Mac version freezes

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
I'm desperate to play The Walking Dead: Episode 4 on my Mac. I've purchased the series pass via Steam and have been able to play Eps 1 - 3 with minimal issues. However Episode 4 suffers from long (1-2 minute) sections where gameplay will pause. Hitting ESC will eventually cause the menu to pop-up, allowing me to continue playing, but this largely renders the game unplayable.

I've noticed it tends to happen during live action scenes with large numbers of walkers. While it happened on a few occasions in previous episodes, Episode 4 is unplayable.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? How can I fix this?


  • edited October 2012
    Sorry, I don't have any ideas how to fix it. I actually cannot get through Episode 1. When I get to the motel scene it locks up every time. I bought the game on the Mac because I got too anxious waiting for the new episodes to release on iOS :).
  • edited October 2012
    im playing on a macbook too and i was able to play the game with no issues at all until chapter 4.
    it just keeps crashing like hell when ever it saves, or loads something new.

    and while i found ways to keep playing by reopening until it worked i just reached a specific part that actually freezes and have to restart the computer.

    this is really REALLY annoying at least make a statement about a possible future patch or something.
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