SERIOUSLY?! (Walking Dead Episode 4 downloading issue)

It's been a week now and the PC Downloading problem hasn't been resolved? You know. The one with the connection loss error message. All i want is to play the friggin' game! Why can't this website just stop copying and pasting advice and start looking into the actual problem! I tried to be civil with my past message but this is just insane. It shouldn't take a week to fix a downloadable game problem, it should take an hour to 2 days AT THE MOST. Really telltale? Get your stuff together and make sure it never happens again! This is the second time I've had this problem! Episode 2 was the same thing except it got to 60% This one stays at 0%! This is really upsetting and turning a lot of happy customers into an angry mob.:mad:


  • edited October 2012
    I have been having the same problem with downloading episode four. This should have been fixed already....its been over a week. I think that this will be the last game that I purchase from telltale if this problem isn't fixed immediately
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