same and max season 1

edited October 2007 in Sam & Max
I have seen sam and max season 1 for £20 i played the demo for culture shock and thought i was good but i know the first season has 6 cases but is it one very long does it have gud reply value



  • edited October 2007
    The whole season will probably take you around 8 hours (someone correct me if I'm wrong) Edit: Ignore this -- I have no idea why I said 8 hours! :D. It doesn't have any instant replay value, except for replaying the games half a year later.
  • edited October 2007
    Some people go back and replay each game to find all the little jokes that they missed, but once you've solved the puzzles there's not a whole lot of incentive to go back and do it again. It's still a bargain, though. I think Guybrush's estimate is a little low, but it depends on how good you are at adventure games, and whether you plow through the puzzles or take your time examining everything and talking to everyone.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    I generally tell people that each episode averages to around 3 hours. Obviously it will be less if you just try to plow straight through and solve the puzzles, but I imagine that most people playing these games like to explore the dialog a bit. So its around 18 hours of gameplay, which is a pretty good deal on a straight hours to dollars ratio.

    As for replay value, again it depends on how much you like to find little hidden dialog. I've probably played Season 1 more than just about anyone, and I still find little tidbits that I missed.
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