A Question about Crawford / Molly Sister

If Mollys Sister takes insulin which presumably is the medicine she was screwing the doctor for . And Crawford has a no sickies policy. Why would it matter if insulin was running out. I mean to put it another way. "Why would vegetarians care about how much meat they have on hand?" If they aren't going to use it does it matter if it's missing. I think Crawford was allowing Sickies if Oberman {uberman? Ubermensch?"} himself approves of them. Probably with a similar "Exchange" Like Molly had with the Doctor.
Also Has anyone checked the credits of Episode 3 and 4 to see if there were any unfamiliar names so i can stop calling Radio Man Radio Man?
Also Has anyone checked the credits of Episode 3 and 4 to see if there were any unfamiliar names so i can stop calling Radio Man Radio Man?
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maybe the Crawford Community found out about His Diabetes and Hung him in the Belltower.
Ober to Uber
Uber to Super.
They started keeping track of all the meds and honestly keeping track of the meds would be a good way to weed out any stragglers/find out about any stragglers. People can lie, but if the count is off, the count is off. If things start go missing, especially things like insulin, it wouldn't be hard to figure out who needed it in the first place and get rid of them.
but wouldn't destroying the meds that people need like insulin be easier since they have no way to cover it up at all if it wasnt there to sneak out?
Maybe insulin would be, but a lot of those other meds may be useful to the community and I'd imagine the supreme leader would always be looking out for himself and saving meds that he may need. The other thing is that insulin can be used in things other than just for diabetics. It may be easier to destroy everything at first, but if you need it down the line, you'd be kicking yourself later (especially if the supreme leader comes down with something).
which is why he ended up hanging.
Guy did sort of seem like a tool, can't blame the fine people of Crawford. I'd actually really like to hear/see what happened to Crawford after the chit hit the fan in the nurse's station.