episode not downloading
clearly i have a strong connection, but still i am unable to download due to the server or whatever recognizes my account as not connected.... what is the reason for this? is it because i'm stationed here in tokyo? this wasn't a problem with all the previous episodes. i was able to download them on release day. sometimes it sucks to be stationed overseas... -_-
a very sad medic,
a very sad medic,
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I have played the other 3 episodes without any problems.
Started up TWD Game because I finally decided to try to get through Episode 3 (when I first downloaded it, I lost my game saves and I lost a lot of motivation to replay and after playing through Ep1 again I decided to wait until "tomorrow" -- which turned out to be months later).
Anyway... The scrolling text said Ep4 was out, so I figured I would download that before trying to get back to the end of Ep2 (in case I lost my game saves again, because that way at least I just have to play through Ep1 and not 1-3).
So I try to download and it gave me the same connection, so I decided to close the program (because I forgot to plug my 360 controller in before starting it the first time anyway). And now the download is working.
Between the time of starting typing and now I am over 35% complete.
So my advice is to close the program and restart it then try.
Good luck.
Backup, save, delete temp, play.
I suspect it has to do with the volume of people downloading at a time. Since EP 4 just came out and the new season is starting on AMC, I imagine there is a huge volume trying to download. I do not have the time or inclination to manually download. I'll wait a week and see.