Which version of The Walking Dead is your favourite?

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
Which version of The Walking Dead do you like the most?

Mine would be the game (ours, not Activision´s). I feel it´s better written than either the comics or the series, and being a videogame and all, it really makes you live through all the agonizing decisions rather than experiencing second-hand.

As of the comics, I feel that for a story that is primarily character driven, every single character is an unlikeable dick (especially post-prison), so it´s really hard for me to empathize with them. I believe Jim Sterling explains it better than I do in http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/6281-Crying-Through-The-Laughs]this video (just apply it to The Walking Dead rather than videogames). There´s also too many characters, more than the story has time to focus on, so a lot of the time they´re just background decoration and I forget they´re there (like Allen´s twins, until that one issue).

Another thing I don´t like about the comics is how almost every issue seems to be about to end just fine, then suddenly pulls a cliffhanger out of its ass. I wish someone reminded Kirkman he is allowed to finish his issues properly every once in a while. I´m currently reading through the "Fear The Hunters" arc, so I don´t know if it gets better after that.

In the series, I also hate almost every character, but only because they´re morons.

I haven´t read the novels, but seeing how they´re based on the comics, I´m afraid I may not like them for the same reasons I don´t like the comics.


  • edited October 2012
    Whoever votes for Activision should kill themselves.
  • edited October 2012
    ^ Is there something wrong with you? That's totally not cool.
  • edited October 2012
    I voted for the comics, but the game is a very close second. I ended up liking a few of the game's cast more than some of the old favorites in the comics.
  • edited October 2012
    Comics! Video game comes second.
  • edited October 2012
    Comics, Series, Game. Never read any of the novels though.
  • edited October 2012
    telltale games is the best. nothing is compared to it because it is unique and amazingly good.

    whoever votes activision is mentally not right.
  • edited October 2012
    I am really not sure,I love the comics,but I like telltales game to!
  • edited October 2012
    the comics, i'm a big comic fan and i've been attached to them for like 5 years now so, easy choice.
  • edited October 2012
    i have only played the game and watched the tv show never hered of the comic book until amc made the walking dead into a tv show
  • edited October 2012
    Game is the best,but the TV Show and the comics are also great.
    I've never seen the other two.
  • edited October 2012
    Come on... all of them. I can´t choose one.
  • edited October 2012
    My first place would be comics, then it would be the game, then the third would be the TV series.

    I am currently reading Rise of The Governor and it looks good, likely would be the second if it wasn't for Telltale's game.

    Activion's, I don't know, since I didn't see any gameplay other than screenshots, and then I don't know if it would be that good.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm the only one to choose the books :) I like those and the comics the best but the books give much more to the books...I love details and backstories and that's what the books give. The game is ok too in terms of showing a different story in the same universe. The show is cool or was till I read the comics. I quickly grew tired of the show characters and now just wait for them to die.
  • edited October 2012
    The game is awesome. The tv show is great. I hate the comics. Give me time to see the Activision game when it's out, and I'll have an opinion of it.
  • edited October 2012
    I don't vote since I haven't read the comics or the novels and the Activision game hasn't released. Anyway I am pretty sure that I wouldn't like the comics because I hate reading comics (uuh, 100 of pictures with 6 words, how exciting..) but what's the problem with the Activision game? Why you all hate it? I thought there isn't a gameplay trailer until yet and the description sounds like a Deus Ex in the Walking Dead universe which would be quite cool..
    About the characters (at least I have read the comic plots): In my opinion this is the positive argument about the comics. I mean the thing, that everyone is a dick. That is the realistic thing which would happen with people in such situations.
  • edited October 2012
    I like the version with all the drama, death and zombies!
  • edited October 2012
    seriously? the game is in the lead? thats surprising ahaha i mean the game is great but it cant hold a candle to the comics...to me its comics, series, novels, game
  • edited October 2012
    MaKTaiL wrote: »
    Whoever votes for Activision should kill themselves.

    come @me bro (check the votes)
  • edited October 2012
    Just saying this is like a forum for the the walking dead game so it's not really surprising if it's in the lead, though it's great but I love the tv show more.
  • edited October 2012
    Sodawasser wrote: »
    I don't vote since I haven't read the comics or the novels and the Activision game hasn't released. Anyway I am pretty sure that I wouldn't like the comics because I hate reading comics (uuh, 100 of pictures with 6 words, how exciting..) but what's the problem with the Activision game? Why you all hate it? I thought there isn't a gameplay trailer until yet and the description sounds like a Deus Ex in the Walking Dead universe which would be quite cool..

    I think the reason most people hate Activision´s game is because it´s the exact opposite of what The Walking Dead is.

    The Walking Dead in all its incarnations is a human drama first, a zombie apocalypse second, which is why it deals mostly with survivors interacting with each other with only the occasional zombie or two. That´s why in Telltale´s game you spend most of the gameplay talking to people while the fight scenes are pre-made cinematics. On the other hand, Activision´s game will be mostly about fighting zombies and managing supplies, only interacting with the survivors every now and then, which is less like The Walking Dead and more like DayZ if it had a campaign.

    Sodawasser wrote: »
    About the characters (at least I have read the comic plots): In my opinion this is the positive argument about the comics. I mean the thing, that everyone is a dick. That is the realistic thing which would happen with people in such situations.

    I know it´s probably more realistic if everyone is an unrelenting dick, but dicks generally aren´t that enjoyable to hang out with, and in a story that revolves around their lives, that could be a death sentence. The Walking Dead´s only goal is to explore the lives of its characters, there aren´t any other mysteries like how the plague came to be, but since everyone is an asshole 100% of the time I find it hard to relate or care about what happens to them. When someone dies I tend to say "yep, he´s dead" and immediately stop caring.

    I really want to care and connect with these characters, but the comic just won´t let me.
  • edited October 2012
    It's hard to pick one because the tv series, the comics, and Telltale game is my favorite.
  • edited October 2012
    I like the comic universe. So the game and the comic book. I think the tv show is written terrible and i don´t expect much of their game.
  • edited October 2012
    Wow wait are those some many The walking dead games comics books etc. O.o Dude how the hell do i not know that. IN WHAT YEAR DO WILL LIVE IN ?!?
  • edited October 2012
    How can you vote for Activisions Game when it hasn't even been released?
  • edited October 2012
    I loved the TV show so I went with that and the TTG Version of the game second. Not a fan of comics so I not including that in my list.
  • edited October 2012
    Series. Andrew really portrays the emotion in the story.
  • edited October 2012
    DrChem wrote: »
    How can you vote for Activisions Game when it hasn't even been released?

    My thoughts exactly.

    I started this journey with the tv show and that will always be my first love. Plus, its been on fire lately.
  • edited October 2012
    The game comes first because nothing beats being a part of the story instead of just reading/watching it.

    Game > TV Show.

    I haven't read the novels or the comics.
  • edited October 2012
    SwordOfWar wrote: »
    The game comes first because nothing beats being a part of the story instead of just reading/watching it.

    Game > TV Show.

    I haven't read the novels or the comics.

    How can you say reading the comics doesn't beat the game when you haven't read the comics? Logical failure. Shutting down.
  • edited October 2012
    I haven't read any of the comics or novels. Haven't played Activisions game, just TT's and I watch the tv series.
  • edited October 2012
    How can you say reading the comics doesn't beat the game when you haven't read the comics? Logical failure. Shutting down.

    He's talking about the difference between interactive and non-interactive fiction. He could say the same thing about any fictional media, whether he's seen it or not. I tend to agree with his position, as a rule I find interactive fiction far more interesting than non-interactive fiction. I get drawn into it more when I feel that I'm the one driving the story forward.
  • edited October 2012
    tonyyy123 wrote: »
    seriously? the game is in the lead? thats surprising ahaha i mean the game is great but it cant hold a candle to the comics...to me its comics, series, novels, game
    I think the game is in the lead because people who have only watched the show and played the game are preferring the game not realizing that the game is good because it tries to capture the essence of the comics and succeeds for most part. But for me though, I have to say the comic is still the best medium. It is the set standard after all. Without the success of the comics there would be no show or video game. The game is good but is only 5 episodes long the comics have been consistently good for 103 episodes. Even if you were to just look at the first 5 hardcover walking dead collectors books everything that was liked about games 5 episodes would have been amplified in the books, bearing in mind that each game episode can probably be finished in the time it would take to sit and read one of the hardcover books at a relaxed pace.
  • edited October 2012
    I tried to read some of the comics.....not that into it honestly. Sort of like Manga. T.V. show this season is a big improvement over season 2. Game is a blast and its a change to interact some. I am interested to see the new game, i am not a big activision fan...but willing to look at it. Can't be worse than that facebook game.
  • edited October 2012
    funyahns wrote: »
    Can't be worse than that facebook game.

    gonna quote you on that.
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