Plot twist idea! main character for season 2!
This is just an idea I have. what if you play as the walkie talkie guy in season 2? Maybe he doesnt turn out to be to bad (a little obsessive) and you take control of him after season 1. Maybe Lee leaves Clem with him because everyone else is dead. Or he kills Lee and you play from there. Its crazy, but it would be..... interesting.
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I conquer.
I wouldn't bother buying season 2 if they did that. I have no interest in playing a game with a protagonist who has no qualities that I like and has done bad things to the season 1 protagonists.
I wouldn't find it interesting at all, I have no interest in learning about that characters story beyond how Lee is going to deal with him. Even if he does turn out to be "good" I still have little interest in a character who would kidnap a child to get what he wants. His ends, whatever they are, don't justify those means.
veni, vidi, vici?
he wont, hes gonna die and go join his family. Kenny will probally die a heroic death with a good sacrifice to save the rest.
If that happens I might just cry a little. He's my best friend in my main save.
As for walkie-guy being the season 2 protagonist, I find it would be somewhat hard to play as a man with a bullet in his head. Unless of course, he was a Courier before the ZA.
Won't happen, at least 50% of people hate him. Whoever it is next season has to start with a blank slate, unless it's Lee.
Though, I haven't read all of the comic series, so maybe that would cross paths too roughly with the canon.