Blood Transfusion, a way to cure infection?

edited October 2012 in The Walking Dead
So, I was thinking about this the other night.


Lee did not cut his hand right after being bitten, so the infection must have spread to his entire body already.
The only way I see him surviving this is if someone found him, cut his hand (it would continue to spread the infection otherwise), then make a blood transfusion to clear his body.
Of course it would require a set number of transfusions to make sure his blood was clear. But it could be possible.
It would be a perfect way to end this season in my opinion.

What do you guys think about this? Finally a way to save Lee?
I don't see Telltale doing this though, too late for new ideas. :(
If I only new he was going to get bitten before the game was released. Hahahahaha.


  • edited October 2012
    OMG. I think you found a way to save Lee! Don't listen to anybody that would tell you this is a terrible idea. It's great.
  • edited October 2012
    ...Wow.... Never thought of it. As Red Panda said, You may have found a way to save Lee!

  • JueJue
    edited October 2012
    I suddenly realized the only way available to save Lee's life,if you have watched Tv series "The Falling Skies",then you know what I'm going to talk about.

    First,according to Survival Guide the reason why people turn into zombies is infection of zombie Virus

    Next,therefore we need to kill every single zombie virus in Lee's body,but how?

    Third,any kind of virus will die when entering an intense environment,like high temperature or pressure

    Fourth,let's just pump Lee's blood into a heat mechanism so as to kill all the virus

    Fifth,processed blood is too hot to reenter body,so a cooler mechanism is needed to let the blood back to human's normal temperature

    Sixth,pump back these blood

    Seventh,as zombie virus can't be killed at one time,the procedure need to be repeated 3-5 times

    Last,hopefully this will work!!
  • edited October 2012
    Oh my god Jue, I was thinking the exact same thing! We have to drain Lee's blood, heat it, then put it back in his body. But, I don't think the group has the equipment or technical know-how for this procedure, so while Captain Weaver gets to live, Lee aparently has to die. Too bad too, because that might have been the only idea that had a chance of succeeding.
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, this is totally going to happen.
  • edited October 2012
    Dildor wrote: »
    Yeah, this is totally going to happen.

    Exactly. This will never happen. Episode 5 eill most likely be all about finding clementine, lee knows he's fucked and just wants to get Clemmy safe before he dies. We won't spend a whole week trying to find the equipment to save lee.
  • Near to Episode 5's ending you find clementine's mother who as stated is a doctor and since Lee saved clementine she agrees to try cure him via Blood transfusion but needs a blood donation before they can do it. If you saved Ben he offers to donate his to save Lee, if you let him die Kenny does instead.

    Or Lee becomes a zombie and stands around in a street for half a hour before eating a bird.
  • edited October 2012
    wtf are ye on about??? would this work for an AIDS patient? someone with leukeameia?? ffs lee's fucked end of......
  • edited October 2012
    I have a few small issues wth the transfusion idea.

    Who in the current group is qualified to administer such a treatment? (Remember that Vernon has dissapeared)

    With what equipment are they going to administer this treatment with?

    With whose blood are they going to replace Lee's with? (do we even know if anyone in the group has his blood type?)

    How will the above three be accomplished within the day or so it will take Lee to die from the bite?
  • edited October 2012
    They're in a morgue. Am I too optimistic that Lee cuts his arm off and survives in the first chapter of episode 5? :p
  • edited October 2012
    I thought about this too and maybe if you saved ben you could use his blood or if you had been with kenny for the entire game you could get some of his. I feel vernon or a doctor is needed though and medical equipment and im not sure where they would get the stuff.
  • edited October 2012
    Ghositex wrote: »
    Exactly. This will never happen. Episode 5 eill most likely be all about finding clementine, lee knows he's fucked and just wants to get Clemmy safe before he dies. We won't spend a whole week trying to find the equipment to save lee.
    wtf are ye on about??? would this work for an AIDS patient? someone with leukeameia?? ffs lee's fucked end of......
    cormoran wrote: »
    I have a few small issues wth the transfusion idea.

    Who in the current group is qualified to administer such a treatment? (Remember that Vernon has dissapeared)

    With what equipment are they going to administer this treatment with?

    With whose blood are they going to replace Lee's with? (do we even know if anyone in the group has his blood type?)

    How will the above three be accomplished within the day or so it will take Lee to die from the bite?

    See, here are people with their "logic" and "reasoning" shitting on the most brilliant idea in forever. Seriously. But don't listen to them.
  • edited October 2012
    Zeruis wrote: »
    They're in a morgue. Am I too optimistic that Lee cuts his arm off and survives in the first chapter of episode 5? :p

    That would seem right but everyone just yells about the infection spreading fast and its already past his arm. Would have been cool for him to cut off his arm and maybe get a robot(full metal alchemist style :D) or prostetic arm.
  • edited October 2012
    I don't think it's a blood disease - the bloodstream is just a transport to the brain or whatever cells are infected - so it would seem that a transfusion is pointless.

    At this point, it would be a total cop-out if Lee somehow survives, IMHO.
  • edited October 2012
    I agree. The blood isn't what's killing Lee. It just transports the disease to Lee's organs, which is why it kills so fast. Once it's delivered, it doesn't matter if the blood is clean.

    The disease isn't like rot or gangrene that spreads from an area and can be amputated. At least it doesn't seem that way, based on how people seem to grow weak and die with their bodies otherwise intact. It's not like people have parts of their body zombify while they're still alive. Pretty much their arms and legs work up until they die, so the flesh isn't targeted by the disease.

    If the disease gets in the bloodstream, it should be too late. Maybe someone who has their arm attached but the blood cut off before the bite happens could survive by immediate amputation, but that's about it. If the blood is moving normally, there's no way to amputate fast enough.
  • edited October 2012
    Guys I think you are just gonna have to deal with the fact that Lee IS going to die.
  • edited October 2012
    Er...yeah, agreed. This is precisely why blood diseases are so terrifying -- because blood goes everywhere and infects, well, pretty much everything. Transfusions replace lost blood, but they can't cure infection. Scenarios which remove *all* of the blood from a human body -- well, that would kill someone, unless we're entering the realm of some pretty extreme science fiction.
  • edited October 2012
    it could work, but you need proper medical attention with clean tubes, blood type checking, disinfectants, tweezers, stuff :L
  • edited October 2012
    I got a better idea, I'll make a time machine out of a DeLorean and go back into time and save Lee from being bitten. Does anyone have any plutonium?
  • edited October 2012
    I got a better idea, I'll make a time machine out of a DeLorean and go back into time and save Lee from being bitten. Does anyone have any plutonium?

    Actually, I still think there's going to be a Back to the Future crossover.
    Think about it.

    Episode 5 of The Walking Dead is "No Time Left".
    Episode 5 of Back to the Future is "Outatime".

    It's pretty obvious, people.
  • edited October 2012
    IndigoHawk wrote: »
    Actually, I still think there's going to be a Back to the Future crossover.
    Think about it.

    Episode 5 of The Walking Dead is "No Time Left".
    Episode 5 of Back to the Future is "Outatime".

    It's pretty obvious, people.

    i as thinking a Jurassic park and back to the future crossover

  • edited October 2012
    MaKTaiL wrote: »
    The only way I see him surviving this is if someone found him, cut his hand (it would continue to spread the infection otherwise), then make a blood transfusion to clear his body.
    Of course it would require a set number of transfusions to make sure his blood was clear. But it could be possible.
    It would be a perfect way to end this season in my opinion.

    the fuck does this even mean?
    youre going to "clear his body" by taking out the "infected blood"?
    if you believe that, you belong in the 18th century when blood letting was considered an effective treatment for almost everything
    if you bleed any % of blood, the infection will continue to spread

    the theory that letting blood will allow for strong healthy blood to replace it was debunked over 100 years ago
  • edited October 2012
    the fuck does this even mean?
    youre going to "clear his body" by taking out the "infected blood"?
    if you believe that, you belong in the 18th century when blood letting was considered an effective treatment for almost everything
    if you bleed any % of blood, the infection will continue to spread

    the theory that letting blood will allow for strong healthy blood to replace it was debunked over 100 years ago

    No, it will totally work.
  • edited October 2012
    Red Panda wrote: »
    No, it will totally work.

    it will only work with the blood of a virgin born on a Sunday
  • edited October 2012
    it will only work with the blood of a virgin born on a Sunday

    Clem! They'll rescue her and use her blood. Or Ben is an option if you saved him.
  • edited October 2012
    i as thinking a Jurassic park and back to the future crossover


    oh my god

  • edited October 2012
    Does anyone have any plutonium?

    Know any Libyan terrorists?
    it will only work with the blood of a virgin born on a Sunday

  • edited October 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    Know any Libyan terrorists?


    well it's only specific to the virgin born on a Sunday ;) and as said
    Red Panda wrote: »
    Clem! They'll rescue her and use her blood. Or Ben is an option if you saved him.
  • edited October 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    Know any Libyan terrorists?


    lawls! And I said the exact same thing! OMG! We're like two peas in a pod!
  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited October 2012
    Of course!! A blood transfusion in a zombie apocolypse!! You are so intelligent! And then the donor will just become infected instead!!
  • edited October 2012
    All I can think of when I read this tread is the South Park episode where they liquify hundred dollar bills and inject it into themselves to cure AIDS. Maybe that's what they can do to cure the zombie virus! Cause now that society is collapsed it's not like you need all that money for anything else.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm sure Lee, being a Uni professor and all, knows his blood type.

    But seriously, can you guys expect a dipsh*t like Kenny or Ben to know it? Or Omid and Krista?

    Clementine, probably not.

    With the doctor guy gone doing some really mysterious/suspicious stuff, I'm not even sure who we'd have to perform one.

    As long as we're having this convo, how many people here know their blood type?
  • edited October 2012
    I'd rather become a Zombie than HIV patient
  • edited October 2012
    I got a better idea, I'll make a time machine out of a DeLorean and go back into time and save Lee from being bitten. Does anyone have any plutonium?

    No but ttg have the Back to the Future rights to make it happen so they may have what you need, cross over anyone?
  • edited October 2012
    IRL it's possible to cure zombie bite FUCKING EASILY but this is a game lol. We are in the 21th century!
  • edited October 2012
    Gennadios wrote: »
    I'm sure Lee, being a Uni professor and all, knows his blood type.

    But seriously, can you guys expect a dipsh*t like Kenny or Ben to know it? Or Omid and Krista?

    Clementine, probably not.

    With the doctor guy gone doing some really mysterious/suspicious stuff, I'm not even sure who we'd have to perform one.

    As long as we're having this convo, how many people here know their blood type?

    I was reading about blood and how it worked just yesterday. I'll explain how blood works, just because of reasons.
    Blood cells can have different *marks*, this marks are called A, B, AB and O. There is also a Rh factor, which can be positive (existent) or negative (non-existent). A marker's function is, basically, telling our body to create antibodies which will eliminate blood with the opposite marker, it works like this:
    A - The body will produce antibodies B.
    B - The body will produce antibodies A.
    AB - The body will produce no antibodies at all.
    O - The body will produce both A and B antibodies.
    Now, to get a blood transfusion, you mist make sure that your blood won't destroy the blood that enters your body, you got to get the blood of your type in order to get a transfusion.
    A- - will just take A- blood.
    B- - will just take B- blood.
    AB- - will take A-, B- and AB- blood.
    A+ - will just take A(-/+) blood.
    B+ - will just take B(-/+) blood.
    O+ - will just take O(-/+) blood.
    Finally, we got two more groups, O- and AB+.
    O- - Every other group will take it, but it just takes blood of its same group.
    AB+ - No other group will take it, but it takes all other blood groups.

    Well... Huge wall of text is huge. I just wanted to say that a blood transfusion wouldn't be something easy to do. First of all, you need the medical equipment, and then, the appropriate Donor with the appropiate Blood group. I doubt someone I our Group knows their blood group, anyway... And yes, I know my blood type, it's O+ .^.
  • edited October 2012
    Jue wrote: »
    I suddenly realized the only way available to save Lee's life,if you have watched Tv series "The Falling Skies",then you know what I'm going to talk about.

    First,according to Survival Guide the reason why people turn into zombies is infection of zombie Virus

    Next,therefore we need to kill every single zombie virus in Lee's body,but how?

    Third,any kind of virus will die when entering an intense environment,like high temperature or pressure

    Fourth,let's just pump Lee's blood into a heat mechanism so as to kill all the virus

    Fifth,processed blood is too hot to reenter body,so a cooler mechanism is needed to let the blood back to human's normal temperature

    Sixth,pump back these blood

    Seventh,as zombie virus can't be killed at one time,the procedure need to be repeated 3-5 times

    Last,hopefully this will work!!

    MY GOD, you've figured it out. It's not like you need a doctor or anything. Or to find the machinery. Or luck out and assume that your contraption actually works. Or power to run the machinery. Or blood compatible with Lee's. Or to do all this in less than a day. I'm glad you saved Lee!!!
  • edited October 2012
    MaKTaiL wrote: »
    So, I was thinking about this the other night.


    Lee did not cut his hand right after being bitten, so the infection must have spread to his entire body already.
    The only way I see him surviving this is if someone found him, cut his hand (it would continue to spread the infection otherwise), then make a blood transfusion to clear his body.
    Of course it would require a set number of transfusions to make sure his blood was clear. But it could be possible.
    It would be a perfect way to end this season in my opinion.

    What do you guys think about this? Finally a way to save Lee?
    I don't see Telltale doing this though, too late for new ideas. :(
    If I only new he was going to get bitten before the game was released. Hahahahaha.

    No, blood transfusions can't cure an infection. Even if your theory was possible, they wouldn't have a way to type and crossmatch the donor blood for compatability, so he'd probably die during the transfusion, and they likely wouldn't have enough blood to replace all of his blood (and even if they did, you can't siphon off all of someone's blood to replace it without killing them), so whatever blood was already in his body would simply contaminate the new blood you gave him. If they had read the comics, then they might try chopping his forearm off, but it's probably to late for that now.
  • edited October 2012
    MY GOD, you've figured it out. It's not like you need a doctor or anything. Or to find the machinery. Or luck out and assume that your contraption actually works. Or power to run the machinery. Or blood compatible with Lee's. Or to do all this in less than a day. I'm glad you saved Lee!!!

    LOL, don't hold back or anything, you wouldn't want him to miss the point you're trying to make ;)
  • edited October 2012
    LOL, don't hold back or anything, you wouldn't want him to miss the point you're trying to make ;)

    I find that being blunt is effective. Just wanted to make sure he understood the odds of all that stuff happening :D
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