If they cut off Hershel's leg in the comics/TV show, why not Lee's arm?

You can chalk it up to just simply being a different group of people, and I guess it has been less time than the chronology from the TV show/comics (what I estimate as 4 months as compared to 10 months with Rick & Co.), but I feel like having Lee die is kind of a cop out when they could just sever his arm the way they did with Hershel's leg and later Rick's arm in the comics. Granted, it makes for a much more emotionally impactful story, but given what we know about the Walking Dead universe, Lee could live yet.


  • edited October 2012
    I bet they could do that, but like Ben said, "I've got a bad feeling about this."
  • edited October 2012
    all i see there is a black rick... you know? TWD already made their main character without a hand. it would seems pretty lazy to just do it with Lee
  • edited October 2012
    Because Lee's arm is HOLY CRAP, SPOILER!
  • edited October 2012
    I think it's because for one, they don't know of that possibility and probably wouldn't want to risk it. Also his main priority is finding Clem, having his arm cut off and healed, along with the chance of dying, would take too much time; he doesn't know where Clementine is, and he doesn't want to waste a second.

    Secondly, if they were to think of that possibility now, that they could cut his arm off, it's probably too far now. The infection has spread to much into his bloodstream that it's impossible to stop now.
  • edited October 2012
    In the comics they didn't cut of herschel's leg. It was Dale's, crazy old bastard. Gave him a nice peg to.

    In the game there were no bite victims (no limbs). It's a big risk cutting of an arm. There is no one with medical experience. Hè could die of infection.
  • edited October 2012
    Vernon could always come back and fix Lee up if they had to cut off his arm.
  • edited October 2012
    Makamba wrote: »
    In the comics they didn't cut of herschel's leg. It was Dale's, crazy old bastard. Gave him a nice peg to.

    In the game there were no bite victims (no limbs). It's a big risk cutting of an arm. There is no one with medical experience. Hè could die of infection.
    That's completely my bad, Makamba. Thanks for the correction. I remembered the peg, and after watching tonight's episode I was reminded of that! Completely agree that with this group's experiences, they may simply not have discovered that severing a limb is an option to stop the infection, as well as the fact that Lee's first priority is finding Clem as opposed to healing himself.

    Either way, can't wait for the conclusion. And I'll pull a reverse TWD-forum-troll by demanding more Monkey Island!! Love me some Guybrush (and for that matter, Laura Bow -- LONG LIVE ADVENTURE GAMING).
  • edited October 2012
    I don't understand why they cut off anything. They said they are all infected already and when they die they will come back. The show doesn't make sense.
  • edited October 2012
    Because zombie bites are lethal if the infection spreads.
  • edited October 2012
    Because zombie bites are lethal if the infection spreads.

    yeah , think of a zombie bite as an instant gangrene, it needs to be removed or it will kill you
  • edited October 2012
    I don't understand why they cut off anything. They said they are all infected already and when they die they will come back. The show doesn't make sense.

    You don't come back unless you die. You die from a bite.
  • edited October 2012
    Thanks for the comic spoiler. I didn't think I had to worry about those here.
  • edited October 2012
    Rick acted fucking immediately, he grabbed that axe and went chopping like there was no tomorrow. Lee missed out on that oppontunity when they decided to run through the sewers to find Clem. I wouldn't want to see that anyways, he will need that hand to save Clem.
    Thanks for the comic spoiler. I didn't think I had to worry about those here.

    Same, I've had almost the entire comic spoiled for me on these forums.
  • edited October 2012
    To be fair, most of the time we're talking about comics that are four or five years old now. There's a statute of limitations on spoilers and I think four or five years is long enough.
  • edited October 2012
    i ended up buying the first compendium because i couldn't help but see some spoilers
  • edited October 2012
    Well, its a matter of timing and even then its not guaranteed to work. Its been done several times in the comic but its only worked once.
  • edited October 2012
    IIRC, the other times amputation failed it was because of blood loss.
  • edited October 2012
    What your saying is the zombies carry 2 kinds of disease, one that everyone is already infected with and a second that is spread through bites and scratches?

    Otherwise it still doesn't make sense that a bite would cause death unless like any other bite it lead to death through bleeding.

    Seems a bit stupid to me.
  • edited October 2012
    Look at the teaser image for episode five in the game.
    It's Clementine looking at a disembodied arm in shock.
    Getting it cut off is exactly what happens.
  • edited October 2012
    To be fair, most of the time we're talking about comics that are four or five years old now. There's a statute of limitations on spoilers and I think four or five years is long enough.

    Good for you. It's still inconsiderate to spoil events/etc from one form of media in a forum dedicated to another form of media. Even if they take place in the same setting.
  • edited October 2012
    Possibly it would overcomplicate the story (blood loss, hospital equipment, etc.)
  • edited October 2012
    What your saying is the zombies carry 2 kinds of disease, one that everyone is already infected with and a second that is spread through bites and scratches?

    Otherwise it still doesn't make sense that a bite would cause death unless like any other bite it lead to death through bleeding.

    Seems a bit stupid to me.

    Here is what Jake said about this topic:

    "Dying is what turns you into a zombie. It doesn't matter what you die from... as long as your brain is physically intact when you die, you will come back. So, if something kills you, you will come back.

    A zombie bite kills you. You get sick from the infection, it wears your body down and you die. If something kills you, you will come back. A zombie bite kills you, therefore you come back.

    One isn't a direct cause of the other ("A zombie bite turns you into a zombie,") but the first half -- the bite -- becomes the cause of the second half -- death, at which point you turn."

    Hope this helps.
  • edited October 2012
    Kiel555 wrote: »
    Here is what Jake said about this topic:

    "Dying is what turns you into a zombie. It doesn't matter what you die from... as long as your brain is physically intact when you die, you will come back. So, if something kills you, you will come back.

    A zombie bite kills you. You get sick from the infection, it wears your body down and you die. If something kills you, you will come back. A zombie bite kills you, therefore you come back.

    One isn't a direct cause of the other ("A zombie bite turns you into a zombie,") but the first half -- the bite -- becomes the cause of the second half -- death, at which point you turn."

    Hope this helps.
    the brain is what forces you to come back if you don't destroy it
  • edited October 2012
    To be fair, most of the time we're talking about comics that are four or five years old now. There's a statute of limitations on spoilers and I think four or five years is long enough.

    That's true, but the TV show is based on the comic, so comic spoilers may apply to that.
  • edited October 2012
    Kiel555 wrote: »
    Here is what Jake said about this topic:

    "Dying is what turns you into a zombie. It doesn't matter what you die from... as long as your brain is physically intact when you die, you will come back. So, if something kills you, you will come back.

    A zombie bite kills you. You get sick from the infection, it wears your body down and you die. If something kills you, you will come back. A zombie bite kills you, therefore you come back.

    One isn't a direct cause of the other ("A zombie bite turns you into a zombie,") but the first half -- the bite -- becomes the cause of the second half -- death, at which point you turn."

    Hope this helps.

    So some sort of bactine on the bite would be all thats required to stop the infection? Or are you still saying a zombie bite will get infected in a way that cleaning and dressing the wound which takes care of all other infections will not work for some magical reason on zombie bites or scratches (which are not the zombie infection).

    It doesn't make any sense.
  • edited October 2012
    So some sort of bactine on the bite would be all thats required to stop the infection? Or are you still saying a zombie bite will get infected in a way that cleaning and dressing the wound which takes care of all other infections will not work for some magical reason on zombie bites or scratches (which are not the zombie infection).

    It doesn't make any sense.

    I don't know. Moreover, I don't think anyone has tried any medical treatment of a walker bite lately. I'm sure during the initial outbreak the medical community and the bite victim all died rapidly in the initial stages of the outbreak. If they found a way to treat the infection from a walker bite that knowledge died with them.

    I've not read the comics, however in reading the posts regarding bites it appears the standard field treatment of a bite is amputation of the limb that got bit. I'm sure in the comics that plenty of people got bit and then later died from the infection just like Duck. But did they receive and medical treatment is the question.

    I know amputation is how Rick would treat a walker bite as seen in the TV show. Would this be Vernon's first choice as well with Lee? It would be interesting to see what he would have done if he was still in the morgue, is one of the few surviving doctors used to treating stubborn things like cancer, and just scored a bunch of medicine from Crawford.
  • edited October 2012
    They didnt know amputation could save you from the bite.
  • edited October 2012
    To be fair, most of the time we're talking about comics that are four or five years old now. There's a statute of limitations on spoilers and I think four or five years is long enough.

    To be fair, a lot of people are new to TWD thanks to the game doing so well. That means they are just beginning the process of reading the comics, or watching the show. Old or not, tons of people are just now getting into the comics (and show which kinda follows them) but we aren't going to enjoy them as much if every little thing is spoiled in completely random threads. :(
  • edited October 2012
    Just for the record... Hershel does not get his leg amputated in the comics.
  • edited October 2012
    I assume they didn't cut Lee's arm because they want him to die

    If we're looking for reasons story wise...
    Lee chopped off that guy's leg on ep2, although it was just to free him not because he was bitten, and he died.

    Maybe he didn't want to risk dying faster from blood loss, or having 1 less capable hand/not being able to help at this point that he needs to find Clementine. But the idea probably didn't crossed his mind because of Clem.

    And If he had chopped it off there would be no doctor to fix him since Vernon
    is gone as we see plus Lee thinks he's the one that took her anyway.
  • edited October 2012
    So some sort of bactine on the bite would be all thats required to stop the infection? Or are you still saying a zombie bite will get infected in a way that cleaning and dressing the wound which takes care of all other infections will not work for some magical reason on zombie bites or scratches (which are not the zombie infection).

    It doesn't make any sense.

    Actually if you think about it, imagine how filthy and disgusting walking corpses must be. Now even getting a little dirt in a open scratch can cause a infection, sometimes a fever or a flu even. However if it's a rotting corpse with no immune system, obviously filled with bacteria and diseases, it's essentially transferring all of that filthiness straight into your blood stream, which will cause a huge infection within your body, one it's unable to fight off (for obvious reasons), and eventually, leading to said persons death.
  • edited October 2012
    I think it would be interesting to make Lee a nice parallel of Rick if he got his arm cut of. That way, both men have a serious disability while surviving and taking care of a child.
  • edited October 2012
    Zeruis wrote: »
    I think it would be interesting to make Lee a nice parallel of Rick if he got his arm cut of. That way, both men have a serious disability while surviving and taking care of a child.

    Might make it a bit too similar to the comics, but I'd like to see Lee survive :D
  • edited October 2012
    I don't think this group has knowledge of the amputation possibility yet for one and for two it has to be almost immediate or it won't work. Previous posters are correct, amputation is not a guarantee of survival.
This discussion has been closed.