Here we go again...-_-
Ok people, i know Carley's death was sad and unexpected...and a lot of people just made pissed me off just by reading 1000 same hreads of how sad and angry they were about her was sad and yes i got over it and a lot of people did too.
Now it's dejavu all over again with Lee's much as i want Lee to live it makes this story more interesting and one lives forever in ZA....besides even Kirkman said that Rick was going to die eventually in his comics so I wouldn't be surprised if Lee died aswell.
Now after Lee's bite...i really have a big feeling that Clem will be reunited with her mum. If not....I'm ready for another twist and shock ending from Tell Tale
Now it's dejavu all over again with Lee's much as i want Lee to live it makes this story more interesting and one lives forever in ZA....besides even Kirkman said that Rick was going to die eventually in his comics so I wouldn't be surprised if Lee died aswell.
Now after Lee's bite...i really have a big feeling that Clem will be reunited with her mum. If not....I'm ready for another twist and shock ending from Tell Tale

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Lee getting bit didn't raise anywhere near as much noise as Carley dying.
Poor Doug was pretty much ignored with only the occasional thread...
Yeap....very true...however what bothers me is the fact that people aren't accepting Lee's bite deadly...not even as a bite but a scratch or w/e......we all knew Lee was going to die from a very long time and we were right!
Tell your magic :rolleyes:
Lee's death is different. It's being set up properly, and it's going to cover new ground. He is the first one facing his death knowing how much he needs to get done before the clock runs out. It's going to be sad, but it could be well done.
When Lee dies, people will be sad, but there won't be as much outrage.
I wish they would have revealed the bite at the beginning of EP 5. I hate already knowing Lee is going to die before I play the episode.
I didn't care for how it was pre-determined that Lee would be bitten no matter what you did, and the bite he gets if you check behind the plywood first still looks so weak and awkward to me, but nothing to do about it now. I'm hoping that Lee dies like a boss saving the rest of the group.
Well, some people might be coming into this without prior knowledge of the walking dead setting... and thus do not realize that a bite = 100% death.
at Clem´s House.
I drank.
Lee is now immortal.
Railroading such important plot-twists is just bad game design. It's okay in books, comics or TV shows, but I think it's quite lame to do something like that in a computer game that is supposed to be interactive media. An intelligent way of doing this without making players feel cheated , is leaving the choice to them: Save Carley or save somebody else. Either way somebody dies and the story doesn't need to change a lot, because the survivor could just replace the other person. TTG could even use similar or the very same dialogue options. Carley could have done something similar stupid in Crawford, I mean the woman doesn't even know how to change a radio's batteries! TTG could have left you the choice of saving somebody in Episode 4, but that's going to get you bit OR leaving that person to die for sure (and you still can die or get bit in Episode 5, or die an "for players acceptable" death such as sacrificing yourself for Clementine or somebody else, but at least you get the choice to do so). Of course people are pissed because they liked Carley/Lee and both died because some lazy dude decided to lame them to death with "The Walking Rollercoaster".
For instance, I saw the bite coming and I wanted to approach the cartboard from the left, to see if there's a walker behind it, but the game simply didn't let me. Same with the invulnerable walkers when you save Clementine. I was fast enough to kill qute a bunch of walkers and then all of a sudden they went like WoW-Paladin bubble, so that Chuck can die a pointless death. That's just lame.
WTF is that?
Don't get me wrong though, it's not like the story is bad, it's just a shame that they didn't get the most out of the medium they used for their story. You can't change things in books, but an adventure-like game should allow you to write your own story, a story where you can make your own decisions, which could be easily done in a computer game without even changing the major plot. Lilly could have shot Ben, if you argumented against him but in the end it just doesn't matter at all because the results are the same: Carley dies no matter what the player did in that situation. This is lame, since it creates an illusion of you having a choice that in fact you do not have. Same thing with Lee's railroad bite. Why did they even bother leaving me a choice, if the results are preset? Those illusionary choices create more frustration, that they do any good. TTG would have done better just leaving them out.
TL;DR: People are pissed that TTG is serving us choices, that in fact aren't choices at all.
I agree...i checked the board first also because i knew something was fishy and yet i got the bite.....i don't even know why there was a choice on the cardboard when the consequences were the same....that to me was a wee bit sloppy...but i ain't complaining lol
Your inhabiting Lee's character, not a character you made up. You control his actions and responses to a certain extent, but by no means is this a game where you can do things on your own accord in complete freedom. It isn't that type of game. It's "interactive" not "free-roam", you interact with what is put there in front of you.
I agree with you on both points regarding the bite and Chuck, and there are many more examples of what I would have done differently to how Lee did it. Hell, I face palmed on many occasions when Lee would walk by a perfectly good natural weapon, or leaving Clem's house without getting supplies.
And Chucks death felt very cheap, yes he saved Clem, but it didn't have the impact it should have had. It was like he was simply a placeholder character for that moment, and Chuck to me felt like a very interesting character to get to know. So having no decision impact in Chucks case left a sore mark for me.
But again, this isn't a game where you can make decisions that you make. They have to limit your responses, and it has to be railroad to a certain extent because if it didn't, the guys at Telltale would be overwhelmed with all the possible scenarios left open and in the end, what would happen? Pulling a lost would happen, that's what.
Carley/Doug have to die, because it's their fate. Because having them lived removes the emotional impact. You and lots of others wouldn't be posting on the forums giving out if it didn't have impact. That is a success for Telltale. Having players even outraged over it is a success. If they simply gave you the option to save her (for the second time) then what impact would there be if you could simply select for someone else to die?
Sometimes the harder decision is to give the player no decision in the process, let it play out. That's what happened, and that's what needs to happen in certain cases. Chuck dying? I felt I wanted more decision in that, that felt cheap. But again it has served its purpose for the shock value it had, but you just have to move on. Carley dieing I was completely shocked, more so than Lee getting bitten, but I accepted it because that needed to happen for the impact it left.
This is a story telling game. I know a mate of mine purchased it thinking it would be a survival type game with free roam, and he did buy it without asking me. Now he's completely pissed off but more fool him for thinking he can act things out the way he wanted too himself.
It is all about the journey and choices, yes, limited choices, but choices regardless and how they impact the story. Your being told a story, and your playing in it with limited interactivity, that's enough for most people.
The only reason I saw the bit coming was because of the marker they put on the board, without it i would have been very surprised.
a scratch from a zombie is the same as a bite
not really it depends on the writers vision
I'm talking about the Walking Dead universe
Anyways, it's a bite, the wound you get looks exactly the same when you look behind the plywood as if you go for the walkie. Honestly, I found that lame, even the way the walker attacks you when you look behind the plywood looks weird, like the walker leaps at Lee's arm over the plywood in an awkward manner and barely comes into contact with the arm before Lee knocks him away. When I first saw the video that showed this scene, I thought Lee fully blocked him until the game revealed he was bit. Between that and making it impossible to save Clem and Chuck by yourself as mentioned earlier, it made me start to think that while the story would be great for a book or novel, it's just too linear as a game though I'll still play it to the end.
would you prefer Lee alive and have a happy ending?
For example either Lee saves Clem and let's say the bite didn't turn him....hell it wasn't even a bite but a scratch that did nothing.
Either they find a new home or place through the boat where there are lots of survivors and Clem's mum could be there or not....and Lee is happily with Clem in a new beginning...To me thats boring and veryyyyy linear.
Now if Lee is bitten I am sure things will turn differently....seeing the title no time left in Chapter 5 I believe this will impact Lee on making even more cruel or difficult choices since he will be dead and needs to save Clem. More intense! more deep and more shocking! in the end seeing by the difficult choices you make you can either save Clem or not.....( i know someone mentioned there will be only one ending ) but you get my point
Why do people seem to hate happy endings, these days? Is it hipster to kill the main character in the end? People don't have enough depression in real life, already, or what?
I fail to see how it could be a bad thing, if one of the possible endings was a happy ending.
You sure? Why are they always looking for scratches?
Is the bite more severe if you don't look behind the cardboard first? I dunno I looked behind there first. It looked suss as.
Also, whats with the, drinking water = immunity deal?
o_o What water
the cup of water in Clems kitchen lol