What about crazy tourist traps?

Crazy things like Gator-Golf, Jungle Savage Inn, Mount Rushmore and other ingenious tourist traps did add a lot of the vibe and atmosphere to the original Sam&Max. I did just love all those bizarre places, everyone remembering the Frog Hill?

My point is, while the Season was near to perfection, that I missed some sort of equal places like the ones mentioned before. Tourist traps where a huge part of "Hit the Road" and the comic book "Surfin' the Highway" and they made up a very unique atmosphere. The only places in Season One where I had this feeling where the Casino (great design and decor) and the Souvenir Shop on the moon. Pleeeeeeeeeeease, can we have more of this? And add a little more of that "Road Trip"-Feeling to the next Seasons (i hope there will be more).

Btw, the "Tiny Tiki"-Bar from the Concept Arts for Season 2 looks very promising...that's what I'm talkin' about.:D

Telltales, i love you for bringing back Sam&Max...you did a very very good job and my remarks are just productive critisism.


  • edited October 2007
    yeah I liked all those wacky places to 8D
  • edited October 2007
    One thing worth noting is that the "tourist trap" and "road trip" elements of Hit the Road were really the theme of that game (hence the title). So I don't mind that each episode of the new series has its own theme. New locations don't have to be tourist-trap-like, they just have to be hilarious :)

    I do agree that cranking up the level of absurdity in some of the locations would be a benefit, as some of the locations in the first season did feel a little too normal :p
  • edited October 2007
    New locations don't have to be tourist-trap-like, they just have to be hilarious

    I agree, but throw some wicked Tourist Trap in the game once in a while won't hurt the atmosphere.;)
    Someone should send "The New Roadside America" to Telltale, although I think Steve is owning the book anyway.^^
  • edited October 2007
    I think Mount Rushmore should come back. Just so I get to hear that song one more time!
  • edited October 2007
    Jay33e wrote: »
    I think Mount Rushmore should come back. Just so I get to hear that song one more time!

    Yeah, Mount Rushmore was a cool place as was the wicked cornfield with that vegetables similar to stars.

    First, I missed Snuckey's, but Bosco's very similar to it, so no need for it.
  • edited October 2007
    Where those roadeside attractions a part of sam & max in general or just in the "on the road" comic and in the htr game?
    I think I remember something in the cartoon series as well.
  • edited October 2007
    They were the main part in "Hit the Road", which IMO defined Sam&Max the most. In "Surfin the Highway" a whole story was dedicated to Roadside- Attractions and also in the cartoon some were featured, remember the episode with the little Sasquatsh?;)

    So my conclusion is: The obscurity of Roadside-Attractions are an essential part of Sam&Max and the Sam&Max-Universe.:D
  • edited October 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    Where those roadeside attractions a part of sam & max in general or just in the "on the road" comic and in the htr game?
    I think I remember something in the cartoon series as well.

    From what I've seen, the theme in the comics tends to be the tackiness of American popular culture. So things like tourist traps fit really well in it, so they do pop up now and then, but they don't really become a recurring theme outside of Hit the Road and the specific road trip-themed comic that HtR was loosely based on.
  • edited October 2007
    So, the question is...what defines Sam&Max more? The Comics? Or Hit The Road?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    I think it probably depends on what you saw first. Hit the Road is a lot of people's first Sam & Max experience, but really its based on just one of four or five comic stories ("On the Road"). Sam & Max are all about the simultaneous reveling in / dancing on the face of the most off-putting things in American- and pop-culture, and cheezy tourist traps are definitely a top-shelf example of that, but they're not the end all and be all.
  • edited October 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I think it probably depends on what you saw first. Hit the Road is a lot of people's first Sam & Max experience, but really its based on just one of four or five comic stories ("On the Road"). Sam & Max are all about the simultaneous reveling in / dancing on the face of the most off-putting things in American- and pop-culture, and cheezy tourist traps are definitely a top-shelf example of that, but they're not the end all and be all.

    Good point there and I have to agree!
  • edited October 2007
    It's not Frog Hill, It's Frog Rock
  • edited October 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    It's not Frog Hill, It's Frog Rock

    Point being?
  • edited October 2007
    You're Wrong And I'm Right! Ha-ha
  • edited October 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    You're Wrong And I'm Right! Ha-ha

    Guess that was very important for the topic of this discussion.;)
  • edited October 2007
    I was right first, I just didn't say so!

    I loved the tourist traps and Hit the Road was the first Sam & Max thing I knew. I only found out about that because I saw the references in Monkey Island too. But I didn't feel like they were missing in Season 1. But I did feel it was just a theme of Hit the Road and didn't need to be taken further, necessarilly, within the next game.

    Yeah I know it's just been said but when I went to write it before so many people replied I couldnt word it. But I did enjoy how it parodies american culture in general. Just didn't know how to say that. Dumb Brit.
  • edited October 2007
    Guess I'm alone with my opinion!^^
  • edited October 2007
    Well I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see more tourist traps around in further games, just saying I wasn't particuarly disappointed by the lack of them
  • edited October 2007
    Well I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see more tourist traps around in further games, just saying I wasn't particuarly disappointed by the lack of them

    Okay, i wouldn't say I was disappointed, hell now, I enjoyed the game quite too much to be disappointed in ANYTHING.^^

    I'm just saying there should be maybe some in later Seasons, because it's a part of Sam&Max AND a nice trip back to the times of "Hit the Road"...ah, memories!:D
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