Im stuck on episode 3.... help plz

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
Seriously i have no idea what to do. Im at part where you teach clem how to shoot i have no idea how to do the mini game there is no aimer and i try to line up gun but fail been trying for 30 minutes.


  • edited October 2012
    I got it lol randomly picked and just got lucky,.
  • edited October 2012
    You wouldn't have had to go random though. You can see where she shoots, and adjust accordingly. Just in case you aim to go for it again. ;)
  • edited October 2012
    if you're not certain just make her shoot to determine where's the aim. Then adjust according to the bottle's position
  • edited October 2012
    Watch where her shot goes. Then adjust it... Higher or lower, left or right. If her height or width was correct simply say steady.
  • edited October 2012
    there's 3 parts of it.

    If you see her shoot.

    Far left and it's too high like at the corner of the box.

    Tell her to right and lower
    you should know the rest.
    If it's Far Right and too low, left and higher
    and if it's Far Right but in the middle, Left and steady fire.
    That's how you do it, that's the point of the prefire where they show you where she missed, and how you can adjust it.
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