Molly episode Five, and Season 2
People have been talking about Molly way to much
talking bout how she'll be in episode 5 and the season 2 character but i doubt it. The would basically have to make two molly story's since some people shot molly or missed the zombie there has to be an altered story for them. Not saying molly isn't cool but i doubt she'll be the season 2 character. Me i wanna be the "campman" if we don't really learn allot about his personality

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That... makes sense.
i wanted him, but his magic takes him were he is needed. Its a complaint tread
magic? where is this coming from? did i miss something?
Chuck is a magical hobo giving you advice and tips then flys away
I imagine Chuck in the sewers Resurrecting from his doom as a new man saving Clem (again) from that Radio Bastard
why cause she kicked your ass back at shore
Ep. 3 "if something were to happen to YOU" Lee says "IT WONT"
Chuck says "IF it WERE"
he's a magical hobo who jinxed Lee
ITS the suspicion in his voice
No she didn't.
well its concluded
Have you ever noticed, within rare circumstances that aren't just skimming on the top of Politically Incorrect, and not deep into Political Incorrectness you never get to play as the dirge of society in the Zombie Apocalypse? Even though Lee is an accused murderer he still has had a decent job, well educated person that slipped off the deep end and did something terrible but still had decency and humanity even before the Apocalypse.
I have been reading murmurs of Molly being a possible protagonist for Season II. I truly hope not; it would be a missed opportunity narrative wise by TellTale.
I believe TT should be pushing the boundaries. I would love to see the dark side of the apocalypse. An abuser, violent, a bandit, the unconscionable.
I would love the star of Season 2 to be a hulking slobbish overweight semi-literate career sex offender, that basically manages to escape in the chaos of a prison where he was serving his third strike for molesting multiple children, and knowingly killed one to dispose of evidence.
The angle here is that on his escape he would go to a nursing home and find his lone living relative his elderly wheel chair bound Grand-Mother. Who he is the only living sole he is usually nice to and is taking care of her.
In this tale he would obviously come into contact with other survivors and he would choose to be continuous in his murderous, predatory ways now that the law is virtually extinct or truly find his humanity, with some really tough, violent and nasty scenarios for the player to choose to exploit brutally, semi-violently or not based on the context of the situation that test this monsters urges.
If they play it right the first downloadable game to get an AO rating.
if i was that much of a bad guy i wouldn't care for him or turn him good or just be a lame bad guy depending on what choices they gave you, being a bad guy is my alternate choice never my cannon play through
On second though the amount of choices and nature of such a script would be out of TellTales grasp, they are too nice a group of guys, can't see them tapping into a pure evil psyche and putting it on paper.
I would love to see what happens to her and how she gets to Woodbury ("Road to Woodbury" should burn in hell
Still Episode 5 maybe
In a way isn't that kind of like The Doctor? (from Doctor Who)
She can't die in episode 4, not sure who keeps telling people that.
Gary Whitta says she gets shot or left behind in a bad situation but shes never dies
lol i would die laughing if at the end of TWD the Dr. pops up out of no where and announces "dont worry im the Dr.!" as he emerges from the tardis. would be the best ending of a horror story iv ever seen.
This is why they should have just made ONE big game.
One with muiltiple outcomes and endings.
So you could choose to be a bandit, or a Good cunt.
Play the game how you want to play it.
Why would Telltale cater to such a small market and ignore the majority of their existing fanbase?
is idea is kind of creepy