A ForeShadowing of Lee being bit
In the sewers If you click on a Rat on the ground Lee says "Better not touch that, don't want to be catching some Terrible Disease" Ironically towards the end of the episode Lee is bitten and given a terrible disease.

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Must analyze everything, I may be able to figure out the ending...
Episode 4 had by far the most amount of random objects lying about in any of the episodes. You can click on them, but it has no purpose. I thought I was going to throw that rat and distract walkers or something, but it was there just so Lee could comment on a dead rat. Another example is having the option to shoot the walker impaled on the spikes. I guess maybe it's because those were relatively easy puzzles so they needed padding and red herrings.
I think that was just some dark humor on Lee's part. In the back of his mind he was probably thinking, "Oh yeah, too late."
If that scene happened after Lee was bit, it would be darkly funny. Maybe the storyboards got shuffled around and ruined the joke.
Lots of players probably just finished the game after the Christmas season (curse you awesome Steam holiday sales aka money sink!).
I mean... come on.. wtf...
The one scene that has the best example of crystal clear foreshadowing is the beginning of episode 2. Both his "I'd probably be food by now" and especially his line about being trapped in a room with Larry were excellent.
Well, don't get me wrong.
There's no real issue, as far as I'm concerned, with bumping an ancient thread to add to or revive the discussion in a constructive manner. But bumping just to bitch at the dude is.... well.... fuckin' rude.