New Machinima Shorts?

edited October 2007 in Sam & Max
And/Or Interim Theater for season 2?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    The interim between GameTap and Telltale is only 24 hours... and most of the work that would have gone into machinima shorts is going into the episodes themselves. We'll be doing our best to come up with stuff to keep you (and us) entertained between epsiodes, though.
  • edited October 2007
    but the point of the interim in season 1 wasn't the interim between gametap and telltale. it was the interim between episodes, which is still a month apart. just like season one
  • edited October 2007
    Aha, a common misconception! Interim Theatre was actually intended to fill between Gametap's release and Telltale's.
  • edited October 2007
    Then why were there THREE cartoons between each episode?
  • edited October 2007
    you are confusing the interum theature with the machina shorts... and are hereby sentanced to 5 minutes in the telltale "Mail" room

    - interum theatre (Noun) a short animated of no educational value displayed in the 2 week interum between between the release dates fr each episode (one a month, between telltales release, and gametaps)

    - machinima shorts (nounish telltaleism) a now extinct 30 second lump of overkentic, carbonated rabbity like thing and dog randomly shooting stangers on the street (3 a month, one for each "dead" week in between the episodes)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Yes, interim theater bridged the gap in style apparent between GameTap and Telltale's releases. Machinima Shorts were distractions to keep you guys occupied between episodes. The Shorts took up a surprisingly huge amount of my time (and as an extension, the time of others, including the sound guys and other choreographers) to make, and we all realized that that time would be better spent making the games themselves more awesome instead. As I said earlier, though, there will be no shortage of videos. Nick's working on the trailer for 201 right now, for instance... I'm not going to say if it will be good or if it will suck horribly, because Nick would feel awkward, but let's just say that it will exist.
  • edited October 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    - machinima shorts (nounish telltaleism) a now extinct 30 second lump of overkentic, carbonated rabbity like thing and dog randomly shooting stangers on the street (3 a month, one for each "dead" week in between the episodes)

    To be rather 'nitpicky', the Machinima Shorts were almost all of them over a minute and a half. So your defenition could use a little improvement. It's a real shame to hear that we will not see any shorts for season II, the Shorts were awesome and I still watch them at times. Then again, if we will get better episodes in return, I am not one to go complaining over it. I will just have to entertain myself with other things after my fourth playthrough of the latest episode.

    As for the interum theater, I never realy liked that, so I'm certainly not going to miss that a lot.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Heh! Interim Theater was really as close as you can get to the virtual equivilient of "stuff found between the couch cushions." Whenever we had a silly or weird video that we made around the office (or a new Graham Annable cartoon), we threw it up into the interim theater to give people something to look at, even if it was just a dancing sea monkey.
  • edited October 2007
    If the time is going into making the game more awesome, then I say more power to you. I want the games to be awesome and I don't want you or anyone else at Telltale overwoked. Burn-out is not good. Looking forward to Nick's trailer.
  • edited October 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    you are confusing the interum theature with the machina shorts... and are hereby sentanced to 5 minutes in the telltale "Mail" room

    Aha, but you're the one who changed the topic! I was responding to this:
    Jake wrote:
    The interim between GameTap and Telltale is only 24 hours... and most of the work that would have gone into machinima shorts is going into the episodes themselves. We'll be doing our best to come up with stuff to keep you (and us) entertained between epsiodes, though.

    From the beginning the topic was about the machinima shorts, and you're the one guilty of changing the focus to the interim theater! So hah! *escapes from the mail room*
  • edited October 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Yes, interim theater bridged the gap in style apparent between GameTap and Telltale's releases. Machinima Shorts were distractions to keep you guys occupied between episodes. The Shorts took up a surprisingly huge amount of my time (and as an extension, the time of others, including the sound guys and other choreographers) to make, and we all realized that that time would be better spent making the games themselves more awesome instead. As I said earlier, though, there will be no shortage of videos. Nick's working on the trailer for 201 right now, for instance... I'm not going to say if it will be good or if it will suck horribly, because Nick would feel awkward, but let's just say that it will exist.

    Dude, when have Nick's trailers EVER sucked? WHEN?
  • edited October 2007
    In the FUTURE!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Well, there was that one we didn't let him release...

    Which you would know about if you'd found
    the super secret trailer commentary
    on the DVD...

    (Actually, no, I'm kidding. That wouldn't have sucked, it would have been awesome. But it was impossible to complete. Also Nick was depressed and moped about it for weeks. In fact, I'm sorta sorry I brought it up...)
  • edited October 2007
    Yeah, I knew about that one. But you can't judge the quality of an unreleased trailer.

    I just wish the super secret trailer commentary didn't get cut off at the end of every single trailer... :(
  • edited October 2007
    Since we're talking about trailers, I figure here is a decent place to post this:

    I played a couple of Sam & Max trailers for a club, and they didn't find them funny. They just didn't get it at all. That's not necessarily a bad thing if you're promoting the games to people who are already Sam & Max fans, but if the point of a trailer is to get new people interested, you might want to try to make the trailers a bit more outsider-friendly with self-contained hilarity.
  • edited October 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Since we're talking about trailers, I figure here is a decent place to post this:

    I played a couple of Sam & Max trailers for a club, and they didn't find them funny. They just didn't get it at all. That's not necessarily a bad thing if you're promoting the games to people who are already Sam & Max fans, but if the point of a trailer is to get new people interested, you might want to try to make the trailers a bit more outsider-friendly with self-contained hilarity.

    But you have to remember that Sam&Max have their own sense of humour and this humour is only appealingt to few people with that special taste. Far to subtle for the masses.
  • edited October 2007
    Impossible! Sam and Max is funny to all people who have functioning senses of humor. If your friends fail to find Sam and Max funny, then you should turn on America's Funniest (yawn!) Home Videos for them, and then leave, never to hear what they think is a joke again. Find newer better friends who appreciate the fine things in life, including psychotic rabbity thingys.

    Sam and Max forever!
  • edited October 2007
    Blackphyr wrote: »
    Sam and Max forever!

    I hear ya, bro !

    But seriously though, it is true that Sam & Max is a special kind of humour. As stated before somewhere, it can be very subtle and sometimes (at least for me) you don't find all the jokes in the first play/read. To realy apreciate Sam & Max you have to apreciate the absurdity, the dryness and the in-your-face kind of way they mostly deliver the punchlines. Lastly you have to accept that you might/will not understand every joke, jokes can and will be incredibly far-fetched and that there is/can be absolutely no logic behind some of the jokes.

    Or at least that is the way I look at it and I try to convince my friends of that, of whom most think that it is just crude and absurd humous.
  • edited October 2007
    Man, I'm part of a group of people who would LOVE Sam and Max if they'd ever give them a chance. So far I've only got one of them to actually try season 1 and now they love it and can't wait for season 2.
  • edited October 2007
    No Machinima shorts? But what, pray tell, will be included on the bonus content of the season 2 DVD?

    I vote you just give a monkey a typewriter and give us the incoherent babble that is spawned from this arrangement. This monkey may, or may not be named Nick.
  • edited October 2007
    as far as i understood it there will be no shorts in between episodes. that wouldn't mean that none could be produced least i hope so.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    We'll have stuff for the disc. No shorts, but surely ... something will exist :)

    We've already got codename: suitbro. So, that's something :)
  • edited October 2007
    not even one or two short...shorts? would have been nice, but you'll figure something out.
  • edited October 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    not even one or two short...shorts?

    Who wears short shorts? :D
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