A Ton of possibilities with how Episode 4 ended

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
With the split of who is with you or not there are so much possibilites i just hope telltale pulls it off!

How are your thoughts about it just have the feeling in the back of my head that this is either complete epicness or a total complete and utter trainwreck, i dont think there is any grey area in between.

What are your thoughts on this?


  • edited October 2012
    Keyalha wrote: »
    With the split of who is with you or not there are so much possibilites i just hope telltale pulls it off!

    How are your thoughts about it just have the feeling in the back of my head that this is either complete epicness or a total complete and utter trainwreck, i dont think there is any grey area in between.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    I thought it was an excellent set up for the finale, the re-play value of the episode will be huge!
  • edited October 2012
    As I have said 3 times now, if Ben is the only one who is alive come the end I am going to laugh hysterically for a hour or two, then realise how fortunate it was of me to spare him if he isn't the reason we're all dead, wont regret saving him though.
  • edited October 2012
    I am also stoked about it just have small fears that it ends in a trainwreck.

    Im fine with lee dying if the circumstances are resonable im even fine with clem dying ( altho i hope it does not happen ), i cant point the finger on it but i might be paranoid they pull a mass effect 3 on it.

    Please telltale dont pull an mass effect 3 on this.
  • edited October 2012
    I have faith in TT that they'll make it really good. So long as Clem and Christa survive I will consider it a happy ending. Omid's wound is going to kill him, Kenny has no reason to live, Lee is bitten, and I dropped Ben. Looks like the boat's "capacity problem" just solved itself.
  • edited October 2012
    Keyalha wrote: »
    With the split of who is with you or not there are so much possibilites i just hope telltale pulls it off!

    How are your thoughts about it just have the feeling in the back of my head that this is either complete epicness or a total complete and utter trainwreck, i dont think there is any grey area in between.

    What are your thoughts on this?
    It's neither epicness, nor is it a trainwreck. TTG seems finally to have gotten a basic handle on one of the ways to give players a somewhat different experience depending on some of the choices they made. Unfortunately, while those choices have had perfectly random results, at least there are, for the moment, a few branches. (Four words to Kenny have more weight than four episodes of kindness towards him?--it's transparently ridiculous.)

    Think of it this way--you have the core experience, which is Lee looking for Clem accompanied by four more characters interacting with him, but not very much with each other (as usual). For every different version of the mix of characters, you'll be subtracting from the group of five. You can also think of it as a diagram, with Lee as the central point, and each of the other four adult characters at the end of spokes extending from the Lee character. Those spokes also stand for Lee's interaction with those characters.

    If you're subtracting Kenny, the group will be Lee, Ben, Omid, and Christa. The diagram will be Lee at the center with the spoke to Kenny, and Kenny himself, removed. The latter three will retain their interactions with Lee, and Kenny will simply not appear as a figure, or as a dialogue option. You might need to sweep up the other characters' dialogue so as to omit any references to Kenny, but those are simple if/then statements in the coding. Everyone's interactions will remain essentially the same. Only Lee's interactions with Kenny will vanish.

    Repeat as necessary for other characters removed from the group of five.
    The coding for this is straightforward, and it's high time TTG figured it out. It'll be interesting to see if they've been able to patch the problem where nothing carries over, which would kill the point of this. It'll look amateurish, but if they can't patch it they should give you the option to select the group you'll travel with at the start of Ep 5. The more time they had to write the episode, the more they should create interactions between characters other than Lee. That will give Ep 5 a strong replayablility factor.

    Based on my Lee's behavior, Kenny, Omid, and Christa should have come with him, and I would have booted Ben from the group awhile back. Since none of the first three joined me, I'm bringing Ben along as cannon fodder. I'm hoping the game will let me pull an Otis on him if necessary.

    Who is this Gayle to which you refer, sir?
  • edited October 2012
    Who is Gayle? You mean Christa?
  • edited October 2012
    Alanz wrote: »
    I thought it was an excellent set up for the finale, the re-play value of the episode will be huge!
    Unfortunately, there's a huge possibility it won't be.

    TTG really needs to juice the interactions between both Lee and the other characters, and between the characters themselves to make the differences between the various search parties meaningful. If most of the interactions are between Lee and the OCs, and the locations stay very similar, then the mix of the parties won't be very interesting.
  • edited October 2012
    As I have said 3 times now, if Ben is the only one who is alive come the end I am going to laugh hysterically for a hour or two, then realise how fortunate it was of me to spare him if he isn't the reason we're all dead, wont regret saving him though.
    Keep Ben around in case you need to 'Otis him'.
  • edited October 2012
    It was pretty exciting seeing that the ending could be split, what, six different ways? It'll be interesting to see how my playthrough with the whole group with me differs from someone who has Lee go it alone. And they cleverly denied us a trailer for next game so we have no idea what to expect. Well played, Telltale.
  • edited October 2012
    KCohere wrote: »
    It was pretty exciting seeing that the ending could be split, what, six different ways? It'll be interesting to see how my playthrough with the whole group with me differs from someone who has Lee go it alone. And they cleverly denied us a trailer for next game so we have no idea what to expect. Well played, Telltale.

    I think it was 8, actually.
  • edited October 2012
    I have this strange feeling it won't matter.

    You'll get split from the group early on and have to go alone.
  • edited October 2012
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I think it was 8, actually.

    Okay. I was trying to recall it exactly. Thanks.
  • edited October 2012
    I don't see how TellTale will pull out 8 different beginnings without the group abandoning you or everyone else coming back to help you cuz they feel guilty.
  • edited October 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    I have this strange feeling it won't matter.

    You'll get split from the group early on and have to go alone.
    Yeah--from TTG's pov it might make sense to have Lee go on a couple of side quests alone for part of the episode. Still, if they're working along the lines of the spoke diagram I described previously, it's not that hard to do 8 different groups. You just can't afford to have characters interacting with each other. One scenario will have Lee required to explore an area and as we've often seen, other people will be sitting quietly in one place. It doesn't take much code to make it one person over there by the tree versus having two people there. Lee can go over and talk to both, independently, the way he always does, or if your scenario has a smaller group, he'll just have one (or even no) person to talk with. TTG just writes in the two character interaction, then subtracts one or both depending on who is in your search party.

    The only way TTG can make these various groups generate different stories is if it does things like have Lee have to kill, say, Kenny, if Kenny's in your search party, because Kenny's endangering the group (or something). That way, if Kenny came with you, your story is 'Oh, and then when we were at the hospital, Kenny endangered the group, and I had to kill him'. If Kenny wasn't in my group, I'd have a very different story to tell you, even though everything else might have been very similar, since I would also have gone to the hospital.
  • edited October 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    I have this strange feeling it won't matter.

    You'll get split from the group early on and have to go alone.

    That's not that what matters, it's what people are going to be around you, by the time you die, those last moments will create the ending.
  • edited October 2012
    Keyalha wrote: »
    I am also stoked about it just have small fears that it ends in a trainwreck.

    Im fine with lee dying if the circumstances are resonable im even fine with clem dying ( altho i hope it does not happen ), i cant point the finger on it but i might be paranoid they pull a mass effect 3 on it.

    Please telltale dont pull an mass effect 3 on this.

    its called the Mass Effect Affect :D
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