Gennadios wrote: » Was anyone else half expecting Kenny to show up with a salt lick while Lori was giving CPR in the latest episode?
Rock114 wrote: » I like the way she decided to give a dying man mouth to mouth in the ZA. How did she survive this far, again?
Phoenix VII wrote: » I'm familiar with the comics up to this arc so there was no suspense for me.:( Otherwise, I would've been certain that Lori was going to lose her jaw.
Viner16 wrote: » But in the comics Allen gets bitten and he dies. Hershel doesn't get bit in the comics whatsoever.
tragictwist wrote: » Hershel was actually supposed to be the one bitten, but RK felt bad and made it happen to Allen instead. :P
Good Call LOL I even said "Lucky Kenny isnt there"!
She married up - at least in ways relevant to the ZA
On her back, apparently.
But in the comics Allen gets bitten and he dies. Hershel doesn't get bit in the comics whatsoever.
Hershel was actually supposed to be the one bitten, but RK felt bad and made it happen to Allen instead. :P
So technically Hershel would've died if TV series followed Comics, but it doesn't
My thoughts exactly. Freaking stupid bad word that I don't use.