***** is bitten and will die. [SPOILERS]
I've seen a lot of threads with wishful thinking that Lee will somehow survive his bite. I'm sorry, but he has been bitten which is 100% fatal and will die via blood loss/infection/sanitation etc. As much as I'd like Lee to live, it's a pipe dream.
We have never come across anyone in the walking dead universe who's immune, and I don't think for the sake of the game will they introduce it. And no one is going to jump in with a cure.
Also, there's debate among some whether he was bitten or scratched.
To the best of my knowledge, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, it's true that only the bites are fatal, and it's the saliva via bites that pass on the infection.
But whether you try and pick up the radio or investigate the rubbish lying outside the fence first, the zombie will attack and bite Lee, and he will appear to have the exact same marks on his wrist.
As for amputation, it could of saved him if done literally with in minutes after his bite, but that evidently didn't happen. No good taking off his arm now!
Now I'm not saying Lee won't survive the entirety of Episode 5, depending how long the episode lasts in real time. But I'm going to assume he will, it's the best ending to go with here. Although I can also imagine it happening as soon as Season 2 begins.
So yeah. Sorry guys, but our lovable 'Urban' Lee is doomed. Whatever you do in Episode 5, make sure you do your damdest for him!
We have never come across anyone in the walking dead universe who's immune, and I don't think for the sake of the game will they introduce it. And no one is going to jump in with a cure.
Also, there's debate among some whether he was bitten or scratched.
To the best of my knowledge, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, it's true that only the bites are fatal, and it's the saliva via bites that pass on the infection.
But whether you try and pick up the radio or investigate the rubbish lying outside the fence first, the zombie will attack and bite Lee, and he will appear to have the exact same marks on his wrist.
As for amputation, it could of saved him if done literally with in minutes after his bite, but that evidently didn't happen. No good taking off his arm now!
Now I'm not saying Lee won't survive the entirety of Episode 5, depending how long the episode lasts in real time. But I'm going to assume he will, it's the best ending to go with here. Although I can also imagine it happening as soon as Season 2 begins.
So yeah. Sorry guys, but our lovable 'Urban' Lee is doomed. Whatever you do in Episode 5, make sure you do your damdest for him!
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In the Walking Dead universe, everyone is infected whether they were bitten or not. Kirkman has said as much through his comics and interviews, and we're shown in the game with the boy in the attic who died of starvation and turned into a zombie
But yes, to those that think Lee will survive are looking for a miracle. As the title of episode 5 alludes to, there is no time left to live/look for Clem.
Lee's death will be poignant. Can't wait for 5!
Everyone will become a walker when they die if their brain is intact but walkers can infect you with an infection which is almost always going to be fatal.
Infected can mean other things than you will become a walker maybe the saliva passes on an infection which could be fatal
I have seen a lot of TWD-newbies in other threads... ust to prevent further headaches...
Bite = death
Death = zombification
Bite =/= zombification
When I see those comments, replies or topics I am a little happy that people have taken interest in the game and gotten attached to Lee through the season's time... At the same time though I think to myself that the players must be denying the inevitable, I've heard every excuse that could be made possible like 'Plywood scratch', immunity and amputation (even though it has to be done immediately as seen in the comic).
If Telltale Games do decide to let him live (which I highly doubt), it will be a huge disappointment to me since 'being immune' kinda defeats the dangers of the walkers entirely. 'Plywood scratch' is just a ridiculous prediction since it shows the walker penetrating the skin clearly when picking up the walkie-talkie anyway.
As for amputation, it has to be done almost immediately after the bite, since no one in the group was there to witness the attack and none of them knew amputation could be a way to stop the infection, it's almost impossible to amputate him now since the infection has probably traveled through his entire left arm.
Robert Kirkman hasn't gone into any detail into how people turn or get infected other than stating that 'everyone is infected'.
I am aware that you become a walker no matter how you die (without significant damage/destruction to the brain), from natural causes or via the sickness and inevitable death of a walker bite. Please don't assume I'm some idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. I'm asking if the scratches are as fatal/deadly as the bites, I'm not questioning the cause of reanimation.
Yes, I believe I remember reading/watch something with Kirkman saying he has no plans to explain why people turn, everyone is just infected in the sense that they'll reanimate. I suppose it's better off that way, really. If you try to explain something as unrealistic as that, you just delve deeper into science fiction. Not that zombies aren't in general a very sci-fi idea, but it would just make it less believable if it was ever explained.
Did I say "alan, you're an idiot" somewhere? No. Did I say you were questioning the cause of reanimation? No. I just said there are some dumb ZA-newbies out there that just keep speculating about something impossible in kirkman's world, and I didn't want that to happen in another thread.
Then why did you bring it up? The topic is not about TWD newbies, it was about getting the message to the wishful thinkers that believe Lee has plot armour.
I hate to say it, but Lee "has" to die - or it's not TWD anymore.
No. Just no. :P
See? Preventing THIS is what I wanted to do ._.
Good use of that quote!! I loved the Unforgiven movie, I think it is one of Eastwood's best westerns right behind The Outlaw Josey Wales.
I think that is what he said....it has been awhile since I saw that movie.
In the first episode when Lee got hurt all Hershel did was wrap his leg up with bandage wrap and it looked petty bad. Now when Omid messed up his leg he needed actual medicine to prevent infection.
I know some will say he fell from a train roof but Lee had to have rolled over in that car at least 5-7 times. So my question is why was Omid at risk of infection and needed medicine but Lee did not? If I recall Omid was still able to walk (with help though) as was Lee in the beginning.
Plus when in the Pharmacy he didn't get any medicine for himself (unless it was off camera) so I figured that to mean maybe he was immune. He's most likely not but I just wondered.
If I cut my hand on a nail tomorrow and you do the same, the outcomes can be different as to whether either one of us gets an infection. It all comes down to ones immune system in the end and a little bit of luck. One can never guess who will get an actual infection like Omid got from his leg wound, it is random although you could make a guess how likely an infection is to occur based on ones health, hydration/food levels, rest (or lack of it), stress and how they sustained the injury.
Don't look into the Lee surviving his car crash and the zombie virus this way, these two things do not relate to each other.
What's "urban" about him?
Also, as much as I love Lee and want him to live, I know we won't see that. I guess at this point, I just want him to die knowing that Clem is safe, or at least as safe as possible. Damn this game, I have way too much empathy for this shit.
Oh, yeah, that's right. Kenny, that bastard.
He's from Florida man, crazy shit just comes out his mouth sometimes.