So, About Ben...
Was there anyone else out there like me who has been saying again and again that they'd off that little bastard if they got a chance but then couldn't "pull the trigger" when the time came?
I know I've wanted to kill the little puke since Carly died (I had a hunch right away that he was behind the stolen stuff.) When he finally admitted it I REALLY wanted to kill him. Then the punk failed miserably at what should've been an easy task of watching after Clementine. I was so ready to kill him.
However, when the opportunity arose... I couldn't do it. I just couldn't bring myself to kill a person when the opportunity was there to save him.
I know I've wanted to kill the little puke since Carly died (I had a hunch right away that he was behind the stolen stuff.) When he finally admitted it I REALLY wanted to kill him. Then the punk failed miserably at what should've been an easy task of watching after Clementine. I was so ready to kill him.
However, when the opportunity arose... I couldn't do it. I just couldn't bring myself to kill a person when the opportunity was there to save him.
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After I got a chance to speak to him and he said he "panicked" I remembered he was a kid and decided that I'd never leave him in charge of anything important again for some time, especially watching Clem.
I also choose not to drop him, I still think it is the wrong thing to do, he never directly killed anyone. I think regardless of Ben and the supplies, that gang was going to hit us anyway, who is to say which time would've been better or resulted in anything much different?
But, thanks to the bug I had to replay episodes 1-3 again, and after doing so I came to the conclusion he was just a dumb kid. So by the time I get into Episode 4 I didn't have any anger to focus on him.
I guess my view is if Clem is a daughter figure, Ben is a little brother.
Ben may be a massive problem but I need someone to sacrifice in episode 5
Which is exactly why I left that bitch on the side of the road.
Katja, Duck, Chuck and Carly (for my game) all died pretty much directly because of his actions.
Carley could of easily escaped being murdered intentionally by Lilly if she hadn't started being a bitch and began flaming her... Carley, in my opinion, had what was coming to her throughout the whole RV scene (no, I'm not being biased).
While everyone thinks Carley was trying to diffuse the situation, she really wasn't, more like raising the aggression in the argument.
ANd when the time came. I didn't shoot the zombie. I let him struggle with Oberon (Crawford leader zombie). I watched in inaction as his face was filled with terror.
And I simply did nothing. Letting him fall to his death to be devoured by the dead.
Cause fuck Ben that's why.
He was a danger to the group and a total fuck-up.
There's no room for dumb-asses in the zombie apocalypse.
There is no room for jerk-asses in the ZA either. You killed Ben just because you didn't like him, not because he was a "danger" to the group.
*He sold out the group to the bandits basically.
*He lied about that shit, causing my sharpshooting mistress to perish in his place.
*All this led to Kenny's precious but retarded child getting bit.
*Which also caused the only person resembling a doctor to shoot herself.
*He failed to act like a man and left a child to die on the streets.
*He unleashed a mini horde of zombies into a closed area.
*He can't even open a fucking locked door.
*He pulled out some drama at the worst possible time, compromising the group.
There are just a few of the Sins of Ben...
I'm sure there are more.
I would let a non-productive member die for 3-4 of these things.
I watched a couple of 'Let's Play' videos around the time where you show (or hide) the bite and you tell the group about Clementine being missing...
When I watched almost all of the players get rejected by everyone, I thought to myself...
'Serves you right for being a complete asshole throughout the season.'
A little off topic... Mini horde sounds unexplainablely cute
Well except to Ben. I really couldn't forgive a betrayal like his first.
I mean seriously. We invite him into the group. Give him shelter.
And what little food we have. And he gives our precious medicines to a group of hostile bandits out of sheer spinelessness. I mean that's pretty deserving of death right there.
What I don't understand is why you guys would choose to save someone like that. He's the worst type of person. Reserved for the lowest circles of Hell.
Where Judas and Brutus reside. He's a traitor!
It would be interesting to see.
All I wanted is for Kenny to come, really. When I saw his face after showing him the bite, my face dropped, him and Lee have been together since Day 1.
I feel, regardless of who's side you've been on, he will be really sad and depressed to see Lee go too.
I had suspicions before episode 4 came out, too. That Kenny will be the protagonist in the next season, it could work but it would be boring to see the same survivors again.
I "let him die"
Didn't even shoot the zombie.
That's what happens when you're a weak ass punk.
Well, it wouldn't be likely, I'm guessing. We already know who Kenny is, and how he reacts to certain events, Kenny would be ruined as a character if it we could choose what he wants to say or do.the fun thing about Kenny an Lilly is that we never knew for sure what they'd do.
It depends how deeply you think "betrayal" goes, in my opinion, he's far from a traitor, it's indicated that the bandits were attacking the motel a lot prior to episode 3, Ben was tricked into thinking they had his friend, then he got threatened shortly after.
I actually like the Ben character to be honest...
It shows what teenagers like him would actually do in the apocalypse... I hear a lot of people saying "I'm going to have a small outpost with loads of food, sniping zombies 24/7 as they walk by."
I say that's complete bullshit, it's like suddenly they think they have military experience with rifle training and can hunt for food with ease...
I think Ben could have been like that. Joking about what he would do in a ZA with his friends. Now there actually is one, and he's watched them all get killed or die, he doesn't know what to do. Though he is trying to help.
It would've been even funnier if he was discussing that with Travis a minute before walkers burst through the door, too.
Actually that's incorrect. I don't think saving Ben has anything to do with being intelligent. If you look at it objectively, you can see that Ben really has nothing positive to offer and is a giant liability. It's not logic that dictates that you save him, it's emotion.
Yeah, I couldn't find the words for it earlier... Lets just leave it as 'emotional intelligence'
In fact, at the end of the fourth episode, I finally had Lee go off on him. I always felt he was a character that only cared about himself and his needs. Even in the first episode when you have to choose between saving Duck or gut was to go with Sean. Nothing was keeping Duck on the tractor, he wasn't stuck just scared, and his parents were nearby. Sean however was trapped under the tractor, due to Duck's actions. Kenny blames Lee for this, for not helping his boy. When they arrive in Macon, and you try to calm everyone down and convince them that Duck isn't bitten...Kenny blames you for not sticking up for his kid enough. In my game, his wife even tries to explain his angry behavior several times, by always saying "He means well..."
To me, he doesn't mean well, he's just a jerk. Nothing you do will ever be enough for him. I even took care of Duck for him (although Episode 4 claims I made him do it), and he still treats Lee like crap.
At the end of Episode 4, I chose the angry option, and he's the only one who didn't accompany Lee to find Clem (even after showing them the bite).
I realize maybe there are choices that make Kenny more of a friend to Lee, but sheesh. Not in my game.
I wrote about it in some other thread, but basically I think that the creators kind of subconsciously manipulated my emotions with all that talk about Crawford killing off it's weak members.
I think there is a fundamental difference between the people that Crawford killed and killing/not saving Ben. The people from Crawford that were killed or kicked out, appeared as a weakness to the leader of Crawford such as diabetics or the elderly or children. These people while they may have not been able to pull their weight, they didn't really do anything wrong/stupid to hurt the group. Yes, they may have been an extra pull on resources, but were they actively detrimental to the group? I think maybe not.
Ben, on the other hand, has shown at least a few times (depending on your viewpoint on the whole Travelier Inn debacle) that not only is he not able to pull his own weight, but he ends up actively (though not intentionally) hurting the group. Honestly, if Ben were a kid that stood in the back, didn't say much, but didn't contribute much either (positive or negative), I would have saved him. The problem is that when trying to help, he does something stupid that endangers everyone else. You can say that he is young and stupid or whatever, but the reason why he does stupid things is sort of irrelevant. He has gotten several group members killed through his actions (direct or indirect), and has shown no improvement in terms of his actions. At this point (at least for me), it's a risk/reward analysis, and frankly the rewards are far outweighed by the risks.
And it's hard to explain, but I don't regret it at all. Maybe because afterwards he instantly agreed to help me look for Clementine, which stood in stark contrast to Kenny being really petty and cruel about it.
Well, Kenny is a selfish dick.
At least he show his true self for everybody, unlike Ben. First the betrayal, left Clem with the zombies (funny thing he wasn't frozen to save his own ass), irresponsibly openning the door which resulted in one more death...
That is the thing that gave me a little pause with Ben. Ben was not acting maliciously (at least I don't believe so), if I could have just forced him out of the group, I would have, but that didn't happen unfortunately.
Yagami Light.
You can't really generalize the smart people like that.
Also at least in my case it was more like the Batman situation. Lee can choose not to kill him, but that does not mean that Lee is forced to save him either. It was Zombies who did the deed.
I'm pretty sure that is why Telltale gave the player the choice.
You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?
But then I play all my save slots so I got to see the priceless face expression of ben as you let go. He looks surprised for some odd reason.