to have sex. She wanted the medicine, she gave up the goods. It was a trade of services. If she didn't want to have sex with him, she could have found another way. Did she expect to get the medicine for her sister for free?
What other ways could she have found? You say this yet offer nothing. You're also assuming he'd accept any other way. He was the one with all the power in that bargain, he had something she NEEDED, he also had information she didn't want to be revealed, all she had was something he WANTED.
That was the only way of getting it. Logan decided to stop, and knowingly sentenced her sister to death once Oberson found out about her condition. I think I can see why Molly would hate hime.
Then the hate should be for Oberson, not Logan. If Oberson had found out he was sifting supplies for sex, he'd most likely be killed. He's just a croney and Oberson was starting notice supplies dwindling.
You don't really think she's the only person with a gun in that hallway, do you? I mean, if the doctor has a gun, it's given that everyone she ran into patrolling outside had one too.
How far do you think she got? Woman with a blood covered weapon charges out of a room through a community that believes in "only the strong survive". I can't imagine an emotionally jostled person with a single firearm was fully responsible for the fall of the stronghold.
I don't think he coerced her into having sex. She didn't seem to have a problem having sex with him as long as he was supplying her with the meds her sister needed. She was pissed because he wouldn't keep the deal going and keep supplying her sister with insulin, which ended in her being taken away. At least that is how I think it went down.
She wouldn't have had sex with him if he weren't offering the meds in exchange for it. And she NEEDED those meds. That's coercion. It wasn't consensual or voluntary, because she wouldn't have done it otherwise.
You need to learn the definition of rape. It wasn't forced, she never said No. She willingly gave her body for medicine for her sister. Just replace Medicine with money to buy food for her sister if it was not the ZA. It's more prostitution than rape.
Yeah, I think this too.
She was probably gunned down, she may of murdered someone else after she killed the doctor, but there was a high chance Crawford got alerted and shot her.
Personally, I think Dr. Logan's re-animation and possibly the person(s) she killed re-animated and unleashed havoc on Crawford.
As far as I'm aware of the legal definition the absence of objection does not of itself constitute consent.
Just because she went through with it, it doesn't mean she did it willingly. The certain death of her sister is a pretty strong "bargaining chip" for the Doc. Not really a rapist but not far away from it, should he have only accepted the deal for sex and nothing else. Imo it's by legal definition more sexual aussault and not rape.
1) Middle of the compound, and thus less security than the walls/entry points.
2) Do you honestly think they'd have wasted THAT many bullets on a single woman?
3) The doctor crawled away... do you honestly think that he could have done that "and" been left a zombie if they had taken out the women?
"Yeah, we took out this crazy woman, but the doctor is gone and there's this blood stain on the floor, think we should check on him?"
"Nah, he'll walk it off."
There was a gun battle no doubt. How far she got is not really important. What matters is that people started shooting and more than likely got wounded.
The fact that the "Leader" was hung from the bell tower explains just how far things went.
If they really dropped that women as soon as she ran out then that would leave only two potential zombies.
We saw the rooms with big X's on them had zombies in them so clearly the group knows how to handle a few geeks.
That woman took the group down, and died (maybe) as she did it
I disagree, you could survive, if you are not sick allready stay dry and warm and eat smart. Shelter? Its Georgia , and Florida is not far, also the ocean full of fish food, not far You would survive the weather.bandits rapists or killers. Hey you gotta watch out for them in real life. So no diff here, and the zombies may outnumber but theyre bodies are decomposing, they are slow, have only hands and jaws for offense, a group of 3 with a plan could get through enough zombies with supplies they get from police stations and military bases. Every area has hospitals, pharmacys and homes to search for shelter, medicine and food. Its never been explained how theyre night vision works, that could be figured out and taken advantage of. This could go on, but bottom line, you think your gonna die, you probably are. :cool:
Right. A pregnant woman is going to find shelter, food, and water in a zombie-infested city where all supplies have likely been stripped out already either by the group that just booted her out or anyone else still clinging to life in the city. Not to mention the walkers are literally in the thousands, maybe almost millions, and how there's no boats, little to no way to safely procure food and medicine (which she will need because again, she's pregnant) and the extremely strong tenacious never-stopping zombies constantly hunting her down...the pregnant lady...all alone in undead Savannah with no friends or resources... And a bunch of people behind her who'd probably kill her if they found her again...
It was a shootout. She probably ducked somewhere and was immediately pinned by gunfire.
I just don't think it's a given that a single woman brought down the community with 12 bullets nor do I think it's likely that a doctor in a stocked room died of a stab wound. She killed a few people, probably got some notoriety for making it as far as she did, the doctor patched himself up, [then much later] a small resistance group took out the retaining wall and everyone died in a following battle by being bitten by invading zombies or being gunned down in the chaos.
For one thing, the zombie was somewhere outside and probably up high in a neighboring building for him to have been dropped where Molly threw him. He didn't start from the school infirmary, get carried down a stairwell and over a fence, then up another building to get thrown dramatically off a rooftop. It's pretty unlikely he died that day in that room from that single attack.
It was a survivalist community... I doubt Preggo-lady was a damsel...she was probably as dangerous as anyone else there - more so with that maternal instinct kicking in.
Also, look at the date on the tape, day what.. 86? That's around the time Episode 2 started... it's been like a week or two since Episode 2? And the head Crawford dude looked fairly ripe at that point....
I'm just not seeing your point.
I mean, which is more likely?
Preggo-Lady brought Crawford down (which there is evidence to support) or she was stopped and "something else happened" (which we can only really guess at)?
I'm not trying to "win" an argument here, I just... really don't understand your point.