Walking Dead= Corrupt File

edited October 2012 in Game Support
I've been trying to play the fourth episode ever since it came out. I re-downloaded the game, since the game never went to the home page. When I restarted it, every time I try to open the file it says that it's corrupted. I've tried downloading it more than ten times. I tried doing it on my PC at home and the same thing occurred. Is there any other way I can do in order to start the game?

Thanking you,
Ashley L


  • edited October 2012
    I'm having a similar problem. Game crashes immediately on start up. Nobody wants to help me.
  • edited October 2012
    Don't expect much. The support here is awful.
  • edited October 2012
    What amazes me about this is how they have the gall to tell Joystiq and other media outlets that the issue only affects a small number of users and is isolated to PlayStation.

    Putting their head in the sand and saying "what problem?" is the reaction of big companies like EA and Activision. Those companies are pretty overt in not giving two licks for individual gamer issues. TTG wants to pretend like they're small and empathetic when they're doing exactly what the large companies do.

    Big companies solve issues by:

    1) ignore complaints
    2) assume it's user error (or user stupidity) and issue canned responses or useless FAQs to that effect
    3) lie about the scope of the issue when asked.
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