Looking for zombie survival group!
I'm currently writing a zombie survival book, and looking for ideas for a group that the protagonist joins! If anyone has any ideas for a character that my protagonist can join up with post them here! Any ideas I use I will accredit you in my novel (if published, or made into a blog ect.).
Here is what i'm looking for:
1. Name of your character(s)
2. Back story
3. General description of the character (age, race, eye color, hair color etc)
4. Attitude (are they hopeful? desperate? suicidal?)
5. Any other information you deem useful
I encourage couples, brothers, sisters, family. I'm trying to get a diverse group of people that will cause conflict with each other. Normal everyday people, no Rambos.
If I like your idea I will PM you with more details.
Thanks in advanced!
Check out the first couple chapters in my signature. The final book will be linear and on paper.
Here is what i'm looking for:
1. Name of your character(s)
2. Back story
3. General description of the character (age, race, eye color, hair color etc)
4. Attitude (are they hopeful? desperate? suicidal?)
5. Any other information you deem useful
I encourage couples, brothers, sisters, family. I'm trying to get a diverse group of people that will cause conflict with each other. Normal everyday people, no Rambos.
If I like your idea I will PM you with more details.
Thanks in advanced!
Check out the first couple chapters in my signature. The final book will be linear and on paper.
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Name of the Character: Ana Johnson
Back story: Ana used to be a a very normal girl. When the "outbreak" started, her family (mom, dad and little brother) was infected and she was forced to kill then to don't die. Since that, she's always running away from everything and everyone. (my description is poor, please make it better if you want)
General Description: 16 years, caucasian, dark brown eyes, light brown long hair (always tied up in a ponytail) her body is normal (not thin) and she's quite tall (1,67m)
Attitude: Not very friendly when you meet her, but she's a very sweet and brave girl. She's always trying to help the others, but avoid creating a strong relationship (I would be happy if she had a romance on the story ) she's strong and it's great with a gun.
Additional info: She loves children, and will protect they with her life if needed, because she alway regret that she couldn't save her brother. Also, she's very protective with anyone else that she loves.
Well, I dunno if that's good, I'm not very creative, so feel free to change anything that you didn't liked
Thanks you, also, I registered because of this topic :P
1. Silvia Weis
2. A German intern at the Harrison Memorial Hospital. Silvia is working on her doctorate thesis on comparative medical practices between the U.S. and Germany. She has only been in the U.S. for two months before her first encounter with a walker. Silvia is very strong willed, intelligent, and a team player. She adapts to whatever role is given to her and is naturally fit but not athletic. Her friends would say she is very mature for her age, caring, and fun. Silvia is a very good problem solver, she analyzes every angle before attempting a solution. She also works very well under pressure, an invaluable trait in the medical field, but lately she is more hesitant as she fears the unknown (walkers). Due to this new stress she has become very homesick, but in time she will adapt and can be a very useful ally.
3. 25 years old, Caucasian, brown eyes, blonde hair
4. Optimistic but very cautious
5. Could be used as your group medic. Willing to help anyone and has a natural nurturing personality. Has a German accent but speaks English pretty well.
I also plan on writing some fanfiction sometime. I wouldn't say I'm a writer but I do like to write from time to time. Good luck with your story, and let me know if you would like some more ideas, I have plenty brewing :cool:
I think if any of his material gets into the realm of publishing then he'll have to discuss that with the people he borrowed ideas from.
I don't expect any of my ideas to get published or anything of the sort so I like doing sequels and alternate timelines as well. I was thinking of doing one for TWD probably Telltale's characters.
Back story: Henry grew up in New Orleans. He became a mechanican and married the girl he have loved since his youth. He had been a happy man until the age of 31. A black thug killed his pregnant wife during a mugging. The thug was arrested but this moment changed Henry absolutely. He didn’t blame the thug himself fort he death of his wife, he blamed all black coloured people for it. Finally he even joined the KuKluxKlan and his life was full of hate. Nobody knows how many unguilty black people he has already killed but himself but finally he got arrested. It was during a prisoner transport when another truck hit their transporter. Henry don’t want to tell what happened there exactly but it was the beginning oft he outbreak and he survived to continue his quest. Killig the murderer of his wife, even if he isn’t a human anymore.
General Description: 40 years old; caucasian; 180cm; skinny; bald-headed; full of scars
Attitude: very unfriendly to people which aren’t caucasian; don’t speak a lot; aggressiv; tries to become the leader oft he group if he gets the chance
Additional info: mechanican; average intellect but manipulative; can deffend himself very well; if you choose to add such an asshole character to your story it would give you the chance to add more interpersonal stuff in your story; it would be a nice story if a black man would finally get his best friend or such a thing or you could let him die as an asshole.
I apologize for my bad English, expecially if my words were political incorrect (I’m not a native speaker). If you are interested, I could create a lot of characters but I wouldn’t create one without a „dark“ backgroundstory (it’s boring otherwise)
Anyway good luck, writing your story.
I like this, it gives a darker background, which is what a story always needs
2. Trent grew up In a house which loved him, He had 2 brothers and a sister. One day prior to the outbreak, Trent went fishing. He had a cottage nearby and needed to relax. He came back the first day of the outbreak. Whilst driving he didn't look clear on the road and bumped on something. He went outside of his car and saw a corpse. Immediately he called the police, Nobody answered. he went fast as lighting back to his house, And just as he entered it... He saw the worst. He saw His family laying everywhere in the house, With pools of blood around them. he thought his house was mugged, And started yelling and crying because he wasn't there for them. Minutes later He saw people entering his house, Walking abnormally and looked like they were dead. He didn't believe it and just ran for his life, Taking his truck and driving to the middle of nowhere. He was feeling broken by what happened, And didn't ever want to think about it again.
3. Age: 34; Race: Caucasian; Hair Color: Brown-ish; Eye Color; Brown-ish, Once more; He is tall; He's partially-strong, Not very weak yet not very strong.
4. He is very helpful and quite friendly, Sometimes he's aggressive, But when that happens he can be a walking nightmare. He is patient, And doesn't trust everyone, Yet he is almost always honest. He dislikes people who brag a lot and who think they are the best. He's social, But doesn't like people who never stop babbling. Oh and he's a bit sensitive, Especially talking about his family.
5. He's a great survivor, And can keep the group safe from walkers, And maybe even from the living. He's a natural leader, But if he isn't one, He'd probably do extra work to become one. He was in the military, I forgot to mention. So he knows how to handle a gun or two, Heh.
2. Back story: Katrina lived the live of a normal teenager, hanging around with friends, going to school and taking care of her baby brother Jake. She also used to watch zombie movies on her free time, so she knows a bit about zombies and their behavior. But the zombie apocalypse destroyed everything she had, her family, her friends and her normal live. Right now, she only has Jake, and the five months old baby is the only thing that keeps her going.
3. General description of the character (age, race, eye color, hair color etc): She has long straight black hair tied up in a ponytail, she's 16, her eye color is navy blue and she's Caucasian. She also has a need to wear glasses.
4. Attitude (are they hopeful? desperate? suicidal?): In the outside Katrina is a well-meaning, trustyworthy and a bit sarcastic young girl. But on the inside, she's a depressed person, trying her best to not make guilt and fear of losing Jake overwhelm her. She's pretty protective of her brother, and she will do anyting to protect him. During the beginning, she's hopeful that the government or anyone will sort out the zombie mess, but as times comes, she has a more bleak, hopeless view of the world, but she tries her best to find hope and happiness in the little things, especially Jake.
5. Any other information you deem useful: Will there be zombie fiction existing in your book? Because since I mentioned that she watched zombie movies, I'm not sure if it exists in your book.
Back Story: A devoted Christian, Daisy grew up in a higher class environment, surrounded by fellow religious peers and living her life in the name of God. Daisy was a pure and innocent soul coming from a healthy and privileged upbringing, devoted to the teachings of Christianity she knew only one way of life. Once the dead began rising Daisy initially shrugged off the events as a publicity scam, she continued with her daily routines, intentionally oblivious to the tradegy occurring all around her.
Her boyfriend fell critically ill after receiving a bite in a scuffle with an unknown man, Daisy once again dismissed the incident and assumed the attack was the result off an attempted mugging, it wasn't until her boyfriend passed away that Daisy began questioning God's plans. Moments later sitting beside her boyfriend she broke down. Daisy prayed to God to bring her boyfriend back, when he rose before her very eyes, what she saw tore her apart. He was distant, unaware, and breathing heavily, only capable of uttering pained groans. Without thinking, Daisy reached out, not sure what to expect, her boyfriend lunged at her, easily knocking her to the floor. Daisy managing to escape, locked the door and finally allowed herself to open her eyes to the world.
Days later, with her new found knowledge and with the stress hitting her hard Daisy fell into a deep depression upon hearing of the deaths of her remaining family, all due somewhat to the bites suffered from other victims. Feeling betrayed by God and losing the faith she had worked her entire life to build, Daisy attempted to take her own life, failing however she continued her plunge. Daisy (in her delusional state), had a dream, she relived the night her mother died in hospital, Daisy was standing beside her and her mother tells her that she will live on through Daisy, and no matter how difficult live seems, to fight on and make her proud. Daisy awakens, convinced that she has been given a second chance, to help those around her, to protect the living and put to rest the dead. Daisy slowly builds herself back up, and tries to come to terms with what she now knows and what she thought she knew.
Daisy sets out to find other survivors, but before that, she gives herself the task of ending her boyfriends suffering, she takes a kitchen knife to his skull and places her bible beside him, vowing to make reality of "God's work", Daisy packs together her essentials and begins her search.
Description: Daisy has shoulder length hair, naturally curly and and a naturall brunette, she is 26 years old, has green eyes and is Caucasian. She is also approximately 120 pounds and 5'9 tall.
Attitude: At a young age, Daisy was naive, pure but single minded, now having experienced the tradegy of a ZA up close, she has become aware, she allows herself to gain a better understanding of things and has a much more open approach to situations. She uses her mothers dying words as motivation and a constant reminder that she is strong willed (As shown by her re-emergence from depression).
Other Info: She wears a bracelet given to her by her father who promised it would protect her, and likes to count the stars at night time as she feels it brings her closer to her mother.
Backstory: Richard was in his UGA (If you're putting the setting in the southeast)dorm room with his friend Travis, watching a football game. The outbreak started an hour ago without them knowing, and reached the college twenty minutes ago. Ten minutes after the outbreak reaches the college, a scream comes from a nearby dorm. The two then sit up, paralyzed. When the Georgia Bulldog's make a touchdown, they both are diverted to the screen again as they stand up and cheer. Another scream comes from the girl outside. Another. Then three people are heard in the commotion. Glass breaks out of the dorm. The girl is then crying parts of the bible. The three others outside freak out and call for help. Travis gets up to look out the door and sees three walkers attacking pupils in the hallway. On of them steps out of the girl's dorm room and goes towards the guys's door. Travis yells and turns off the television. He warns Richard to get under the bed. Richard does as told. Travis hides next to the door, waiting to be concealed by it. A teacher comes in to evacuate them, and falls to the ground by a zombie lunging on him. The room is now in darkness. A zombie walks around the dorm, with Travis behind a door, and Richard under a bed. Travis's shoes squeak, and a short series of events, fights, and jumping out windows lead up to Richard and Travis driving a pick-up down the dark road. Richard looks down at his wrist. There's blood. Is it a bite, or just a scratch? I'll let you decide.
-Richard: 18 years old. Brown short curly hair. Caucasian. Wears a beige polo shirt and jeans on the night of the incident. Round face.
-Travis: 18 years old. Black wavy hair short hair. Caucasian. Wears a white sweater and orange winter vest with jeans on night of the incident. Heart-shaped face.
-Richard: Loud & Paranoid. Much like Ben Paul, as he sometimes makes horrible decisions. Usually backs off in arguments or trouble. Scared of death. Nauseated by blood.
-Travis: Quick-thinking person. Sometimes confidence can get the best of him. Excels in technology (took a class at UGA). Protects friends from walkers. Usually will over-react to a decision he doesn't like.
Do you like it? (Just read Sodawasser's description of Henry Johnson. Travis would hate this guy.)
Back story: A divorced OB/GYN in her mid-50s, Barbara is a cancer survivor and was a guest lecturer at Duke when the outbreak hit. Due to her rigorous chemo, she has not been practicing for the past few years due to the stress. However, she is relatively healthy and quite active, as her cancer diagnosis inspired her to view life differently and start exercising. Her ex-husband is an endocrinologist out in St. Louis, and her daughter is a political science major at McGill and is safe - Barbara hopes - up in the chilly Montreal weather.
General Description: Barbara is very tall, right around 1.88m or 6ft, and has short blonde hair, kept in a thick bob. She normally wears glasses for her nearsightedness (especially when trying to read or make out figures in the distance) but can get by without them, resulting in her straining her gray eyes quite often. Also, Barbara is very pale, but shields her skin obsessively, as her sister died after a late diagnosis of skin cancer. Barbara is quite pretty, but has a few frown lines, most of which are hidden by a bloody baseball cap and Duke hoodie, both stolen from the campus gift shop during her escape.
Attitude: Typically calm and easy-going, Barbara is quick to analyze a situation and provide her opinion. She is able to diffuse the tension in most situations, but - when worst comes to worst - will side with the person she knows the most and has helped her out in the past. Unfortunately, Barbara is often quite depressed, and is hesitant to share her feelings with others. Also, she is afraid of being alone and does not want to split off from the group. Still, she is very useful due her extensive medical knowledge and isn't afraid of a little (or a lot of) blood.
Additional info: Barbara is a vegetarian, but is starting to realize that her diet of choice isn't very realistic in this new world of "walkers." Also, she is pretty good with directions, and knows how to get from major city to city in the South. Barbara meets up with the group wielding some hand tools and a hunting rifle with ammo, having recently lost the company of two graduate students heading towards Atlanta to check on friends and family around Emory.
I feel like her glasses falling and breaking, making her have to look at a silhouette walking towards her in the distance would make an awesome scene.
He is a nice guy, good survival skills. 5"11 and has a brown mop on top. White. 18 years old.
Reluctant to kill unless neccesary.
He lacks confidence yet is good organisationally.
In the moment you least expect it he can rescue a group or indulividual with an ability to read the world and scenarios.
2. Back story Grey grew up in the country. His family was poor and did anything for a bit of money. Grey was home schooled until the age of 17. When he went to school he was a social outcast. He never had any social skills, never kissed a girl. His academic marks were really good for a home-schooled. He is what the kids called a 'typical nerd'. After school he became a journalist for crimes, like murder, grand theft auto ect. His family is pretty big. A mother, a father which always fought, and 4 siblings. His eldest brother, Benjamin, was the popular one is school and did horrors to Grey's self-esteem. The 2 younger siblings, were two twin girls. Usually keeping to themselves. One night his dad was physically abusing Grey's Mother. Benjamin stepped in but it got out of hand when his dad took out a knife and slit Grey's mother's throat. Benjamin went into a rage, and took his father's gold club and bashed his head in. The twins saw this and went to Grey, which in response, called the police. Because Grey was a journalist, he was not only a witness of the crime, but also had to do a story on it. Grey told what he saw and Benjamin was sentenced to life. When Grey visited Benjamin in jail a few months later to say sorry, Benjamin grabbed his throat trough the and strangled him. The guard leaped into action, but when they pried Grey away from Benjamin, he ripped his ear off. This caused Grey to not only lose hearing in his right ear, but also lost all his trust in everyone.
3. General description of the character (age, race, eye color, hair color etc)
Grey is now 23 year old, white american, deep blue eyes, dark hazel blonde hair, and has a below average height. What he lack in physical strength he makes up for in thinking fast, and easily coming up with logical and practical solution.
4. Attitude (are they hopeful? desperate? suicidal?) Grey is a introvert. He has lost his ability to trust anyone, and tries to avoid being friends. This doesn't mean he avoids people. He will go out of his way to try to help people, and then just go. He doesn't mind to let people speak their mind to him, they can tell him their problems and hell take their secrets to the grave. He doesn't trust people, but he is very trustworthy, if you can get to know him.
5. Any other information you deem useful
His 2 sisters left to live somewhere else. Grey still wants to find them.
I really hope this will help, I'm actually also writing a book (but a sci-fi).
BACKSTORY:Tyrese worked as a pharmacist and was well known around his local area,he had two twin daughters who were named Alisha and Briony,he also had a wonderful wife named Jacqui.He was closing the shop one night when a sick looking man walked up to him outside the store and collapsed in front of him,Tyrese being the type of man he was attempted to help the man,he seemed to be keeping a steady pulse for the moment,until his pulse sped up and then...stopped,suddenly,the man pounced at Tyrese knocking him over,Tyrese felt helpless.BLAM!Tyrese shoved the body over and stood up dusting himself off as he thanked his savior.As payment Tyrese let the stranger in his car and offered to take the person with him to his house and collect his family (you can decide wether the person decides to go or not and you can make them apart of the group,though you can make the details if you want,if not ask me.)Tyrese (and his savior if taken)get to his house and pack all the supplies in his RV, (yes he owns and RV)he also takes the fuel from his car aswell.I will let you decide what happens next.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION:AGE:36 ETHNICITY:African-American HAIR COLOUR:Black EYE COLOUR:Hazel HEIGHT:Tall BUILD:Muscular (the reason he couldn't get the zombie off was because it was bery unexpected.)
ATTITUDE:Generally nice,if forced or if needed he can be pragmatic about things,natural leader (I had an idea of say your character was the leader,he would be a loyal friend and would assist you in decision making,and he could take over for you as leader of the group.),loyal friend,
OTHER THINGS:I had an idea he could lose his wife and have to look out for both his daughters alone.He could come in handy getting medical supplies from his store.
1. Name: Juvia
2. Backstory: Juvia is a young prostitute coming from a hard background. Born to a stripper her life already started rough. Her mother was hardly ever around, preferring the seclusion of the bar where she worked and drugs and alcohol over her child. Whenever her mother was on an alcohol or drug infuelled rampage, Juvia would get hit, sometimes to the point where concerned neighbours took the young girl to the hospital. Never the less, nobody ever really stepped in to help her, and this left Juvia feeling alone.
When she hit her teens her body started to develop and people started to notice her beauty. Her mother, jealous of Juvia's youth and beauty started to become even more mean, and at one point Juvia ran away from home when she was only 14 years old. This triggered a phase of selfdestruction, where unknowing Juvia followed in her mothers footsteps. At the age of 16 she got pregnant by a boyfriend, who then forced her to have an abortion. Not wanting to lose him she complies, only to still think about what could have been. Eventually he did leave her, and knowing no ways to support herself Juvia turned to the streets that had always been cruel to her. Making her living as a young whore was all she deemed herself to be worthy of.
Not much is known about where she was when the outbreak happened, or how she came to meet the group.
3. General description: Juvia is a 17 year old caucasian girl of exquisite beauty. She has long red hair curling all the way down her back and beautiful green eyes with long lashes. Even though she lives a hard life her skin is flawless and her hair looks healthy. She is around 1.65m and thin. Under her clothes she has several scars, a reminder of all the beatings she took when she was little. She doesn't have much strenght in her body, but she is agile and she really knows how to seduce people, male or female.
4. Attitude: Juvia has major trust issues, and she actually hates it when people touch her. She finds it hard to make eye contact with people, and she gets nervous around big groups of people. Once she actually trusts someone she will go to hell and back for them, always doing what she can to protect hem, even if it means sacrificing herself in the process.
She doesn't like to hurt people, but she will if she feels threathend. Her first reaction will always be to flee, and then defend herself.
5: I don't really know, she is a bit of mystery. Hope you can work with her!
2. Back story: Leimana is a 32 year old dentist. Kaiulani is a 7 year old girl. Originally from Hawaii Leimana moved to the mainland to go to dental school and decided to not return to Hawaii after finishing. Shortly after completing school she found out she was pregnant from a one night stand and decided to keep the baby and be a single mom. Both were at home sick with the flu when the outbreak hit. Luckily Leimana has a pistol which she purchased two years before after their house was robbed while they were at work/daycare.
3. General description of the character (age, race, eye color, hair color etc): Leimana is hapa haole (1/2 hawaiian, 1/2 caucasian). Kaiulani is a mixture of hawaiian, caucasian, and hispanic. Both have Brown hair, brown skin, brown eyes.
4. Attitude (are they hopeful? desperate? suicidal?): They are desperate to meet like minded people who believe in helping one another to survive but not at the cost of losing their humanity. The brief encounters they have had with fellow survivors have not been pleasant. Rapists and child molesters galore.
5. Any other information you deem useful
2. He's from france and was on vacation with his family (mom, dad, brother) when it all started. In the chaos he lost his family and ran away alone and tried to survive by himself.
He survived alone in the woods mostly and sneaking in some houses for food, he's not brave at all and kind of weak (both mentally and physically) and almost never killed a zombie before because he often use his legs and that's when he met the group.
3. 14 years old, caucasian, green eyes, long hair (cuz he have not cut it in a while obviously) a mix of blonde and brunette.
1.71 long and athletic but very skinny.
4. He's very desperate and depressed but not like
suicidal, not so social and shy. He also trusts anyone and has a lot of sympathy
5. He can speak english because he learned it in school but in an European accent.