PS3. I got the first 2 on Playstation Plus for free, and I loved it and ended up buying the other 2 episodes on the release dates, and I plan on doing the same for 5. I think my computer can run it fine, but I got it after I got it on ps3
I got it on PC originally (mostly because I like it when TT sends me the box for free at the end) but I've found myself playing it on the PS3 instead because I like using the controller and watching it on the big screen.
What does this haf to do with The Walking Dead?
Just curious cause I haven't seen a post like this.
ohh i get it now
For other games? The 360.
i like it everywhere xD
So everybody who have a PC have a laptop and a 17" screen?
I have 22" screen and 1080p PC, not laptop, and it´s totally enough for me.
so I bought it for my Xbox 360.
I'm pretty certain he means his only computer is a laptop with a 17" screen.
Me, I play on a PC. One I can happily connect up to my TV.
No I was stating that I view it better watching it on MY 37" TV over MY 17" Laptop screen