The Reason the Hide/Show Bite ratio is skewed.
Telltale's aim for the Walking Dead was to allow players of varying personalities, or even those with personality disorders to make hard decisions based on their own moral compass. In some situations this succeeds, in others it falls apart. The areas where it would fall apart is mostly due to the writing being sub-par in some areas.
For instance the reason the most players show the bite to the group, is because in the narrative and thematically we have no one in the group that we fear or out right dislikes due to their personality inducing strong feelings of hate. Behind hate is sometimes fear.
When you are young and you do something you know you weren't supposed to, or break something. As a child you fear the repercussions of your actions in that given situation.
For instance you may try to hide the broken glass. Or outright lie.
If there was one or more personality in the group that made the player wholly distrustful, these individuals were borderline despicable human beings that they could sway the "in-group" opinion to violence. To "out-group" Lee/The Player.
Ones you know that would threaten with bodily harm, cast Lee outward callously and that person or person(s) holds some power with the others within the group; by that very dynamic it could change politics and seeing as most people fear being on the "out-group" of tribalism the player would hide the bite if the threat seemed tangible.
If the writers want to know why that statistic is puzzling they need to look at each other and realise where the writing failed them, understand and aim for more.
I chose and many other players showed the bite, because the group of people were decent and there was no threat to Lee. Psychologically that is what triggered such a monumental shift into being honest.
For instance the reason the most players show the bite to the group, is because in the narrative and thematically we have no one in the group that we fear or out right dislikes due to their personality inducing strong feelings of hate. Behind hate is sometimes fear.
When you are young and you do something you know you weren't supposed to, or break something. As a child you fear the repercussions of your actions in that given situation.
For instance you may try to hide the broken glass. Or outright lie.
If there was one or more personality in the group that made the player wholly distrustful, these individuals were borderline despicable human beings that they could sway the "in-group" opinion to violence. To "out-group" Lee/The Player.
Ones you know that would threaten with bodily harm, cast Lee outward callously and that person or person(s) holds some power with the others within the group; by that very dynamic it could change politics and seeing as most people fear being on the "out-group" of tribalism the player would hide the bite if the threat seemed tangible.
If the writers want to know why that statistic is puzzling they need to look at each other and realise where the writing failed them, understand and aim for more.
I chose and many other players showed the bite, because the group of people were decent and there was no threat to Lee. Psychologically that is what triggered such a monumental shift into being honest.
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oooo Boy
The only reason i thought about not showing it was because i didn't want it to become their problem. I like Omid and Christa and i did not want them to feel sorry for me. Also, they might get the chance to tell Clem before i do, and the news about my bite should come from me.
once Clem is safe, thats the time to tell them
if you were planning to go alone, even before you knew if that would be an option (like me), then theres no point in worrying anyone about it
it's like you're searching for clem (not showing bite example)with everyone in the group
Then all the sudden you're biting Kenny's neck off.
its better so they know and not think you're okay.
Gimme a fortune
As for someone you wouldn't want to show, I'd vote for Kenny if you sided against him. At the very least I'd want to be wary of flying salt licks. In a pinch I don't wholly trust Ben not to try something aswell.
Well, usually "that guy" who hides his bite does it because he wants to believe he's ok, right?If you hide the bite because you don't want them to kill you BEFORE finding Clem, I'd see that as acceptable as long as you go ALONE.
And I sided with Kenny the whole way through, and I was scared he'd try something too. Glad I showed the bite in the end though, and got his awesome "bros 4 life" speech.
mmm maybe many people who doesn´t have english as primary language and didn´t learn very well yet, just like me? You think all is about proper english? In my primary language I have perfect grammar, I do my best with english with my current knowledge...
Nice try, french fry.
Not sure what you're trying to prove, but I think you've failed.
Thanks for sharing.
People could be reasonably afraid that if they showed Kenny the bite, he would bash in Lee's skull with the nearest heavy object ... but Kenny wasn't aggressive in that scene. Imagine the scene differently. Lee is lying on the ground after fighting the zombie. Kenny walks over, maybe with a brick in his hand, and stands over Lee. He asks, "Everything ok, Lee?" ... and the camera focus on the brick. People, even Kenny bros, might wonder if he's going to bash in their head, just like Larry, so maybe they lie. (Of course, bro Kenny was just asking about whether there's a zombie that needs its skull bashed, so the player is just being paranoid ... right?)
Christa's and Omid's characters were messed up in Episode 4. In 3, they didn't trust anyone and survived so long by being on their own. In 4, they're just part of the group, and Christa is happy as long as someone is getting meds. They both like Clem, so they're not going to freak out and refuse to help Clem if Lee shows them the bite. It would have been better if those two had more tension with the group and abandoned the group if Lee reveals the bite. Even worse, maybe they would steal the boat, so suddenly there's the question of what to do with people who won't come to look with Clem.
On the other hand, maybe that scene wasn't so bad. Showing the bite to people shows how people have come to grips with how terrible the world is. Seeing a death sentence on Lee barely registered with people. They either decided to help find Clem or not, as there's really no point worrying about Lee's bite until it becomes a problem.
Looking back on it now, I wish that I had of showed the bite
i sort of agree i almost changed my mind and showed them because the tension of the decision was gone after i choose the first time, but i don't like to change my mind so i didn't.
who here did hide the bite then changed their minds after they gave you a second chance to show it?
In my main save, Ben is gone, I dont think Omid is up for the stress yet & Christa is too unpredictable to trust on this one. And since the boat isnt in the water yet & Kenny seems to havr my back totally, & shares my mindset insofar as Clem goes, I think I made the right call. It remains to be seen though.
For the grammar police, I dont grammar & spellcheck from my phone so go have a doughnut and can it.
Also, after returning to the morgue and seeing that that crew had moved out I felt better about leaving Omid and Christa behind. I think they'll protect the boat, and I also think Christa wont leave without Clem if she thinks Clem's still alive.